February Salamander and Business Meeting Minutes
Posted on March 2, 2016 By Chronicler
Please note the change in day and location for the next business meeting.
Next Business Meeting will be on Tuesday March 8th, 2016, at Stage One, 101 Plush Mill Rd, Wallingford, PA 19086.
February Salamander 2016
Officer Reports for February
Coronet Report
Greetings to the Barony, Bailiwick. Canton and all others who read these words!
This month, Mistress Alesone was inducted as a member of the Order of the Laurel at East Kingdom 12th Night. Vivat, and well-deserved! We’ve been saying that the Barony is rich in Arts and Sciences talent and expertise, and Alesone’s knowledge of period confections – among many, many other things – has been and will be a great asset to the Barony, Kingdom and Society.
The first run of the “Tavern at the sign of the Cross and Crescent” was a wonderful, laid-back event this past weekend. The event will have its own report, but it was popular, the kitchen kept delivering delicious dishes, there was music, singing and gaming and, generally, a lot of socializing. We’ve already received a dozen or so requests to do it again next year, so we’ll be looking to encourage bids for something in the same vein. Thank you to all who made the event happen; not just the staff but all attendees, too, as that’s what the event was all about
Arts and Science activities have been benefiting from a few good weeks laid out – and more upcoming – with the Honorable Lord Muin offering sandcasting classes and a few sessions where folks gathered to make glass beads, while in the Canton, Lady Eleanora has been hosting project nights on Thursdays. Keep an eye on the email lists, websites and other avenues to know what else is coming up.
Pennsic is looming!…well, it’s still half a year out, but as you all know, half a year is no time at all once it runs away from you. So, get ready for announcements, meetings and general planning for Pennsic. Maybe even later this meeting… It’s never too soon to start planning, and registration is open. Remember that anyone camping with the Barony has to talk to the campmaster *and* meet all requirements (filling out forms, paying camp fees, etc.) before registering on the Pennsic website. More to come…
In Service to the Barony, Kingdom and Society,
Mael Eoin and Ysmay
Baron and Baroness
The Seneschal quarterly report to Kingdom was filed on time.
Due to a delay in notifying the Barony, the Bylaws amendment proposals are being delayed. New schedule: Bylaws amendment proposals will be reviewed for wording at the March meeting, and if approved will be formally polled at the April meeting.
The Council of the Exchequer met on Monday, February 1 to continue our reviewing and proposing new financial policies for the Barony. We reviewed all the previous documents and discussed many items. We are now in the process of preparing the final drafts for review and approval by the Committee. After that point we will present them to the Barony for discussion and approval.
We are presenting one item for approval to the barony tonight which we have discussed at earlier meetings but not formally adopted. This is a mandatory policy required by East Kingdom to accommodate international travelers who wish to pre-register for events.
We will accept an unpaid pre-registration from an international traveler (s) if a credit card solution is not available for an event or if the traveler is unable to use a credit card. Registration must be paid in US currency at the gate.
We have an open position on the Council due to Lady Triona’s term having expired. Terms are 3 years from election except for the 3 required positions: Seneschal, Exchequer, Baron/ess. There are 7 positions. Current members on the Council and their expiration dates are:
Baroness Judith the Confused October 2016
Lady Zhelana Tomeslavista November 2016
Master Rowen Cloteworthy May 2017
We will be having additional meetings at my house which are open to the populace at large. Announcements will be sent to the Bhakail listserv with pertinent information.
The Council had 4 expense requests submitted for review:
Banner poles for the banner stands previously purchased. Amount $59.15. Approved.
The stoneware pitchers request was revisited. The Council of the Exchequer agreed that these pitchers would add a more medieval-looking and lovely ambiance to the dayboard/feast tables, but they felt that these pitchers would be too easily broken/chipped, and too heavy for easily using and transporting them, so they did not recommend this expenditure.
Damiana requested reimbursement for 2 receipts books (barony and canton) to provide better accounting control of receipts for cash or checks collected for events or at meetings. This would eliminate double payments by cash (happened at Yule) and provide a record for the canton of all the funds received at weekly meetings. Additionally, this will provide a written record for those donors who will pay over a period of time and want at year’s end a Donation Acknowledgement provided for tax purposes. Cost $26.69.
Also requested Checks reorder: usually about $38. This will be charged directly to the bank account.
I apologize for the delay on the fancy version of the Salamander. I am hoping to have this published before the end of February.
I am seeking a deputy chronicler.
Lady Lianor de Matos
The historian is still going through recently collected materials, and working on updating the in memoriam pages.
Salamander Pursuivant
Ása in svarta, a friend of the Barony, has had her badge “(Fieldless)
A bib-apron azure.” accepted by Laurel on the November 2015 Letter of
Acceptances and Returns (LoAR) with the comment, “This is the defining
instance of a bib-apron. It was documented as a period artifact, as
seen in Jost Amman’s Book of Trades, 1568. For purpose of conflict
checking, it does not have a DC from a waist-apron.”
Brunissende Dragonette has had her badge “Argent estencelly azure, a
chalice gules.” accepted on the November 2015 LoAR with the comment,
“Please advise the submitter to draw the sparks as groupings of
roundels one and two, not two and one. This item was decided by
Several badges have been approved for the various East Kingdom
champions. Those interested can read the November 2015 LoAR here –
Ayleth le Frye’s name is on the January 2016 Kingdom Internal Letter
of Intent (ILoI). A final decision by Laurel Sovereign of Arms should
be available in 8-9 months.
Þorsteinn Hroðbjartsson’s name and device, “Per pale azure and argent,
a fox and a seal combattant counterchanged, on a chief Or five hop
cones inverted vert.” are on the January 2016 ILoI. Again, 8-9 months
until a final decision.
New submissions have been filled out for Baron Mael Eoin mac Echuid
and should appear on the February 2016 ILoI.
Anyone interested in heraldry or in helping produce scrolls for Their
Excellencies’ Courts should contact me at
herald@bhakail.eastkingdom.org. Thanks!
– Rowen Salamander
Knight Marshal
Still continuing to attempt to get new blood out.
Helped new member Gregg get his armor riveted and ready for use this week.
We should have quite a showing at this month’s regional, as the King and his entourage are said to be coming.
I have started the slow process of going through all the loaner gear that has been given to me and make it usable again.
Birka was a blast!
Minister of Arts and Sciences
We have lots of amazing workshops and classes happening! Thanks to all our local and guest teachers, and all the enthusiastic attendees.
I will host an open bardic circle this month; all are welcome, and I’d particularly like to offer the opportunity for those who’d like some practice and/or feedback prior to K&Q Bardic. My preferred date right now is Wed., Feb. 24, if that works for most people. If you enjoyed the singing at the Cross & Crescent and would like to do more, now is a great time to get started!
Discussions are continuing with Piffaro re. potential SCAdian involvement with their March concert. Please note that this is NOT an SCA demo; they are looking for a small number of performers in specific roles. Shannon (their Executive Director) and I both think this may lead to more opportunities down the road.
Minister of the Lists
Greetings to the Barony
I trust everyone has tunneled out of the snow and is looking towards the renewal of Spring. It is time to ready yourselves for the outdoor fighting season by sharpening your weapons and checking your authorization cards. Please let me know if I can be of service.
Mistress Judith the Confused
MOL, Barony of Bhakail
Chatelaine Report
I sent in the quarterly report. I still sending out emails for newcomer requests, etc. We had one newcomer at the Tavern Event. We also had a new person attend the Regional Fighter practice. He is an SCA member who moved to Philadelphia recently.
– Violet Coleson
Rapier Marshal
Rapier practice continued to be held at Mayfair Presbyterian Church in Northeast Philadelphia. Attendance was moderate. At least one week was lost due to parking issues post-stowstorm.
Don Melchior
We have stuff. There may soon be a review especially of the kitchen things that the Barony owns.
Chancellor Minor
There were no youth activities in January.
If you are planning an event and want to have youth activities please email me at youth@bhakail.easkingdom.org.
I am currently seeking a deputy, if you are interested please contact me at youth@bhakail.eastkingdom.org.
In service to the Barony,
Lady Alesia de Maris
Chancellor Minor of Bhakail
Web Minister
There will soon be requests for feedback on the new version of the website.
The harshest of months, the Wolf’s Month, January, has settled over the Canton.
And along with the Canton’s usual monthly deaths from Ginger Lung, and Filker’s Foot, the Fates felt they must add to those an unprecedented number of Deaths by Birka Bowel, Cashew Nostril, and the ever dreaded Fighters’ Kidney.
The Welsh, sensing weakness, called upon their longtime allies, the Mongols…who have thus far proven completely ineffective, as the Canton has no Great Wall. Feeling uncomfortably agoraphobic without a Wall to attack, the Mongol Horde has circled the Canton relentlessly, in the hopes of goading the members of the Canton to acts of heroic masonry.
The Canton has fought back hard with mass acts of Arts and Sciences classes. When further threatened, the usual character of the Canton showed itself with a shrug, and an afternoon of cooking…for those not yet succumbed to our usual ailments.
Agenda and Upcoming Events
May 14th 2016 – possible Baronial Bardic Championship and possible Court of Love.
Call for Bids – note that bids can be workshopped after being presented:
Champions/Commons 2016 – preferred by September 2015 meeting; still needed.
Champions/Commons 2017 – preferred by September 2016 meeting.
Yule 2017 preferred at or before September 2016 meeting.
Any new event idea is welcome and does not require a competing bid.
Committee and Event Reports
Baronial Council – Sayyidda Jamilia al-Suba al-Hadid min Bhakail
Baronial Council meeting tentatively scheduled for Wednesday March 16th at the Mayfair church, in order to include the fencers. Meeting will include a review of What Bhakail Should Be and Do which was started last time. One of the topics that didn’t get well covered last time was making events more family-accessible. Also, we’re very much looking forward to having extra input from the fencers.
Council of the Exchequer – Doña Damiana Almódovar (see exchequer report and included spreadsheet)
Yule 2015 Event Committee – Lady Lianor de Matos
Closing profits are $2,063.21
Tavern Event Committee – Baron Mael Eoin mac Echuid
Numbers will be upcoming, probably at the next meeting
Yule 2016 Event Committee – Lady Xanthippe Ouranina
John Marshall has been secured for Yule feast. Xan has many ideas for adding historical ideas for adding flavor to the event.
“Knight in the Garden” Demo
On Sunday, 12-Jun-16, at The Highlands Mansion and Gardens in Fort Washington http://highlandshistorical.org, Bhakail and Hartshorn-dale will be holding a joint open-to-the-public demo called “A Knight in the Garden”. This will be an afternoon of family-friendly activities focusing on teaching the skills and virtues which a knight (or noble) should know.
We’ll be holding a brainstorming meeting on Sunday, 2/7, at 1 p.m. at 525 South 46th Street in Philadelphia. Plenty of free street parking, very accessible via public transit, I will provide lunch/snacks, but there are three birds and one cat in residence (though they’ll be locked up in another room).
If you cannot attend the meeting but have ideas/suggestions or would like to volunteer to be part of this demo, please let me know. Artisans’ Village is the weekend before this demo, and the Barony of Carillion is hosting Southern Region Warcamp the same weekend as this demo.
This will be a fun demo, and hopefully a fun, productive brainstorming meeting! Hope to see you soon!! Thanks! – Philly 215-387-5825

Old Business
(Suba) Bylaws amendment for non-resident officers and voting:
I proposed the following THREE amendments to the Bhakail bylaws regarding non-resident officers. As previously discussed, breaking this into three parts allows people to vote about each part individually. Here is the wording I will be proposing for each of the three (notes and definitions are at the end):
Proposed addition(s) are underlined. Proposed deletions are marked with strikethrough.

Proposed Amendment 1:
6F: Any Voting Member who is reasonably qualified for a Baronial Office may offer his or her candidacy to fill a vacancy. This includes the Baronial Officer whose term is expiring, who may submit intent to renew his or her office.
–change proposed for 6F:
6F: Any Voting Member Any East Kingdom Subject who is reasonably qualified for a Baronial Office may offer his or her candidacy to fill a vacancy. This includes the Baronial Officer whose term is expiring, who may submit intent to renew his or her office.

Proposed Amendment 2:
1E: The Voting Members are those members of the Populace who are paid members of the SCA and at least fourteen (14) years of age.
— change proposed for 1E:
1E: The Voting Members are those members of the Populace who are paid members of the SCA and at least fourteen (14) years of age. Baronial Officers are Voting Members, regardless of residency.

Proposed Amendment 3:
Further add to 1E:
Voting privilege is extended to non-resident former officers for one year following the end of the term of office.

· It is understood that SCA and East Kingdom Law require SCA paid membership as a prerequisite for holding office.
· Some offices have additional requirements for qualification.
· Definition of “Populace” From Bhakail Bylaws (http://bhakail.eastkingdom.org/resources/5Jun13_Bhakail_Bylaws.pdf):
1D: The Populace includes any paid SCA member and any other participant in the activities of the SCA who resides within the Territory of Bhakail.
· Definition of “Subject” from Corpora (http://sca.org/docs/pdf/govdocs.pdf) on page 8:
* Subject: Any person who physically resides within the borders of a realm for more than half the year. Those who do not maintain a residence meeting this definition may be considered subjects of the realm where they participate most frequently if they obtain written acknowledgment from the royalty of that realm. Those who participate in Society activities primarily in a realm other than the one where they reside may be considered subjects of that realm if they obtain written permission and acknowledgment from the royalty of both realms. Decisions of the Coronet in such matters depend upon the approval of the Crown.

(Suba) Bylaws Amendment to Correct Errors
At the March meeting I will also be proposing this amendment to the Bhakail Bylaws. These are non-substantive changes to correct errors.
Bhakail Bylaws Amendment For Typos and Grammar
Proposed addition(s) are underlined. Proposed deletions are marked with strikethrough. Explanation of change is in italics.
III Officers
G. The rosters of Great Officers and Lesser Officers will be Publish Published and Archived.
Changed “Publish” to “Published”.

IV. Polling
A. A Kingdom Polling is conducted by Kingdom officers according to Higher Law. For example, currently a Kingdom Polling is conducted to determine the opinions of the Populace prir prior to the appointment by the Crown of the Coronet.
Changed “prir” to “prior”.

v. V. Term & Succession of the Coronet
Changed lower-case “v” to upper-case “V”.

V. Term & Succession of the Coronet
1. At least nine (9) months prior to the end of the Initial Term, the Coronet may submit at a Letter of Intent to the Baronial Seneschal (i) stating the desire for an Extension Term and (ii) specifying whether that Extension Term would last either one (1) or two (2) years.
Changed “at” to “a”.

VI. Term & Succession of Baronial Officers
B. The Baronial Officers are volunteers and may retire from office at any time by giving fair notice to the Baronial Seneschal.
Added a period to the end of the sentence.

VII. Duties of Baronial Officers
C. Officers are expected to be reasonably familiar with Higher Law pertaining to their office, as well as these Bylaws and Baronial Policies. Officers are similarly expected to conduct the affairs of their office in a reasonably prompt and responsible manner. Any Voting Member may bring a Grievance against and an Officer for failure to comply with these expectations.
Changed “and” to “an”.

IX. Grievance Proceeding
A. The Grievance Proceeding is administered by a Mediator. The Baronial Seneschal will serve as Mediator unless he or she is one of the parties to the grievance. In such case, the Coronet will serve as Mediator, unless the Coronet is also a party to the grievance. If both the Baronial Seneschal and the Coronet are parities parties to the grievance, then the Mediator will be selected by those members of the Baronial Council who are not parities parties to the grievance by a simple majority in a Committee Polling.
Changed “parities” to “parties” in two places.

X. Removal Proceeding
A. A Removal Proceding Proceeding is a formal action by the Baronial Council undertaken to remove an officer who has failed to perform his or her duties either through action or inaction.
Changed “Proceding” to “Proceeding”.

XIII. Baronial Policies
A. Whenever it is necessary for a Baronial Officer, Council, or Committee to establish, or later modify a Policy or procedure at the Baronial level in addition to those policies and procedures found in Higher Law, such policy or procedure will be:
Removed comma.
6. if ratified, will be recognized a as Baronial Policy.
Changed “a” to “as”.

XVIII. Amendments
C. If a simple majority in an Operational Polling at that meeting approves language for a proposed Amendment at the second Business Meeting, the approved language and a ballot form for a Formal Polling with will then be Published at least ten (10) days prior to the next (third) Business Meeting. Note that majority approval is required to move the proposed Amendment forward to a Formal Polling.
Changed “with” to “will”.

(Sabine) Possible Piffaro Event- March 18, 19, 20, 2016 –
This is not a Demo. Mostly likely things will be taking place on the 19th.
(Jacob) Philadelphia Zoo “Adopt a Tiger” demo – Summer 2017
No new information
(Scheherazade) Philadelphia Renaissance Faire
No new information
(Sabine) Winter Nights Fall 2016
This is still under discussion.
New Business
(Martyn) Baronial Serving Gear Review – I’d like to ask for any and all suggestions on items that I could research that may be more appropriate purchases for the Barony; whether immediate or over a longer period of time, so that a clear and productive path forward might be established. Please feel free to pass along any and all suggestions to chamberlain@bhakail.eastkingdom.org I will post something to the Bhakail lists in the near future.
[Speaking towards the complete review of Baronial equipment, if you ever need a Sunday afternoon in March or April or sometime when it’s warmer to spend a few hours outside taking everything out of the garage and setting everything on tables and going through everything all at once, just let me know what day, and my folks can move their cars around the block (or go out for a long lunch or something), and we can bring some sturdy folding tables to Narberth. We could set them up in the driveway. We’d just have to watch out for people walking by who think we’re having a yard sale. And I have keys to the houses on both sides of the driveway, so even if my folks are gone we’d still have access to bathrooms. I think doing a complete review, and making some strategic purchases to improve the look of the dayboard/feast tables, are both great ideas!]
(Mael Eoin) Yule 2017 dates at the German Society – From the German Society: Both December 9th and December 16th of 2017 are free on our calendar. I’ve penciled you guys in for both dates – just let me know when you decide which one you want!
Two bids for Commons and Champions, one from Bryan and Alesia, the other from Thorsten and Alyth, were voted on and approved to go to the finance committee for review. It was also voted on and unanimously approved to reserve the large pavilion at Ridley Creek Park for this event.
(Suba) – Note that while updating the bylaws to include the new amendments (assuming they are approved), I will include the amendment approved by Bhakail at the September 2014 business meeting.

Bylaws amendment approved September 10th, 2014:
XI. Replacement of an Unavailable Baronial Seneschal
A. The office of Baronial Seneschal will be properly attended at all times.
B. If the Baronial Seneschal resigns before presiding over the polling of a successor, is either delinquent in his or her duties, or is unavailable to communicate with his or her fellow officers for a period of forty-five (45) days, the drop-dead deputy of the Baronial Seneschal will notify the Baronial Council and the Kingdom Seneschal that the appointment of a new Baronial Seneschal is required.
C. If the Baronial Seneschal is either delinquent in his or her duties or unavailable to communicate with his or her fellow officers for a period of forty-five (45) days, and the drop-dead deputy of the Baronial Seneschal fails to notify the Kingdom Seneschal that the appointment of a new Seneschal is required, the Baronial CouncilCoronet(s) will notify the Kingdom Seneschal that the appointment of a new Baronial Seneschal is required upon confirming such a finding by a simple majority of the Baronial Council in a Committee Polling.
D. In such cases, obtaining the consent of the Kingdom Seneschal, the Baronial Council Coronet(s) will then act in place of the Baronial Seneschal to conduct a Formal Polling to identify a new Baronial Seneschal for approval and warranting by the Kingdom Seneschal. Such duties include:
1. Accepting Letters of Intent
2. Approving a Ballot
3. Appointing Ballot Counters

There was a long complex discussion involving Stage One, and possibly donating funds to the Canton to help pay for that site for the social. As the Barony is losing its current meeting place, it was suggested that the next several meetings should be held at Stage One on the second Tuesdays of the month. It was voted on and approved that the barony will move their meetings to Stage One, on second Tuesdays, for the next six months, and then reevaluate the situation.
It was also suggested that the barony create a committee for site hunting, not only for meeting sites but also for events.
At the December meeting, it was voted on and approved to renew Lady Alesia as the Chancellor Minor.
Announcements or Reminders
(Philadelphia) Madrigal Dinner
Our annual “field trip” to the Madrigal Dinner at Drexel University will be held on Friday, 2/26/16, at 7:30 p.m., and that this year will be a little different.
We’ll still be attending in garb, and we’ll still hear lovely Renaissance music by the Drexel Chamber Singers, but instead of a full dinner, only light refreshments will be provided at the Friday night’s concert, and it will be a more informal performance. Our discounted ticket price per person for Friday will be only $13.50.
(If you prefer to attend the Saturday, 2/27/16, concert, that will still be a full “Elizabethan” dinner, at the regular cost. You can get more info athttp://www.drexel.edu/performingarts/performances-events/upcoming-events/details/?eid=9979&iid=29896)
If you’re interested in attending the Friday night concert+snacks, please let me know. Thanks! – Philly 215-387-5825
Thrown Weapons Marshal Training – Lady Alana O’Keeve has offered her Marshal services for anyone who wants to be a Thrown Weapons Marshal-in-Training this summer.
Dance hosted by Caer Adamant in Kennett Square on Second Tuesdays 7-8:30pm. Class is held in the Kennett Friends Meeting building (125 West Sickle Street, Kennett Square, PA 19348). Garb optional. Bring snack to share. Small donations to offset the site cost encouraged. Dances taught by Lord George Kopman from Hartshorn-dale. Contact: Baron Padraig O’Gealagain at ogealagain@juno.com, (302) 378-7444.
Next Business Meeting will be on Tuesday March 8th, 2016, at Stage One, 101 Plush Mill Rd, Wallingford, PA 19086.
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