Baronial Business
January 2025 Officer Reports
Following are the monthly officer reports that have been submitted prior to the Bhakail monthly business meeting of January 16, 2025..
Coronet’s Report – Baron Mikael melrakki
Well, I have survived my first month as Baron, so I guess that is a good start. 🙂
Once again, I want to thank everyone for your faith and confidence in me. I will strive to do my best for Bhakail and hope to see the Barony prosper.
I have set myself several goals for things to work on to improve the Barony, such as reviewing our bylaws and financial policies, our event planning process, and our champions. However, if there are other things that you have noticed that you believe can be improved upon, please let me know.
I am here to serve you, but I can’t do everything. I need you to be my eyes and ears. If there are people needing recognition to let me know. If you have ideas, come forward and let me know. If you can run a class or a workshop, let me know. If you want to help, but don’t know where to start, let me know.
Archery Marshal – Lady Ellyn Grene
Practices are on hiatus until spring appears.
I’m now set up to submit scores for the InterKingdom Archery Competition (IKAC), which is a privately sponsored “postal match” style shoot open to the entire Known World. The annual standings are based on the scores of the top 3 archers from each kingdom in different divisions, and medals are awarded after the season closes. The divisions are based on equipment used (open bow, open crossbow, period bow, period crossbow), and with adult and various youth archer divisions. An IKAC round is equivalent to two Royal Rounds plus 2 timed ends each at 30 and 40 yards. Support the East in 2025 by coming out to Bhakail archery practice and shooting some IKACs!
Chamberlain – Dame Ysmay de Lynn
There will be an organizing session sometime in the next few weeks to put everything away, from Yule and Tavern, label and catalogue everything. Having all the items in the same place seems to be working for the event stewards and cooks.
Chronicler – Lady Ellyn Grene
The chronicler keeps chronicling. If you have any content to contribute to the next issue of the Salamander, please get it to me by Jan 20.
Minister of Arts & Sciences – Honorable Lady Scolastica Capellaria
Winter is here and its time for our Bardic and Gaming Competitions which will take place at the Sign of the Elderflower and Boot on January 25:
***Bardic Competition:***
This year’s Bardic Championship will be in two rounds.
One round will be based on the theme of Winter. The work can be, warm & cozy, seasonally festive, dark & cold; however you want to represent the season. The other round will be bards choice. Be prepared to present a favorite performance piece, or something you love.
Performances may be any kind of entertainment, including but not limited to songs, instrumental music, stories, dance, juggling acts, and puppet shows. Pieces should be period, period-compatible, or SCA-related, but no documentation will be required. Each piece should be less than 5 minutes. If there are five or more contestants, contestants may be eliminated after the first round.
***Gaming Competition: ***
Bhakail is in the midst of an exciting time! We have just witnessed the Investiture of our new Baron, kennari Mikael melrakki. It is one of His Excellency’s early obligations to appoint a new Baronial Gaming Champion. At Tavern at the Sign of the Elderflower and Boot, a new Champion will be decided. The format will be as follows. Boards will be set out for chess (a medieval form, rules below), nard (backgammon without doublets or a doubling cube), alquerques, plaisant (modern checkers or draughts), and fox and geese. Players may play any combination of games, but must win at least two different games. The player with the most wins at the end of the tourney will be declared the winner. In the event of a tie, the champion will be decided by a best of three of nine man morris.
Our version of chess will be one of the earliest versions, taken from CA #71 and called “simple chess” by the author. All pieces except the pawn and the queen move as modern pieces do. The pawn does not have an opening two space move, but otherwise moves and captures as in modern chess. The queen may move only two squares, though in any direction as in modern chess. There is no castling. A pawn that makes the final row is promoted to the capitol piece that started in that space, though the king or queen’s space is promoted to a bishop.
If you are interested in teaching a class, holding an A&S night, or other A&S related activity, please contact me!
There are A&S opportunities at the following local events:
- January 18, 2025: Owlsherst County Twelfth Night (York PA). A&S Display, period games, sing-along and dancing.
- January 25, 2025: Tavern At the sign of the Elderflower and Boot. Barony of Bhakail (Philadelphia). Baronial Bardic Competition and Period Games Competition.
- March 1, 2025: East Kingdom Crown’s Arts and Science Champions Competition: Kingdom A&S Championship! Settmour Swamp, (Washington NJ.)A great place to display and compete on the kingdom level.
- March 8, 2025: Nova Schola, Hartshorndale (Collegeville PA). A Day of learning with classes!
- March 29, 2025: Mudthaw XLIV, Settmour Swamp (Washington, NJ). A&S Challenge and Display.
The Kingdom MOAs office now has a calendar for arts and science events across the kingdom!
Deadline for entering the EK MOAS A&S Online Display is November 15, 2024! Contact me or email with any questions or more information.
If you have any A&S interests that you would like to explore, need help researching something, or are looking for resources feel free to email me at I also would love to see what you are working on! Please send me pictures of your projects!
Chatelaine – Lady Chana Freidl the Maker
I have reached out to everyone that gave me their contact information at PAX, a total of 67 emails. I copied their local chatelaines as well, allowing me to reach out to chatelaines in 6 kingdoms. A lot of people have yet to respond, but a couple people have been in communication since PAX and we are looking forward to welcoming them. I highlighted Tavern as a great event to introduce them to the SCA in a small environment, and I know at least one newcomer will be joining us there.
Pennsic report – Pennsic pre-reg has begun, and online paid pre-reg ends June 15th. Please note the Pennsic War website has been updated, and new rules about Pennsic are being released. If you camp with Bhakail, please notify me if you intend to camp with us again this year before pre-regging. We will have a camp meeting this Sunday, January 19th, at 5pm using the Google Meet link used for our baronial business meetings (
Webminister – Máistir Mael Eoin mac Echuidh
I am still redoing the website; the current theme is a custom theme that doesn’t allow photos and having newcomers encounter a wall of just text isn’t very engaging. Looking for content – photos especially – to keep the website appealing.
December 2024 issue of the Salamander
Here is the latest issue of the Bhakail newsletter, The Salamander. Read inside for details about Bhakail Yule Revel XLV & Baronial Investiture and the court report for Champions and Commons
December 2024 Business Meeting Notes
Officers in Attendance: Muin maqq Minain, Ellyn Grene, Bryan Mac Dhunghaill, Martyn de Halliwell, Chana Freidl the Maker, Finnolfr Hrafnsson, Melchoir Kriebel, Mael Eoin mac Echuid, Ysmay de Lynn,
Other populace in attendance: Philadelphia Brown, Mikael melrakki, Alesia de Maris
Planning is going well. Changes to the schedule are requested to Martyn by Friday. Some volunteers are still requested for setup (please be there by 9am to help with setup) and as gate warden. Reach out to to volunteer or for more information. Anyone who needs loaner garb (gold key) can contact Chana at
We had a hugely successful demo at PAX Unplugged this past weekend, which included medieval games, fencing demos, and heavy fighting demos. Contact information was received from 67 people who were interested in learning more about the SCA.
New Business
Changes to the Bhakail Financial Policies
The Exchequer has proposed changes to the Bhakail financial policies to specify staggered terms for the at-Large seats on Bhakail’s Council of the Exchequer (CoE) aka the “Finance Committee.” The changes were discussed and will be reviewed at the January business meeting for baronial approval
Council of the Exchequer
There are currently vacancies for the At-Large seats on Bhakail’s Council of the Exchequer (CoE) aka the “Finance Committee.” Two of the seats have to be filled by people who are not greater officers of the barony. If you are interested in volunteering, please reach out to Martyn at
Baronial Herald
A call has been put out for letters of intent for Salamander Pursuivant (Herald) as Lady Ragna Grímólfsdóttir has resigned. If you are interested in the position, please submit a letter of intent to Margarette la Gantiere at
Minute notes recorded by Ellyn Grene
December 2024 Officer Reports
Following are the monthly officer reports that have been submitted prior to the Bhakail monthly business meeting of December 10, 2024.
Archery Marshal – Lady Ellyn Grene
Baronial practices have wrapped up for the winter and will resume in the spring once the weather is springy enough. Thank you to all who came out to the range maintenance day on Black Friday.
Chronicler – Lady Ellyn Grene
Finishing up the next issue of the Salamander!
Chatelaine – Lady Chana Freidl the Maker
We had a hugely successful demo at PAX Unplugged this past weekend, which included medieval games, fencing demos, and heavy fighting demos. I received contact information for 67 people who want to learn more about the SCA and will be contacting them and copying their chatelaines on those emails. I have a ton of people to thank, which I will do after I’ve slept a bit more, but suffice it to say, our demo team was incredible this year, and each year is better than the last!
November 2024 Business Meeting Notes
Officers in Attendance: Muin maqq Minain, Margarette la Gentiere. Dillena o’r Gwyddol, Melchoir Kriebel, Ellyn Grene, Bryan Mac Dhunghaill, Martyn de Halliwell, Ysmay de Lynn, Scolastica Capelleria, Chana Freidl the Maker, Mael Eoin mac Echuid
Other populace in attendance: Mikael melrakki, Gisela Szabo, Finnolfr Hrafnsson, Aiden Underhill
Planning is moving forward. Maryn reminded everyone to pre-register for the event, and requested volunteers to help in the morning with event setup and with running gate. Reach out to to volunteer or for more information.
A bid was submitted by Dillena o’r Gwyrdd to the Exchequer and is pending review by the financial committee. A motion was made and passed to approve the bid, pending the official approval from the financial committee.
Chana is exploring ways to allow a fencing demo at PAX and best options to keep the budget for the event to a minimum.
New Business
Baronial Herald
A call was put out for a deputy herald. Finnolfr Hrafnsson volunteered for the position.
Changing the day of the baronial business meetings
Meeting on Tuesdays conflicts with two other baronial events, heavy fighter practice and social. Discussion was held about the day of the week and week of the month to which business meeting could be moved to avoid conflicts and allow officers and the populace to attend, and how to best request input from the populace. Margarette will be requesting input from the populace for the best scheduling moving forward. For January 2025, the plan is to have business meeting on Thursday, January 16.
Bhakail Order of Precedence
It has been brought to Margarette’s attention that the baronial order of precedence is in need of updating. There is a spreadsheet for tracking the OP; Finn volunteered to share this information with the populace to see where updates are needed.
Minute notes recorded by Ellyn Grene
November 2024 Officer Reports
Following are the monthly officer reports that have been submitted prior to the Bhakail monthly business meeting of November 12, 2024.
Rapier Marshal – Don Melchior Kriebel
Bhakail rapier practice continues to be held at the Reform Lutheran Church in Media, PA. Attendance has been good with numbers around 14-18 fencers. There were no incidents of note.
Archery Marshal and reporting for Thrown Weapons – Lady Ellyn Grene
Sunday, November 17 will be the last regularly scheduled archery and thrown weapons practices for 2024. TW targets will be disassembled on Nov 22 so Mikael can take them to 100 Minutes War. We may be able to squeeze in a few more archery practices, if people are interested and weather permits.
But that’s not all for the season! On Nov 29 (Black Friday) we will be having a range cleanup day to give a good fall cleanup of the TW and archery ranges to thank MIkael for the use of his yard and to set us up for success in 2025! Stay tuned for a specific start time.
Chronicler – Lady Ellyn Grene
It’s November, and that means the next issue of the Salamander is coming up! If you have any content you would like to contribute, please send to me by November 15.
Minister of Arts & Sciences – Honorable Lady Scolastica Capellaria
Fall is here, and Bhakailis are busying themselves by preparing for Yule! Competition themes for the A&S and Brewing Competitions have been announced!
***A&S Competition:***
We all have made mistakes, some big, some so tiny only you are aware of, but we always learn something from them. Show me a mistake you made on your arts and science journey, a small error in planning, a project you’ve put down or restarted, or a hypothesis proven incorrect, and tell me about what you learned from it. Display your mistake, your attempts, and the final result!
Entries must not contain food or liquids per site requirements as the competition will take place in the library. If you are interested in presenting food or beverage for this project, please contact Scolastica in advance to make arrangements.
Documentation is encouraged. Please forward documentation to Scolastica in advance of the event for full review. Please contact Scolastica Capellaria at with any questions.
***Brewing Competition Rules — Just Gruit!:***
Hail all ye good gentle brewers! For this year’s brewing competition we are throwing it back to the days before hops were widely used to bitter the beers and other beverages. Before the 1200’s, a variety of bitter and flavoring adjuncts were used instead, such as dandelion, bog myrtle, mugwort, rosemary, resin and juniper. All beverage types will be allowed, meaning beers, ciders, meads and wines will all be judged. Whatever your drink, your submission must be flavored with at least one herb. Anything with hops will be disqualified.
Beverages will be judged on presence of an ingredient list, documentation and taste. At the very least, please list your ingredients so we may know what we’re drinking. Mystery brews (those without ingredient lists) will not be judged due to the risk of not knowing what we’re imbibing.
**Please avoid Mint as Kennari Mikael is allergic.**
A note of caution: Please do your research before adding herbs to your brew. Some plants can cause allergic and other adverse reactions. For example, henbane was used to flavor beers in Germany and gave people the sense of flight and hallucinations. It’s also a very toxic nightshade and, taken in high quantities, can cause coma, respiratory paralysis and death. So please, let’s not kill our fellow Bhakailis.
Good luck and Gānbēi!
Any questions please contact Lui Wing-Ken at
If you are interested in teaching a class, holding an A&S night, or other A&S related activity, please contact me!
There are A&S opportunities at the following local events:
- November 16, 2024: Harvest Toys for Tots Tourney (Carlisle, PA). Classes will be had.
- December 14, 2024: Bhakail Yule (Philadelphia, PA). Our baronial Arts and Science Competition, Brewing Competition, and revelry with music, dancing and laughter.
The Kingdom MOAs office now has a calendar for arts and science events across the kingdom!
Deadline for entering the EK MOAS A&S Online Display is November 15, 2024! Contact me or email with any questions or more information.
If you have any A&S interests that you would like to explore, need help researching something, or are looking for resources feel free to email me at I also would love to see what you are working on! Please send me pictures of your projects!
Chatelaine – Lady Chana Freidl the Maker
PAX approaches and I am excited for this year! If you are willing and/or able to help at the booth, please let me know. We will once again have heavy fighting demos on Saturday and are working with some fencers to see if we can include them this year as well.
As always, be kind to each other. Help each other. Include those who may be new to our family.
October 2024 Business Meeting Notes
Old Business
Baronial Polling
The Seneschal received a letter yesterday evening from the crown, and read it aloud to the populace at the meeting:
Greetings to Lady Margarette le Gantiere, Seneschal of the Barony of Bhakail, and Baron Thomas of Effingham, OD, Seneschal of the East Kingdom,
We have received the results of the Baronial Polling for the Barony of Bhakail, and after discussion we have made the decision to invest Master Mikael Melrakki, OP, as Baron for an initial term as prescribed by East Kingdom Law.
Queen Fiamuin and King Matthew
Crowns of the East Kingdom
The Seneschal has communicated to the Crowns that investiture is preferred to be held during Bhakail Yule on December 14, 2024.
A motion was passed to officially congratulate Mikael from the populace of Bhakail, and to thank Ian and Triona for stepping forward and participating as candidates.
The position of westminster was announced as open at the September business meeting. Mael Eoin mac Echuid has submitted a letter of intent for the position. A vote was held to approve him as the webminster, which passed.
With the investiture being official, discussion was had about any special plans that must be made for Yule. Martyn reported that planning is going well. If anyone would like to volunteer, particularly for setup or breakdown, email A substantial dayboard will be provided with a Persian theme. If you have any other questions or comments about the event, please reach out to Martyn at
Margarette reported that five scrolls are in the works for Yule, and wordsmiths and scribes are needed. Reach out to Margarette at if you would like to volunteer to help with scrolls.
Champions and Commons
Dillena reported that the event went well.
A bid is sought for tavern!
Additional Officer Reports
Exchequer – Lord Martyn de Halliwell
Martyn will soon be looking for new members of the financial committee. If you are interested in volunteering to be on the committee or in learning more, please contact Martyn at
A bid was submitted to the financial committee for Yule and was accepted.
Chamberlain – Baroness Ysmay de Lynn
The great reorganizing project of Bhakail stuff has been on hold for the summer, but should resume this fall. The Barony was able to consolidate more of its gold key and give it to the chatelain, who was able to add some pieces to the sale at Champions and Commons.
The event stewards of Champions and Commons were able to access the goods they needed for the event.
The efforts everyone is making to have the Baronal goods more useable is bearing fruit, and it should get better in the future.
Minister of the List – Honorable Lord Bryan mac Dhughaill an Boghadair
I have sent my report for Commons. I would like to thank Mistress Lu An-Hua for guiding me through my first tournament. I learned a lot and am ready for the next one.
Minute notes recorded by Ellyn Grene
Baronial Polling Results are in!
Cherished Populace,
On the evening of October 8th I received an email addressed to Baron Thomas Effingham, Seneschal of the East Kingdom, and to me as Seneschal of the Barony of Bhakail which reads as follows:
We have received the results of the Baronial Polling for the Barony of Bhakail, and after discussion we have made the decision to invest Master Mikael Melrakki, OP, as Baron for an initial term as prescribed by East Kingdom Law…
For scheduling purposes, we would be happy to do the Investiture at Bhakail Yule…
Queen Fiamuin and King Matthew
Crowns of the East Kingdom
First on behalf of the Barony, I would like to extend my congratulations to Master Mikael Melrakki and wish him a wonderful reign. I would also like to thank Lord Ian Douglass and Lady Triona MacCasky for stepping up as candidates and for sharing their time with the populace during the campaign.
Lastly, I would like to thank the populace for their participation in the polling process. We were test subjects in the new process of doing Baronial Polling via email, and per our East Kingdom Seneschal, the polling via email far exceeded the minimum response rate to be valid for polling by any standards.
Again, Thank you to all and Congratulations to our soon to be new Baron!
Margarette la Gantiere
Seneschal of Bhakail.
October 2024 Officer Reports
Following are the monthly officer reports that have been submitted prior to the Bhakail monthly business meeting of October 8, 2024.
Coronet’s Report – Baron Muin maqq Minain
Greetings the Peoples of the Barony, Our neighbors and Our Allies…and THAT guy…;
As the Barony has, as yet, failed to spontaneously combust in the heat of the Unreasonable Summer Months in this Ominous Year of the Discontent Wombat, THe Barony of Bhakail has surpassed all expectations!
I know you could all do it, and highly recommend pats on the backs, all around. Bask in your distinctly NON-pyrrhic victory.
Regardless of all else, as We meander into the delightful time of the year known as Autumn, please take note of the activities within the Barony and without that are still on offer for those willing to risk distinctly non sweat inducing weather. We also are hoping to see as many of you all at upcoming events both within AND without the bounds of Bhakail!
Yule is coming up soon… very soon, in fact. It will be here more quickly than you anticipate… GODS HELP US ALL, IT’S JUST AROUND THE CORNER!
So, with that in mind, have fun and be ready for what the turning of the year has in store for us all!
Do not overexert.
Do not overextend!
What you do is always more important than what someone else is doing, don’t be that guy.
Remember the Olio!
Help others when you see they need it.
In the course of the year to come, be calm, and patient.
With yourself AND others.
Looking forward to seeing all the happy faces at Yule 53: The Yulening!
Be well;
Baron of Bhakail (For a little longer)
Archery Marshal – Lady Ellyn Grene
Weekly practices will continue to be held on Sundays until the weather forces us to suspend for the winter. We have a good assortment of loaner gear available, so if you want to give archery a try, come to a practice!
Chronicler – Lady Ellyn Grene
The next issue of the newsletter will be published in November. If you have any content you would like to contribute, please send them to me by November 15.
Minister of Arts & Sciences – Honorable Lady Scolastica Capellaria
Fall is here, and Bhakailis are busying themselves by preparing for Yule!
If you are interested in teaching a class, holding an A&S night, or other A&S related activity, please contact me!
There are A&S opportunities at the following local events:
- October 11, 2024: Ghosts Ghouls and Goblins. Barony of Carillion (Manalapan NJ): Arts and Science challenges and bardic circles;
- October 12, 2024: Food, Fiber, Forestry and Fun. Shire of Owlsherst, (Narvon PA) a day of outdoor arts and sciences
- November 9, 2024: Harts and Horns, Shire of Hartshorn-Dale (Douglassville, PA). Arts and science display, dancing, gaming and cheese making competition.
- November 16, 2024: Harvest Toys for Tots Tourney (Carlisle, PA). Classes will be had.
- December 14, 2024: Bhakail Yule (Philadelphia, PA). Our baronial Arts and Science Competition, Brewing Competition, and revelry with music, dancing and laughter.
The Kingdom MOAs office now has a calendar for arts and science events across the kingdom!
If you have any A&S interests that you would like to explore, need help researching something, or are looking for resources feel free to email me at I also would love to see what you are working on! Please send me pictures of your projects!
Chatelaine – Lady Chana Freidl the Maker
We had a large group of newcomers at Champions and Commons, and it was great to see the Barony welcoming them with open arms. Our Gold Key Rummage sale raised $291, a record for us! I hope to use that money to make some pants and tunics to round out our collection. I have also been talking to other local chatelaines about having a Gold Key exchange to help other groups get garb in sizes they are lacking.
The next big event for me as Chatelaine is PAX Unplugged, which is the first weekend of December. If you’ll be going to PAX and want to spend time teaching people medieval board games, please let me know! Also, I’m looking to decorate the space better this year – if anyone has banner stands I could borrow for that weekend, I would love to have them!
September 2024 issue of the Salamander
Here is the latest issue of the Bhakail newsletter, The Salamander. Read inside for information about the ongoing polling for Bhakail Coronet–responses are due by September 27! There is also information on the upcoming Bhakail Thrown Weapons and Archery Championships, Bhakail Champions and Commons, and a profile story on our new Seneschal, Lady Margarette la Gantière.