December 2024 Officer Reports
Following are the monthly officer reports that have been submitted prior to the Bhakail monthly business meeting of December 10, 2024.
Archery Marshal – Lady Ellyn Grene
Baronial practices have wrapped up for the winter and will resume in the spring once the weather is springy enough. Thank you to all who came out to the range maintenance day on Black Friday.
Chronicler – Lady Ellyn Grene
Finishing up the next issue of the Salamander!
Chatelaine – Lady Chana Freidl the Maker
We had a hugely successful demo at PAX Unplugged this past weekend, which included medieval games, fencing demos, and heavy fighting demos. I received contact information for 67 people who want to learn more about the SCA and will be contacting them and copying their chatelaines on those emails. I have a ton of people to thank, which I will do after I’ve slept a bit more, but suffice it to say, our demo team was incredible this year, and each year is better than the last!
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