Business Meeting
December 2024 Business Meeting Notes
Officers in Attendance: Muin maqq Minain, Ellyn Grene, Bryan Mac Dhunghaill, Martyn de Halliwell, Chana Freidl the Maker, Finnolfr Hrafnsson, Melchoir Kriebel, Mael Eoin mac Echuid, Ysmay de Lynn,
Other populace in attendance: Philadelphia Brown, Mikael melrakki, Alesia de Maris
Planning is going well. Changes to the schedule are requested to Martyn by Friday. Some volunteers are still requested for setup (please be there by 9am to help with setup) and as gate warden. Reach out to to volunteer or for more information. Anyone who needs loaner garb (gold key) can contact Chana at
We had a hugely successful demo at PAX Unplugged this past weekend, which included medieval games, fencing demos, and heavy fighting demos. Contact information was received from 67 people who were interested in learning more about the SCA.
New Business
Changes to the Bhakail Financial Policies
The Exchequer has proposed changes to the Bhakail financial policies to specify staggered terms for the at-Large seats on Bhakail’s Council of the Exchequer (CoE) aka the “Finance Committee.” The changes were discussed and will be reviewed at the January business meeting for baronial approval
Council of the Exchequer
There are currently vacancies for the At-Large seats on Bhakail’s Council of the Exchequer (CoE) aka the “Finance Committee.” Two of the seats have to be filled by people who are not greater officers of the barony. If you are interested in volunteering, please reach out to Martyn at
Baronial Herald
A call has been put out for letters of intent for Salamander Pursuivant (Herald) as Lady Ragna Grímólfsdóttir has resigned. If you are interested in the position, please submit a letter of intent to Margarette la Gantiere at
Minute notes recorded by Ellyn Grene
November 2024 Business Meeting Notes
Officers in Attendance: Muin maqq Minain, Margarette la Gentiere. Dillena o’r Gwyddol, Melchoir Kriebel, Ellyn Grene, Bryan Mac Dhunghaill, Martyn de Halliwell, Ysmay de Lynn, Scolastica Capelleria, Chana Freidl the Maker, Mael Eoin mac Echuid
Other populace in attendance: Mikael melrakki, Gisela Szabo, Finnolfr Hrafnsson, Aiden Underhill
Planning is moving forward. Maryn reminded everyone to pre-register for the event, and requested volunteers to help in the morning with event setup and with running gate. Reach out to to volunteer or for more information.
A bid was submitted by Dillena o’r Gwyrdd to the Exchequer and is pending review by the financial committee. A motion was made and passed to approve the bid, pending the official approval from the financial committee.
Chana is exploring ways to allow a fencing demo at PAX and best options to keep the budget for the event to a minimum.
New Business
Baronial Herald
A call was put out for a deputy herald. Finnolfr Hrafnsson volunteered for the position.
Changing the day of the baronial business meetings
Meeting on Tuesdays conflicts with two other baronial events, heavy fighter practice and social. Discussion was held about the day of the week and week of the month to which business meeting could be moved to avoid conflicts and allow officers and the populace to attend, and how to best request input from the populace. Margarette will be requesting input from the populace for the best scheduling moving forward. For January 2025, the plan is to have business meeting on Thursday, January 16.
Bhakail Order of Precedence
It has been brought to Margarette’s attention that the baronial order of precedence is in need of updating. There is a spreadsheet for tracking the OP; Finn volunteered to share this information with the populace to see where updates are needed.
Minute notes recorded by Ellyn Grene
October 2024 Business Meeting Notes
Old Business
Baronial Polling
The Seneschal received a letter yesterday evening from the crown, and read it aloud to the populace at the meeting:
Greetings to Lady Margarette le Gantiere, Seneschal of the Barony of Bhakail, and Baron Thomas of Effingham, OD, Seneschal of the East Kingdom,
We have received the results of the Baronial Polling for the Barony of Bhakail, and after discussion we have made the decision to invest Master Mikael Melrakki, OP, as Baron for an initial term as prescribed by East Kingdom Law.
Queen Fiamuin and King Matthew
Crowns of the East Kingdom
The Seneschal has communicated to the Crowns that investiture is preferred to be held during Bhakail Yule on December 14, 2024.
A motion was passed to officially congratulate Mikael from the populace of Bhakail, and to thank Ian and Triona for stepping forward and participating as candidates.
The position of westminster was announced as open at the September business meeting. Mael Eoin mac Echuid has submitted a letter of intent for the position. A vote was held to approve him as the webminster, which passed.
With the investiture being official, discussion was had about any special plans that must be made for Yule. Martyn reported that planning is going well. If anyone would like to volunteer, particularly for setup or breakdown, email A substantial dayboard will be provided with a Persian theme. If you have any other questions or comments about the event, please reach out to Martyn at
Margarette reported that five scrolls are in the works for Yule, and wordsmiths and scribes are needed. Reach out to Margarette at if you would like to volunteer to help with scrolls.
Champions and Commons
Dillena reported that the event went well.
A bid is sought for tavern!
Additional Officer Reports
Exchequer – Lord Martyn de Halliwell
Martyn will soon be looking for new members of the financial committee. If you are interested in volunteering to be on the committee or in learning more, please contact Martyn at
A bid was submitted to the financial committee for Yule and was accepted.
Chamberlain – Baroness Ysmay de Lynn
The great reorganizing project of Bhakail stuff has been on hold for the summer, but should resume this fall. The Barony was able to consolidate more of its gold key and give it to the chatelain, who was able to add some pieces to the sale at Champions and Commons.
The event stewards of Champions and Commons were able to access the goods they needed for the event.
The efforts everyone is making to have the Baronal goods more useable is bearing fruit, and it should get better in the future.
Minister of the List – Honorable Lord Bryan mac Dhughaill an Boghadair
I have sent my report for Commons. I would like to thank Mistress Lu An-Hua for guiding me through my first tournament. I learned a lot and am ready for the next one.
Minute notes recorded by Ellyn Grene
September 2024 Business Meeting Notes
Thrown Weapons and Archery Championships
These baronial championship competitions are scheduled for this Sunday, September 15 at the normal venue and times for thrown weapons and archery practices. See the baronial calendar or contact Mikael at for directions. The populace is invited to attend, although parking is limited.
Champions and Commons
The event will be held on September 29. A rummage sale will be held from the baronial gold key (loaner garb). More details at
Yule Bid
No bid has been submitted to date. Martyn reported that a bid is forthcoming. The event needs to be on the calendar asap to allow the royals to decide if it will be a royal progress. A vote was held to move forward with adding Yule to the East Kingdom event calendar now, even without a bid in hand.
Old Business
Baronial Polling
Polling is officially underway! The first emails went out on Sunday. The deadline for responses is September 27, 2024. Margarette will continue reminding people up to the deadline that responses are needed. If you have any questions or issues, please contact the East Kingdom Polling Deputy at At least 50% of the populace on the polling list must respond for this to be considered a valid polling. If you did not respond to the multiple requests to provide an email address for inclusion in the polling, you have not received a ballot. If you have not responded to this point and want to participate in the polling, please contact Margarette at
The position of westminster is currently open, and as of the meeting no letters of intent have been submitted. If you are interested in the position, please contact Margarette at
New Business
Timely Submission of Bids for Events
A discussion was held on possible solutions for ensuring that events, particularly events that are routinely held each year, have bids submitted in a timely manner and can be officially scheduled. Margarette suggested publishing a calendar of when normally scheduled events are anticipated and when bids are desired.
Ragna has begun gathering a list of potential event sites, and needs help from experienced autocrats to craft a description of site requirements for events. Please reach out to Ragna at if you can help out.
Deputy Herald Sought
Ragna is seeking a Deputy Herald. Please reach out to Margarette and/or Ragna if you are interested in learning more.
Additional Officer Reports
Minister of the List – Honorable Lord Bryan mac Dhughaill an Boghadair
I’m working on the equipment and paperwork for champions. I spoke with the Champions and am researching the tournaments they want to run.
Minute notes recorded by Ellyn Grene
July 2024 Business Meeting Notes
Champions and Commons
A bid has been received to hold the event on September 29, and will be sent to the Council of the Exchequer for review. After brief discussion, the bid was approved pending approval by the Council of the Exchequer.
Yule Bid
Still looking for a bid! The German Society has us penciled in for the second Saturday of December for the event. The Barony votes to approve any bid that is submitted prior to the next business meeting in September and subsequently approved by the Council of the Exchequer.
Old Business
Baronial Polling
Communication has been sent asking all members of the Barony who do not have East Kingdom email addresses to provide your preferred email address to both the Baronial Seneschal at and to the East Kingdom Polling deputy at This is essential to ensure that you are included in the polling
Members who have East Kingdom email addresses are also asked to send an email to the Seneschal to confirm that they are on the polling list.
Timeline for the actual polling has not yet been finalized.
New Business
Finn has had to step down from the position of Bhakail Webminister. Letters of intent are welcomed from anyone who is interested in filling the position. Finn is willing to stay on as a deputy. If you are interested in learning more about the position, Mael Eoin would be happy to chat with you.
Additional Officer Reports
Chamberlain – Baroness Ysmay de Lynn
We continue to gather, sort, purge and organize the Bhakail inventory. This is a long-term project, and is currently on hold until after Pennsic, but it is moving forward and going well.
Wins so far:
- We have sorted our youth activity items, so it’s possible to grab a smaller, more focused box that reflects the kinds of activities going on at an event rather than having to take everything
2. We have sorted out items that will fit well in the Kingdom toybox. The barony will likely present these to their majesties at Investiture/Yule.
3. The box of pointy kitchen items has been tamed, and now lives in nylon bags sorted by type. All knives have been removed.
4. All kitchen items have been sorted by type.
We do need to buy more bins. I still have the $200 previous budget for this since I am not good at keeping receipts. I will do better.
We also need measuring cups and spoons. I will be putting in a budget request for this in the future.
Bailiwick of Ivyeinrust – Livia Petralia, Deputy Seneschal
We have just recovered from hosting Known World Heralds and Scribes Symposium. We had 120 attendees from multiple countries and kingdoms, with events spanning three days and multiple parts of campus and Philadelphia. We lucked out to be able to schedule when there was free admission at both the Philadelphia Museum of Art and the University Museum. There has been a lot of positive, and some constructive, feedback and the Bailiwick did make money on the event. We are also extremely thankful that so far only one attendee has reported contracting covid, and they neither caught it nor passed it on at the event. We thank the Barony for the loan of cold drink dispensers for the Saturday evening social at the UPenn LGBT center – the ice water was much needed and appreciated.
We thank Lady Margarette la Gantiere for transporting the drink containers to and from the event and for both teaching a class and leading a roundtable discussion. We thank Ysmay de Lynn for volunteering to model for our classes. We thank Lady Ellyn Greene for volunteering to shepherd attendees to the Fine Arts Library for tours and workshops. We were excited to meet Davit Jamburiani, who was teaching at his first? event and we look forward to seeing him around the Barony and Bailiwick in the future. And we will have an even more exhaustive list of gratitude forthcoming.
We are now looking forward to the Fall semester and shall once more renew our recruitment efforts. If you would like to demo or teach anything at UPenn, please feel free to contact either the Chatelaine or the MoAS of the Bailiwick (both me! Livia Petralia). We are on very good terms with the Penn Libraries’ Materials Library (which is interested in fiber and dying workshops) and their maker space at the Education Commons (which is interested in metal working, last and shoe making, weaving, and other fun things).
Feel free to join us at our next business meeting (Monday, August 12th at 7:30pm on Zoom) or on campus for lunch (Monday, July 15th at noon at Louie Louis – weather permitting)
Minute notes recorded by Ellyn Grene
June 2024 Business Meeting Notes
Waking of the Salamander
Paperwork for WotS3 has been finalized.
Champions and Commons Bid
A bid is in the works.
Yule Bid
Bids are welcomed! There is a volunteer for cook.
Old Business
Martyn de Halliwell has submitted a letter of intent to take the position of Exchequer. A vote was taken and he was elected.
Knight Marshal
As announced last month, Sir Aaron the Swift is moving out of the Barony and needs to step down as Knight Marshal. A bid to replace him has been submitted by Ezra De Bazzi. A vote was taken and she was elected.
Minister of the Lists
Bryan Mac Dhunghaill has submitted a letter of intent to take the position of Minister of the Lists. A vote was taken and he was elected.
There has been a letter of intent submitted for Seneschal by Margarette la Gantiere. A vote was taken and she was elected.
New Business
Demo in Crown Province of Østgarðr
The Crown Province of Ostgardr is hosting a medieval board games demo at The Brooklyn Strategist game store during their free Roleplaying Game Day on Saturday, June 22. Chana will be attending, so if you are interesting in going please contact her.
Hosting of Thrown Weapons Practice
Since Mikael has stepped down as Thrown Weapons Marshal, permission was asked of the new Knight Marshal to continue hosting practices at his house. Permission was granted.
Update on Baronial Polling
No major updates since the last communication emailed to the baronian email list by Mael Eoin.
Additional Officer Reports
Coronet’s Report – Baron Muin maqq Minain
Greetings the Peoples of the Barony, Our neighbors and Our Allies;
I see the Barony has ALSO yet to spiral into a quasar, a singularity, nor has it danced into the heliosphere of Our sometimes beloved Sun…so, I am declaring victory! Two months in a row.
Regardless of all else, We are hoping to see as many of you all at upcoming events both within AND without the bounds of Bhakail!
Do not overexert.
Do not overextend!
Remember the Olio!
Help others when you see they need it.
In the course of the year to come, be calm, and patient.
With yourself AND others.
Be well;
Baron of Bhakail
Bailiwick of Ivyeinrust – Emery de Champagne
I’m writing to let you know that Ivy held their recurring business meeting tonight. Things are shaping up for a wonderful Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium!
I’d like to extend a reminder that pre-registration is REQUIRED by June 20th.
Additionally, we are still on the lookout for a few more volunteers; anyone interested in helping should contact Brunissende Dragonette by email ( or via the event discord.
Minute notes recorded by Ellyn Grene
May 2024 Business Meeting Notes
Waking of the Salamander
The event went well.
Champions and Commons Bid
A bid is in the works.
Yule Bid
Bids are welcomed! The Seneschal hopes to have things largely settled by Pennsic.
Old Business
Baronial Polling for Baron/Baroness
Meet the candidates nights have been scheduled and details will be advertised soon. The dates are:
- Next Tuesday, May 21 at baronial social
- Next Thursday, May 23 at Yards Brewing Co. in Philadelphia
- Sunday, May 30th, virtual
Minister of Arts and Sciences
The position is due for renewal. Scolastica has indicated her interest to continue for an additional term, and she was voted in by acclamation.
There has been a letter of intent submitted for Seneschal by Margarette la Gantiere. A vote will be held at the June meeting.
New Business
Beck of Copeland has stepped down from the position of Exchequer and was thanked for her service. Philadelphia is currently acting as Deputy Exchequer. Letters of intent are sought for this needed officer position. Please contact the Seneschal if you are interested in volunteering.
Knight Marshal
Sir Aaron the Swift is moving out of the Barony and needs to step down as Knight Marshal. Volunteers are sought to take the position.
Additional Officer Reports
Coronet’s Report – Baron Muin maqq Minain
Greetings the Peoples of the Barony, Our neighbors and Our Allies;
I see the Barony has yet to spiral into the Sun…so, I am declaring victory! HUZZAH!
Regardless of all else, We are hoping to see as many of you all at upcoming events both within AND without the bounds of Bhakail!
Do not overexert.
Do not overextend!
Remember the Olio!
Help others when you see they need it.
In the course of the year to come, be calm, and patient.
With yourself AND others.
Looking forward to seeing all the happy faces at WotS3!
Be well;
Baron of Bhakail
Knight Marshal – Sir Aaron the Swift
Fight practices are running and healthy with great turn out now that the weather is nicer. If your Tuesday evenings are busy, I suggest the Barony of Iron Bog local practice or Southern Army Sundays (both taking place on Sundays) as an alternative. Feel free to reach out if you need further details.
On another note, I will be moving out of Kingdom in the next couple of months. If anyone has interest in the Knight Marshal role please let me know.
Minute notes recorded by Ellyn Grene
April 2024 Business Meeting Notes
Waking of the Salamander
Planning is going well. Anticipating pre-registrations of around 40. The weather is looking good!If you have firewood you could bring or carts that could be used, please reach out to Eirik.
Commons Bid
Bids are welcomed!
Yule Bid
Bids are welcomed!
Old Business
Letters of intent for Baron/Baroness
Two letters have been submitted by the deadline of this meeting: one from the Honorable Lord Mikael melrakki, one from Captain Ian Douglas and Lady Triona MacCasky. Be on the lookout for announcements of opportunities to meet the candidates and details/dates for the polling process.
New Business
Mael Eoin is stepping down as Senschesl in June, letters of intent are welcomed and encouraged.
Budget request for archery practices
Request has been made for up to $400 for purchase of loaner arrows and other supplies for Bhakail archery practices. The Barony voted, and supports this request to the Exchequer.
Additional Officer Reports
Coronet’s Report – Baron Muin maqq Minain
Greetings the Peoples of the Barony, Our neighbors and Our Allies;
It is a wonder to see the flowering of the world around us, and know that the warmth of the Sun is just around the corner!
Please take some time to greet the natural world and spend some time acclimating to warmer weather. Going out in garb at outdoor events when you’re still in ‘Winter Mode” can be… distressing.
Regardless of all else, We are hoping to see as many of you all at upcoming events both within AND without the bounds of Bhakail!
Do not overexert.
Do not overextend!
Remember the Olio!
Help others when you see they need it.
In the course of the year to come, be calm, and patient.
With yourself AND others.
Looking forward to seeing all the happy faces at WotS3!
Be well;
Baron of Bhakail
Seneschal’s Report – Máistir Mael Eoin mac Echuidh
Following last month’s Baronial polling, we are closing the call for Letters of Intent for Baron(ess) and/or Baron(ess) of Bhakail. Thank you to all who have considered throwing in for the role and especially those who have done so. Cross your fingers that Kingdom and Society do their parts in a timely manner and we can plan for Investiture this coming December!
We will be formally announcing the vacancy for Seneschal this month to allow for letters to be submitted, but if you’ve been thinking about it, I’ve been mentioning it for a bit…so far, there’s one letter in for the role and we’ve been working on what goes into the role, what changes might be good to bring up, etc. I’m looking forward to seeing what is to come with new energy and perspectives involved!
Looking forward to Waking of the Salamander and everything else coming up through the Summer! If you have any interest in helping with various events, especially with Yule hopefully being the Investiture of our next Baronial Coronet(s), keep an eye out for announcements or reach out and we’ll get you in touch with appropriate folk 🙂
Chamberlain – Baroness Ysmay de Lynn
Margarette, Mikael and I went through the youth items and got rid of 5 tubs of material that was old, not appropriate (like glitter and non-medieval themed objects, or would take too much work to make usable at this time. We organized the remaining items into boxes that will be easy to grab for events, including a box of kid games. We were able to clear out two sections of the closets.
Bailiwick of Ivyeinrust – Emery de Champagne
The Bailiwick of Ivyeinrust had our business meeting on April 8. We discussed our progress on Known World.
Due to previous concern, unfortunately we must announce that no persons may harbor jackalopes or dragons. Griffins will be permitted, however, only as a registered service-creature.
Minute notes recorded by Ellyn Grene
March 2024 Business Meeting Notes
Waking of the Salamander
Waking of the Salamander is next month, April 19-21, and is all set to go. Stay tuned on the EK event webpage for any updates.
Commons Bid
Bids are being accepted.
Yule Bid
Yule will be a baronial investiture this year, and early bids are encouraged. Martyn de Halliwll is working on a bid, and if anyone is interested in helping with this bid please contact him at
Old Business
Acquisition of Shade Tents and Tables for Events
Chana has priced out canvas, it would be approximately $200 for the material to make covers for the EZup frames that the barony owns. A vote was held in support of the purchase, which will be submitted to the finance committee for final approval.
Residency Variance for Baronial Election
A polling was held this month to see if there is support from the populace of Bhakail for Rowen Cloteworthy’s residency variance. This variance would be required from the Board of Directors in order for him to run for Bhakail Baron, with Sabine de Kerbriant as Baroness in the upcoming election.
The polling was closed during the meeting and the results were announced, with the Barony not in support of the variance.
So far there are two separate letters of intent for the Coronet that have been submitted, and the final deadline for letters to be submitted is by the April business meeting (April 9, 2024).
New Business
No new business.
Additional Officer Reports
Coronet’s Report – Baron Muin maqq Minain
Greetings the Peoples of the Barony, Our neighbors and Our Allies… and THAT guy;
Writing this to you all as I hobble about on one of my canes.
As time has bowled recklessly forward, We are gleefully awaiting the next great event We may attend!
I hope those wonderful people who have stepped up to run these events, and to work these events, know how precious their efforts are to the Barony of Bhakail, its people, and its currently hobbled Baron.
We cannot wait for the joys that are WotS III, and Commons!
Many contests lie ahead, and we cannot wait to see Our people come out to compete!
We also have many Local and Regional events, meetings, and practices to look forward to as the Year once again rolls ever onward, such as the Weekly Social, Various Fighting practices, and Scribal Classes & Gatherings, wherein many integral and exciting things happen!
I will reiterate how proud I was of all of the effort Bhakail put into the Largess Gifts that were given to Iron Bog at their Investiture, the Crown at Yule, and to Buckland Cross at its investiture! (Such a list!)
We would like to note the various other Largess Projects that are on Our Horizons this quickly dwindling year, anyone interested in participating, please (again…) see Lady Scolastica, or Myself!
Regardless of all else, We are hoping to see as many of you all at upcoming events both within AND without the bounds of Bhakail!
Do not overexert.
Do not overextend!
Just Say No to Mortal Wombat Systems.
Help others when you see they need it.
In the course of the year to come, be calm, and patient.
With yourself AND others.
Looking forward to seeing all the happy faces at Tavern!
Be well,
And Peace be upon You in these Sweaty, Unreasonable Times;
Baron of Bhakail
Knight Marshal – Aaron the Swift
As the weather is beginning to heat up, we are returning to the 48 Dickenson street site. Attendance is usually better at this location and we can fight as long as we’d like. As the weather could still turn sour, we are deciding location on an ad-hoc location. Please check or ask on the “Philadelphia SCA Fighter Practice Info” Facebook page for the most up to date information!
Chatelaine – Lady Chana Freidl the Maker
Nothing to report from the office of the Chatelaine.
Minute notes recorded by Ellyn Grene
February 2024 Business Meeting Notes
Tavern happened and the event stewarts did a great job!
Waking of the Salamander
Planning is moving forward, with dates of April 19-21. Bardic and gaming champions are now part of this event since they were not able to be held at Tavern.
Commons Bid
Bids are welcomed for Commons
Yule Bid
Yule will be a baronial investiture this year, so planning needs to begin as soon as possible. The likely date is December 14, 2024.
Old Business
New Business
Society and Kingdom Business
- Exchequer reports are due to the Kingdom. An extension is possible if requested.
- Membership rates are increasing to $55/year for an associate membership, which is the minimum membership required to be an officer.
- The member discount for event fees (often referred to as the non member event fee) is increasing to $10 from $5. There is a scholarship (the Signorotti Membership Assistance Fund) available to aid in membership fees if required.
- The president of the SCA is stepping down. Nominations are open.
Acquisition of Shade Tents and Tables for Events
Discussion of the purchase of one or two pop-up shade tents for baronial events. Considerations are cost, storage, and transportation. Mikael says there should be space for storage in his basement with the other baronial supplies. Chana may be able to make roofs for some frames no longer used by the Bhakail Pennsic encampment. Chana and Ysmay will be exploring the options. Need for tables at events was also discussed.
Residency Variance for Baronial Election
Sabine de Kerbriant and Rowen Cloteworthy are considering the submission of a letter of intent to run for Bhakail Baron and Baroness in the upcoming election. Due to Rowen’s mailing address, this would require a residency variance from the Board of Directors. The BOD meets quarterly, and thus this variance would need to be requested as soon as possible. To give the BOD time to respond, the option to move the date by which letters of intent are required to the April business meeting rather than March was discussed. Rowen proposed to hold an operational vote of the barony to see if there is sufficient support for them to appear on the ballot, assuming a variance is approved. The plan for an operational vote at the March business meeting was approved.
Confirming Baronial Residency for Polling
Several recent SCA pollings have had issues with incorrect polling data for the populace. Methods were discussed to informally survey individuals who are SCA members and believe they are residents of Bhakail so polling data can be as correct as possible.
Additional Officer Reports
Coronet’s Report – Baron Muin maqq Minain
Greetings the Peoples of the Barony, Our neighbors and Our Allies;
Writing this to you all from the comforting confines of my sickbed, hoping you are all doing well.
As time has rolled inexorably forward, we have had wonderful reports from many sources of the great joy and fun had by those lucky enough to have attended Our Tavern event! I hope those wonderful people who stepped up to run the event, and to work the event, know how precious their efforts are to the Barony of Bhakail, and its ailing Baron.
We may now, of course, focus Our Efforts to the preparations for both WotS III, and Commons!
Many contests lie ahead, and we cannot wait to see Our people come out to compete!
We also have many Local and Regional events, meetings, and practices to look forward to as the Year once again rolls ever onward, such as the Weekly Social, Various Fighting practices, and Scribal Classes & Gatherings, wherein many integral and exciting things happen!
I will reiterate how proud I was of all of the effort Bhakail put into the Largess Gifts that were given to Iron Bog at their Investiture, the Crown at Yule, and to Buckland Cross at its investiture! (Such a list!)
We would like to note the various other Largess Projects that are on Our Horizons this quickly dwindling year, anyone interested in participating, please (again…) see Lady Scolastica, or Myself!
Now…As was announced at Yule during Court, Our term as Baron ends this coming year, At Yule, and so the Race begins!
Who will step up to succeed Me?
Interested parties should submit a Letter of Intent to the Senescal ASAP! Final deadline for Letters of Intent is the March Barony Meeting!
If you are interested, but want to know what being Bhakail’s Coronet(s) is about and like, message me, or ask me the next time you see me!
Regardless of all else, We are hoping to see as many of you all at upcoming events both within AND without the bounds of Bhakail!
Do not overexert.
Say No to robot-love-pigeons.
Help others when you see they need it.
In the course of the year to come, be calm, and patient.
With yourself AND others.
Looking forward to seeing all the happy faces at Tavern!
Be well,
And Peace be upon You in these Sweaty, Unreasonable Times;
Baron of Bhakail
Thrown Weapons Marshal – The Honorable Lord Mikael melrakki
Practices still on hold.
Minister of the List – The Honorable Lord Mikael melrakki
Nothing to report.
Minute notes recorded by Ellyn Grene