May Meeting Notes and Officer Reports

Posted on May 17, 2017 By

May 2017

Opened at 7:43

Yule Committee

Alisone will be preparing the feast. She will be working with Brunissende. Heloise, a newer cook is doing dayboard with Martyn’s mentoring.

Pennsic Committee

Wait till you see the new shower setup! It’s niiiice. Its about half the size of the previous setup, it is put on the truck set up and comes off the truck set up, no setup required at Pennsic. Darmon and Yoshi have given their weekends for this. There are still newbies asking for space in camp. Sheet walls are coming along nicely and on schedule.

Bylaws Committee

Anyone interested in joining, talk to Martyn. Rowen and Suba are joining. The committee will start meeting after Pennsic.



Paypal is working! Decorations are being made. We have site tokens. We are working with Michelle to get tents. We can get stuff on the gazette once the info is updated on the EK event site. Volunteers are still needed, in the kitchen during, and some more for after, and for setup (heavy setup), and sitting at gate. Decor will be setup independently. There will be fencing. Isolte is organizing the retainers for the day.

Are their highnesses coming? Not heard back yet if we are getting to keep profits.

Fall Demo at German Society

“Yule Revel in Renaissance Germany” will be held on Saturday, December 9, 2017, at the German Society. The food, music, dance, gaming, and other activities will feature the cultures of German-speaking peoples from the 15th and 16th centuries. Plenty of openings for event staff, so if you are interested in learning how to run an event, or to help in any capacity, please let Dame Brunissende (co-event steward) or me know.

Part of the arrangement with the German Society for discounted Yule rentals involves the Barony helping with a demo-type activity for the German Society. This year, they’re possibly going to ask us to help put on a 16th century German lunch for their members, but they still haven’t finalized the details or the date. This would probably be on a Sunday afternoon in September, with Mistress Juliana von Altenfeld cooking. We would be reimbursed for food costs, but wouldn’t receive any proceeds – this would be a German Society event where we would be the cooks and servers (and possibly entertainers), but they would take care of the registrations and Door/Gate. Ideally, some of us would be wearing 16th century German garb during this lunch (you know that the lunch attendees are going to want to take photos!), so a Renaissance German costuming workshop or two would be planned for this spring/summer. If you are interested in helping in any capacity with this demo-type activity for the German Society or with the Renaissance German costuming workshops, please let me know.


Philadelphia Ren Faire

The demo is not going to be happening. There are not enough people, as we were invited very late. The new person in charge is meeting with Dayna so they know us moving forward. Thinking of next year – they are still trying to figure out the scale and fit. They are moving to a new site this year. There are a lot of kids that come out. The sooner we can get dates the better. Planning is happening for free kids activities.

Byrn Brae Demo

Primarily an arts camp. They do themed weeks. July 7, Friday afternoon, 1 – 3:30. There will be a broad age range. It was suggested that we form stations, and bring groups through by age so that we can plan for the differences. They do not really want fighting and prefer arts, crafts, history, games. Sabine would like to get back to them within the next week with ideas for what we can bring. Contact Sabine if you are interested in helping. We would be able to fit at the most five stations. Passport or coin collection for accomplishing things at stations is usually popular with children.


Brought up idea this school is interested, more details will be discussed as they arrive.

Commons and Baronial Champs

Bids are needed.


Bailiwick is looking into getting more zipcodes.

A number of groups in the area are open to rezoning. Buckland Cross is talking of going Barony.

The Exchequer has resigned, and it is currently being done by the exchequer emeritus, Damiana. Letters of intent are due ten days before next months meeting, or in person at the meeting. Philadelphia is willing if she is able to have a meeting rep deputy.



Later in the month, Ysmay enjoyed the hospitality of Red Sword Company in the kingdom of Meridies at their annual Fool’s War. The company was presented with a gift from the talented and generous Chana, and it brought tears to more than one of the members eyes.

Back in the kingdom of the East, Ysmay was able to attend Balfar’s Challenge, where many Bhakailies took to the fields, both Rattan and Rapier.

This last weekend We both attended Crown Tourney, and are pleased to announce that the East has Heirs – Sir Ivan Ivanov syn Dmitriev and Baroness Matilde DeCaden. Lots of Bhakailis volunteered at Crown Tourney.

We are looking forward to Investiture coming up in June and have been working hard on preparations, including working on the decorations at the Monday night’s A and S.


A big, impactful event is approaching. Thank you all for stepping up and making things happen as they were supposed to.


Salamander Pursuivant’s Report, 2017-05

Their outgoing Excellencies Mael Eoin and Ysmay will be holding their Last Court at Bhakail Investiture and K&Q Champions of Arms on June 3, 2017. Their incoming Excellencies Rowen and Suba will be holding their First Court on the same day.

Anyone interested in producing scrolls for Baronial Court should contact Baroness Mari Clock van Hoorne.

I will be stepping down as Salamander Pursuivant at the May Business meeting. Letters of Intent for the office should go to both me and to Lord Muin as Baronial Seneschal. At this time, there is one letter of intent from Ragna.

__Heraldic Submissions__

From the Eastern Internal Letter of Intent (ILoI) – This letter includes all new names and devices that have been submitted to the Eastern College of Heralds in the last month. It takes about two months for items to reach the next stage, the Eastern Letter of Decision.

__May 2017__

•I didn’t see any Bhakail-related submissions.

From the Eastern Letter of Decision (LoD) – This letter reports what items will be forwarded to Laurel to be decided on and what will be returned to the submitter for more work. It takes about six more months for submissions to reach the next stage, the Laurel Letter of Acceptances and Returns.
__April 2017__

•I didn’t see any Bhakail-related submissions.

From the Laurel Letter of Acceptances and Returns (LoAR) – This letter says what items have been accepted by SCA’s College of Arms and what has been returned to the submitter unregistered.

__February 2017 Acceptances__

•Cailin Macsalny’s badge – (Fieldless) Two arrows inverted in saltire argent, overall a boar’s head erased close Or. – was accepted and registered.

__February 2017 Returns__

•I found no Bhakail-related returns.

For Barony, Bailiwick, and Canton,

Pray know I remain,

– Rowen Cloteworthy, Salamander Pursuivant


Thank you for the increase in reports coming through the website.


All the issues that we had with cards have been taken care of.


Trip to the cloisters on the 20th of May. Facebook event page. Ardalyn. We are not scheduling any A&S activities other than stuff for Investiture. There is a request for casting class in June.


Quarterly report was in on time. They froze our bank account. Is TD bank really the best choice still? They are moving us to a plain business account. The online access is necessary. Things will be looked into.


Greetings from the Baronial Chatelaine for the monthly Report!

Newcomer Update:  We’ve received two new contacts this month. Some rekindled passion for the SCA, some new!

Gold Key:  This past month I retrieved one piece of Gold Key, and loaned two out. Still waiting for the return of two items.

Demos & Activities: We have started discussing the plan for a demo in July! Mistress Sabine and our wonderful Deputy Chatelaine Chana and others have been working on that. I am also working on pulling together fliers and informative info we can have on hand for Newcomers information at Investiture, with the assistance of Lord Martyn.

It’s a blessing to have such active, passionate, and helpful people in our Barony.

In service,
Marta de Lyon


The Baronial gear and Gold Key are still being held temporarily at my family’s shop in Clifton Heights. Some additional Gold Key and some loaner feast-gear were recently brought in. I will be bringing some items to the Plague Sale at Investiture/K&Q Rattan.

I may be moving them to a new, likely temporary location: one of the garages at my apartment building in nearby East Lansdowne.

I will be meeting with Mistress Juliana this week to discuss her needs for the Kitchen at Investiture/K&Q Rattan.

In addition to the decorations being worked on for Investiture, we have a decent stock from previous events, and the investiture banner from the Investiture of Their Excellencies Mael Eoin & Ysmay, which will be used; so expect to see those items.

If anyone else is in need of any of the Baronial gear for the upcoming event, and/or any future events, please get in contact with me as soon as possible via

In service to the Barony

Lord Martyn

Chamberlain of Bhakail

Chancellor Minor

I am unable to attend the meeting on Tuesday due to work obligations. Here is my report.

If you are having an event and want to have youth activities please contact me at

In service to the Barony,

THL Alesia de Maris

Chancellor Minor of Bhakail


Greetings from the Baronial Webminister for her monthly Report!

Since my last report, I assisted our Archery Marshall and Deputy Chatelaine in some issues with their email.

Otherwise, nothing significant to report on this month.


We have new bylaws, hooray. Putting together bid for service schola in the fall, using deposit on Stage One site.


We’re planning fun, interesting activities for the summer and autumn, but definite dates not yet pinned down. Check back next month!

Knight Marshal

Practices continue at stage one on Tuesdays

We Authorized 2 new fights last week.

We are aiming to team up with Jabril and his archers and do some Melee scenarios with CA at next regional practice.

I’m aiming to shift the last part of practices to melee scenario focus, as the season is upon us.



If anyone is not busy with Investiture, heralds and list runners are looking for volunteers. Lucien de Winter

Moved to close: Muin, Mael Eoin second.

Closed at 8:50

Baronial BusinessBusiness Meeting

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