September 2024 Business Meeting Notes

Posted on September 10, 2024 By


Thrown Weapons and Archery Championships

These baronial championship competitions are scheduled for this Sunday, September 15 at the normal venue and times for thrown weapons and archery practices. See the baronial calendar or contact Mikael at for directions. The populace is invited to attend, although parking is limited.

Champions and Commons

The event will be held on September 29. A rummage sale will be held from the baronial gold key (loaner garb). More details at

Yule Bid

No bid has been submitted to date. Martyn reported that a bid is forthcoming. The event needs to be on the calendar asap to allow the royals to decide if it will be a royal progress. A vote was held to move forward with adding Yule to the East Kingdom event calendar now, even without a bid in hand.

Old Business

Baronial Polling

Polling is officially underway! The first emails went out on Sunday. The deadline for responses is September 27, 2024. Margarette will continue reminding people up to the deadline that responses are needed. If you have any questions or issues, please contact the East Kingdom Polling Deputy at At least 50% of the populace on the polling list must respond for this to be considered a valid polling. If you did not respond to the multiple requests to provide an email address for inclusion in the polling, you have not received a ballot. If you have not responded to this point and want to participate in the polling, please contact Margarette at


The position of westminster is currently open, and as of the meeting no letters of intent have been submitted. If you are interested in the position, please contact Margarette at

New Business

Timely Submission of Bids for Events

A discussion was held on possible solutions for ensuring that events, particularly events that are routinely held each year, have bids submitted in a timely manner and can be officially scheduled. Margarette suggested publishing a calendar of when normally scheduled events are anticipated and when bids are desired.

Ragna has begun gathering a list of potential event sites, and needs help from experienced autocrats to craft a description of site requirements for events. Please reach out to Ragna at if you can help out.

Deputy Herald Sought

Ragna is seeking a Deputy Herald. Please reach out to Margarette and/or Ragna if you are interested in learning more.

Additional Officer Reports 

Minister of the List – Honorable Lord Bryan mac Dhughaill an Boghadair

I’m working on the equipment and paperwork for champions. I spoke with the Champions and am researching the tournaments they want to run.


Minute notes recorded by Ellyn Grene 


Business MeetingOfficer Reports

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