May 2024 Officer Reports

Posted on May 13, 2024 By

Following are the monthly officer reports that have been submitted prior to the Bhakail monthly business meeting of May 14, 2024.

Seneschal’s Report – Máistir Mael Eoin mac Echuidh 

We’ve had another great Waking of the Salamander, kicked off our Baronial selection process and are nearing the home stretch before Pennsic…  With the warm weather starting up (…maybe…depending on the day…) we’re seeing more and more camping events, so check the Kingdom calendar for your favorite events and get out to see one another and participate in your favorite activities as we get into that season once more 🙂

Looking ahead, bids for Champions and Commons are tentatively due this month; we have some interested folks looking to submit one but they’ll be working with the Council of the Exchequer on moving that forward and we don’t have a formal bid form for the meeting.

Business-wise, we have the position of Seneschal formally open for letters of intent and one letter in, currently.  If we have just the one, we’ll be doing a vote of acclamation at June’s meeting.  Beck has stepped down as Exchequer, so we need to open that role and are soliciting letters of intent immediately; Mistress Philadelphia is helping in the interim, should anyone need anything along those lines.  I would like to thank Beck for her service in the role.

Lady Scolastica’s term as Minister of Arts and Sciences is up this month; as it is not an office with a term limit, she can (and is willing to) remain in the role, though we do have to announce that the role is eligible to turn over, should anyone want the job.  If you are interested in the role, let me know, or if you are interested in maybe being a deputy, let Scolastica know 🙂  We’ll see if we get any letters of intent and have a vote of acclamation otherwise.

It has been an honor serving the Barony as Seneschal and I look forward to serving in other ways going forward but for the immediate future, I’ll be focusing on cooking and brewing A&S&S (arts and sciences and service) 😀

Social Media Deputy – Dillena o’r Gwyrddol

We’ve had a wonderful month in the realm of social media! 5 new members have been welcomed into our Facebook group. We’ve had 81 posts, 279 comments, and 1045 reactions! Over the course of the month, 544 of our facebook members have been active. 

Our new Instagram account @baronybhakail now has 81 followers. We invite you to stop by and drop a like or comment on our posts!

As always, I appreciate you all for helping make our online space a success!

Rapier Marshal – Don Melchior Kriebel

Practice continues to be held at the Reform Lutheran Church in Media. Attendance has been moderate. There were no incidents.

Archery Marshal – Lady Ellyn Grene

Practices continue on Sunday as weather permits. Hopefully we will get some dry Sundays again soon.

Thrown Weapons Marshal – The Honorable Lord Mikael melrakki 

Practices continue on Sundays.  Spring report submitted to Kingdom.

Minister of the List – The Honorable Lord Mikael melrakki

Nothing to report.

Chronicler – Lady Ellyn Grene 

The next issue of the Salamander is scheduled for publication by the end of May. Send me any content you would like included!

Minister of Arts & Sciences – Honorable Lady Scolastica Capellaria

Bhakalis are hard at work on many fun and interesting projects, preparing for Pennsic and working on the scribal arts. There are two classes upcoming, one hosted by Master Mael Eoin on Cooking/Brewing on May 19th! And Margarite is doing a class on making a Bicocket on June 15! 

Don’t forget to subscribe to the email list for important announcements and details! 

There are A&S opportunities at the following local events:

  •       May 18, B.O.E. Ultimate Tournament (Mulica Hill, NJ), A&S Display, theme to be announced.
  •       May 18, At the Sign of the Dancing Fox (Kingston, NY), Dancing, games, and an A&S challenge to create a banner commemorating spring and foxes, as well as cooking and a competition to clothe the fox!
  •       May 24-27, Quest for Wit & Wisdom (Pittstown, NJ). Artisans’ Row, Comeptition and presentation of Shakespear’s Pyramus and Thisbe.
  •       May 31-2, Academy of St. Clare of Assisi Embroidery Schola (Millmont PA, (Aethelmarc)), Embroidery schola!
  •       June 8, Atlantia University, Barony of Bright Hills, (Hampstead Maryland) and Online June 9th! A full day of classes in all subjects.
  •       June 22, Novice Day (Rusted Woodlands (NJ), day of competitions geared toward novices and newcomers.
  •       June 29-30, Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium (Philadelphia PA).
  •       July 6, Black Rose Schola and Tournament (Carlisle, PA). Classes and a heavy weapons tournament.
  •       July 13, SCA: C is for Creative, Eisental (Nazareth, PA). A day of classes and workshops!
  •       July 26 to August 11, Pennsic, Aethelmarc (Slippry Rock PA). Pennsic university hosts a wealth of classes!

Several Known World events are occurring within a relatively close distance this year!

Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium, June 29-30 in Philadelphia. Currently calling for classes:

Known World Cooks and Bards, August 29-2 in Deposit, New York (currently looking for event staff!

Known World dance and Music Symposium, July 4-7th in Danville Indiana (a 11 ish hour drive away).

If you are interested in teaching or hosting arts and science classes locally, please let me know! I would like to schedule additional classes for the barony and friends.

The Kingdom MOAs office now has a calendar for arts and science events across the kingdom!

If you have any A&S interests that you would like to explore, need help researching something, or are looking for resources feel free to email me at I also would love to see what you are working on! Please send me pictures of your projects!

Chatelaine – Lady Chana Freidl the Maker

Newcomers continue to contact the Barony, but seem to be slow to come to socials.  Hopefully with the warmer weather, we will see more people!  I will also be working at the New Jersey Renaissance Faire for the next four weekends, and have gotten many interested people from the event in the past.

Pennsic Report – you have one month left to pre-register online for Pennsic.  If you have not done so already, please pre-reg and contact your camp master to get them the necessary information for you to camp at Pennsic.

Officer Reports

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