Baronial Champions

Baronial Champion-at-Arms: THL Guillaume du Chantier
Populace Champion-at-Arms: Vacant
Baronial Rapier Champion: Baron Eliyahu al-Talhi
Populace Rapier Champion: Don Lorenzo Gorla
Arts & Sciences Champion: Lady Scolastica Capellaria
Bardic Champion: Zacharie de Syrens
Brewing Champion: Lui Wing-Ken
Gaming Champion: Magister Rowen Cloteworthy
Archery Champion: Dragmall Viðnir
Thrown Weapons Champion: THL Mikael melrakki


The Barony currently has nine Champions. These champions are selected as indicated in each description:

  • Baronial Champion-at-Arms

Winner of the Baronial Champion-at-Arms (Rattan) Tournament. The tournament is traditionally during the summer and is open to all who are able to fulfill the requirements of being a Champion. The Champion serves for one year and serves as a member of the Baronial Household and they are also responsible for the planning the tournament to select their successor.

Tokens: Sword, scabbard and Baronial Cloak. Passed from Champion to Champion at the respective tournament.

  • Baronial Rapier Champion

Winner of the Baronial Rapier Champion Tournament. The tournament is traditionally held during the summer and is open to all who are able to fulfill the requirements of being a Champion. The Champion serves for one year and serves as a member of the Baronial Household and is also responsible for the planning the tournament to select their successor.

Tokens: Rapier, scabbard, buckler, and baronial cloak. Passed from Champion to Champion at the respective tournament.

  • Populace’s Champion-at-Arms

Selected by the Baronial Seat and the gentles present at the Baronial Champion-at-Arms tournament from among the tournament entrants, who is the most courteous and chivalric during the tournament.

Token: A Baronial cloak which is passed on to his/her successor at the next annual Heavy Champion Tournament.

  • Populace’s Rapier Champion

Selected by the Baronial Seat and the gentles present at the Baronial Rapier Champion tournament from among the tournament entrants, who is the most courteous and chivalric during the tournament.

Token: A Baronial cloak which is passed on to his/her successor at the next annual Rapier Champion Tournament.

  • Baronial Arts & Sciences Champion

Winner of the annual Baronial Arts & Sciences Champion Competition. The A&S Champion of Bhakail is selected in an annual competition held during the Baronial Yule celebration and is open to all who can fulfill the expectations of the role. The Champion serves for one year and serves as a member of the Baronial Household and is also responsible for the planning the competition to select their successor.

Token: A Baronial cloak which is passed on to his/her successor at the next annual A&S Champion Competition.

  • Baronial Brewing Champion

Winner of the annual Brewing Competition held at Bhakail’s Yule celebration. This is an open competition judged by a panel selected by the Baronial Seat.  The Champion serves for one year and serves as a member of the Baronial Household and is also responsible for the planning the competition to select their successor.

Token: A baldric and belt favor which passes with the position

  • Baronial Bardic Champion

Winner of the annual Bardic Competition, which is usually held at the winter Tavern event. The competition is open to all who feel they can fulfill the role of Bardic Champion. The Champion serves for one year and serves as a member of the Baronial Household. They are also responsible for planning the tournament where the Baronial Seat will choose a successor.

Token: A Baronial baldric which passes with the position.

  • Baronial Gaming Champion

Winner of the annual Gaming Competition, usually held at the winter Tavern event. The competition is open to all who feel they can fulfill the role of Gaming Champion. The Champion serves for one year and serves as a member of the Baronial Household. They are also responsible for planning the tournament where the Baronial Seat will choose a successor.

Token: A Baronial bowles pin which passes with the position.

  • Baronial Archery Champion

Winner of the annual Archery Competition, usually held at River Wars. The competition is open to all who feel they can fulfill the role of Archery Champion. The Champion serves for one year and serves as a member of the Baronial Household. They are also responsible for planning the tournament where the Baronial Seat will choose a successor.

  • Baronial Thrown Weapons Champion

Winner of the annual Thrown Weapons Competition, usually held at River Wars. The competition is open to all who feel they can fulfill the role of Thrown Weapons Champion. The Champion serves for one year and serves as a member of the Baronial Household. They are also responsible for planning the tournament where the Baronial Seat will choose a successor.

Token: A pair of etched Baronial axes which pass with the position.