Chatelaine Report
Greetings from the Baronial Chatelaine for the December Report! (I incorrectly thought last report was December’s but it was actually for November, oops!)
Newcomer Update: We’ve received 3 new contacts of interest for the local Barony! I am following up with them and hope they will join us for local activities and / or events very soon.
Gold Key: Starting in February we will be relocating the Gold Key to our Chamberlain’s storage location and sorting through the loaner garb that we have. Once I’ve taken stock of the inventory I will update further. I anticipate this to be a fairly long and involved task as I understand we have quite a bit in Gold Key that needs to be sorted, mended, or donated. I’ll be reaching out to the local members for anyone who is interested to assist with this task! This will be a much easier task if not done alone.
In the next few days I will be submitting my Chatelaine’s Q4 report. I will include details of that report in my January update.
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