Scribal Arts

Being called into court to be recognized with an award is perhaps one of the greatest feelings in the SCA.  To commemorate these achievements, the recipient receives a scroll created by scribes.  Scribes are volunteers who freely share their time and creativity by doing Illumination, Calligraphy, Wordsmithing or any/all of the above to produce a unique works of art.

If you are interested in learning more, contact us here.

Scribe – An artist who helps make award scrolls to be given out in royal court.
Wordsmith – The artist responsible for authoring the words.
Calligrapher – The artist responsible for penning the words onto the scroll.
Illuminator – The artist responsible for the gold and/or paint work on a scroll.

Bhakail boasts some incredibly talented scribes, and pride themselves on sharing their knowledge to add to their ranks.

We host a monthly “scriptorium” where you can gather with your fellow scribes to teach, learn, and share!  ALL experience levels welcome!

Below are some of the work of our incredible scribes!