Court Reports

Court Report – From the Court of His Excellency at Yule

Greetings and salutations from the court of the Great Calamity, Baron Muin maqq Minain!

On the tenth day of December, Anno Societatis 57, the peoples of Bhakail gathered together with friends and neighbors alike to celebrate the feast of Yule, their hearts and hearth warm despite winter’s chill.

In His Court, the following fine gentles were recognized for talents great and varied and spirits most generous:

Aiden Underhill  was inducted in the Order of the Salamander in recognition for his efforts keeping the Barony’s cups filled and their moods merry. So skilled is he in the making of fine and delicious beverage that he was also named the Baronial Brewing Champion for the coming year.

Katrein Toppfer was then declared to be the Baronial Arts & Sciences Champion for her demonstration not only of her talents, but of her dedication to growing the very same since last year. One small step forward, repeated again and again, is how we walk the path to greatness.

Two most worthy gentles, Lissa Underhill and Eva von Kölln, were then inducted into the Company of the Flame and Salamander in recognition of their talent and their teaching of the art of Defence. Surely the enemies of Bhakail tremble in the face of defenders with spirits as strong as their swordarms and wits even sharper than their blades!

It was then that Melchior Kriebel was then called into His Excellency’s court so that he may be recognized by all as what he already was in his heart and in his service — a member of the Order of the Crucible of Bhakail, who through their loyalty, tenacity, dedication, and service embody the ideals of the Barony itself. Though the challenges which have Plagued our lands these last years have been enduring, he has overcome every test and every trial, seeking through each one to better serve our populace. For this he has not only our thanks, but our greatest Esteem.

In recognition for their dedication to the day’s events Chana Freidl the Maker and Juliana von Altenfeld were awarded Flames, for without their efforts, our bellies surely would have gone empty and our day been filled with less joy.

It is by the acts of all these good folk that Bhakail burns so brightly and through those that aspire to their excellence that the flames of the Barony will grow brighter still. A hearty ‘vivant!’ to all!


In service,
Ragna Grímólfsdóttir
Salamander Pursuivant

Court Report – Bhakail Ethereal Yule

Oyez! Oyez!

All hear these words of news from the Court of His Excellency, Baron Muin maqq Minain!

Yesterday evening, December 12th, Anno Societatis LV, at Bhakail Ethereal Yule, the following good and worthy gentles were called before His Court and recognized for their talents, service, and contributions to our Barony.

Nobilis El de Kerbriant was recognized for his service to the Barony, particularly his dedication to seeing the populace feasted and well-fed, and inducted to the Order of the Horse.

For her excellence in the many arts and crafts of fibers, Scolastica Caparellia was granted membership in the Order of the Harlequin. 

The many brews, fermentations, potables, and general deliciousness created by Lady Serafina Reis and Lord Dietrich of Timis were recognized with their elevation into the Order of the Harlequin.

Lord Berkhommer von Nurnberg’s excellence in martial activities, particularly the teaching thereof, saw him inducted into the Order of the Pasguarde.

For their dedication to the arts martial, and the tenacity of their commitment to continue hosting practices and training for our armies and combatants, Flames were awarded to Lady Maryna Borowska, the Honorable Lord Mikael melrakki, and Lord Egill Illugasson, called Badhands.

A special thanks was given to Máistir Mael Eoin mac Echuid for the organization, cooking, and delivery of a feast despite the numerous obstacles presented in this year of plague.

Master Rowen Cloteworthy was thanked for his loyal service as majordomo, particularly his commitment to “making His Excellency look good”.

Thus concluded the second ethereal Court of His Excellency, the Great Calamity, Baron Muin maqq Minain.


In service,

Ragna Grímólfsdóttir 

Court Report – UnCommons: Bhakail Behind the Ramparts

There is news from the Court of His Excellency, Muin maqq Minain, Baron of Bhakail!
In His Court yesterday, November 1, Anno Societatis LV, at UnCommons: Bhakail Behind the Ramparts, He recognized the following worthy gentles for their contributions and talents.
Lady Maryna Borowska was recognized for her service with the Order of the Horse.
The Honorable Lady Roseia Poseia and the Honorable Lord Patraic O’Donagal received the Order of the Salamander for their long and dedicated contributions to the Barony.
Jibril ibn ‘Ammar al-Fayyad al-Sheik, for his skills in the kitchens, was given the Order of the Harlequin, the Barony’s arts and sciences award.
Máistir Mael Eoin mac Echuid was also presented with the Order of the Harlequin for his talents in brewing and preparations of feasts and dayboards.
Máistir Mael Eoin was also gifted the Flame, a token for service, for his work organizing the ethereal Behind the Ramparts events and the Baronial Social.
Lady Eleanora Tylemaker then presented Baron Muin a set of Baronial favors patterned in red and black plaids.
Thus concluded His Excellency’s first Ethereal Court.
As written by Master Rowen Cloteworthy, hereby recorded by Lady Ragna Grímólfsdóttir.