
How To: Pick the Right Category for Your Post

When you are creating a post for the website, it is very important to pick the appropriate category so that it appears in the right place!

Here are some category descriptions to help you choose the best one:

      • Announcements – All Officer Reports will automatically show up under Announcements.  Other than Officer reports, Announcements is for all Baronial related news that is not an SCA event, or a local activity.
      • Events – The Event category is for information about upcoming SCA events, as well as reviews and summaries of events after they occur.
      • Activities – The Activities category is for local activities that go on related to the Barony.  Examples of things commonly included in Activities are announcements about local A&S gatherings, fight practices, socials, and other activities.
      • Officer Reports – The Officer Reports category should be used for every Officer report submitted via the blog.  This way, anyone who is interested in reading all of the Officer Reports can go directly to the Officer Reports category (https://bhakail.eastkingdom.org/wordpress/index.php/category/announcements/business/officer-reports/) on the website and read up on what our Officers are up to.

By following this guide and using your best judgement when selecting the category for your post, you help keep our website easy to read and navigate!



You can find other tutorials here.

How To: Create a New Blog Post

This tutorial will show you how to make a post on the website, which is very useful for making officer’s reports, posting about events, making announcements, plenty of other things.




Now you know how to make posts on the website, good luck and enjoy!


You can find other tutorials here.

How To: Log-In to WordPress

Once you’ve contacted the webminister and have set up your WordPress account with them you can log in to your account and make and edit posts on WordPress. This tutorial will show you how to use that information to log-in to our WordPress site and get to the Dashboard.






You can find other tutorials here.