March 2025 Officer Reports

Posted on March 19, 2025 By

Following are the monthly officer reports that have been submitted prior to the Bhakail monthly business meeting of March 20, 2025.

Coronet’s Report – Baron Mikael melrakki 

Lots of things going on.  Both inside and outside of the Barony.  But there can be more things.
More Things!
Sorry, Evil Baron mode slipped in.

Anyway, yes, there is always room for the Barony to do more things.
If you have ideas for things that the Barony can be doing, let me know.


Rapier Marshal – Don Melchior Kriebel

Rapier practice continued to be held at the Reformation Lutheran Church in Media. Practice consistently had around 20 fencers per practice. 

Our new baronial loaner blade should arrive this week.

Archery Marshal – Lady Ellyn Grene

The weather is hinting that we will be able to start weekly practices soon! This Sunday, March 23 there will be a range day to work on a few projects to get ready to resume practices. The main projects will be remeasuring the range and considering how to best position targets to avoid the arrow-eating tree, and putting together some new target backs to replace the ones that got all shot up last year. Come by Mikael’s at 2pm if you want to help.

This year archery practices will still be on Sunday afternoons, but the start time is moving back half an hour to 2:00pm. This will give time between TW and archery practices for brunch and socializing! 

The East Kingdom Archery Championship competition will this year be in the southern region, scheduled to be held during Southern Region War Camp in Carillion, May 30 – June 1.

Chronicler – Lady Ellyn Grene 

Currently working on the next issue of the Salamander.

Minister of Arts & Sciences – Honorable Lady Scolastica Capellaria

Several Bhakailis displayed and competed at the Kingdom A&S Championships to much aplomb and excitement! And our Seneschal taught an impromptu class for scribes!

If you are interested in teaching a class, holding an A&S night, or other A&S related activity, please contact me!

The Next Kingdom Online display deadline is April 15. Details to be released to the list shortly!

There are A&S opportunities at the following local events:

  • March 29, 2025: Mudthaw XLIV, Settmour Swamp (Washington, NJ). A&S Challenge and Display.
  • April 12, 2025: Dumpling-fest aka Dumpling-Palooza, Shire of the Rusted Woodlands (Sussex, NJ). A day of cooking and learning about dumplings!
  • April 18-20, 2025: Waking of the Salamander IV (Media PA). An Artisans village and weekend of camping and learning.
  • April 26, 2025: Spring Schola, Barony of An Dubhaigeainn (Stony Brook NY)
  • May 17, 2025: Lions End Schola: Pride of Lions, Canton of Lions End (Glen Cove, NY). A Day of A&S Classes and A&S Competition.
  • May 23-26: Quest for Wit and Wisdom, Barony of Settmour Swamp (Pittstown NJ). A weekend of questing and learning about Celtic history and Lore. 

The Kingdom MOAs office now has a calendar for arts and science events across the kingdom!

If you have any A&S interests that you would like to explore, need help researching something, or are looking for resources feel free to email me at I also would love to see what you are working on! Please send me pictures of your projects!

Chatelaine – Lady Chana Freidl the Maker

I plan on downsizing our Gold Key collection as I will be moving and losing some storage space.  Other local groups have expressed a desire for a Gold Key swap to make sure we all have the sizes and styles we need, so hopefully that can be organized soon.

Bailiwick of Ivyeinrust – Deputy Seneschal Livia Petralia reporting

the Bailiwick had a short meeting on march 3 covering important topics like:

  • The next Bailiwick meeting will be Monday, April 14th at 7:15pm on Zoom
  • The next Lunch! In the Bailiwick will be Monday, March 10th around noon-thirty at Sang Kee
  • The next event to be advertised on the Bailiwick’s website will be Waking of the Salamander
  • We have donated some of our Gold Key to University of Mary Washington Renaissance Club (Fredricksburg, VA) via the SCA College Network discord server. Their post about it on instagram ( was picked up by the SCASocial account. But we are not looking to make our own social media post about it (because we are feeling guilty about not writing to all of the former Bhakailis who have donated to our Gold Key to inform them of the transfer ahead of time). This donation is still less than half of our Gold Key holdings.
  • We are making progress in getting our bank signatories card updated.

Officer Reports

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