January 2017 Meeting Notes and Reports

Posted on March 2, 2017 By

Officer Reports

January 2017

Meeting began at 7:43pm


After a fun and busy holiday season, we would like to take this time to share some thoughts and reflections on Bhakail’s Yule. First, we would like to thank everyone who went into making our last Yule successful and enjoyable. We know it is a huge amount of work for a large number of people, and we are eternally grateful for the people in the barony and surrounding groups who give of their time and energy to make this celebration come together.

We were completely blown away by the cooks this year, both in terms of the quality of the food, and their concern for the Baroness’s particular issues. Both Martyn, who did the dayboard, and John Marshall, who did the feast, were in regular contact with Her Excellency, and made substitutions and adjustments to their plans, while still putting on beautiful, succulent, medieval meals. At no point did Her Excellency feel like she was deprived of anything, and made it through the day happy and healthy.

We would particularly like to congratulate John Marshall. We really can’t say enough about how beautiful this feast was, and the way the courses all worked together was thoughtful and delicious. Not only was every dish documentable, it was documented and available for anyone who wanted to see what he did. It was so interesting to see how this menu was developed, and it really went a long way to proving that period food doesn’t mean boring or not good. At least one person who was experiencing his first Medieval feast is definitely looking forward to his next one.

It is always difficult for us to say goodbye to Our Champions, and this Yule is no exception. Our Arts & Sciences and Brewing Champions went above and beyond the call of duty, both before and during the event. Our Brewing Champion, Alexander, worked with folks throughout the year to create exceptional brews that we enjoyed at Yule, including a lovely gruit that he researched and presented. In addition, he stepped in at almost the last minute to provide libations to share in the rathskellar; considering the quantity provided and timing of that request, we raise a glass once more to him stepping in.

Lorenzo was yet again an exceptional champion – writing scroll texts based on period documents, entertaining us at Pennsic with poetry readings of both original and period works, entering competitions and participating in Arts & Sciences events where he gave presentations, and just encouraging folks to take their arts and knowledge farther. He continued in the vein when crafting and running Bhakail’s Arts & Sciences competition. He created a venue where people were encouraged to think about their persona and how they would have acted in period and why. We had a large number of entries, all of them truly inspired and inspiring. As part of the judging, the entrants discussed their works with Lorenzo, and he asked them questions that actively inspired them to think of their work in a new way and try something more. I look forward to the results from these folks in the future to see what they will incorporate going forward.

We would also like to thank everyone who retained this year, in particular Kat, Suellen and Koca. These ladies helped to keep things running on time, made sure ties were tied and coronets were straightened, water glasses were full and plates were filled and removed. Other folks also made sure that banners were raised and lowered and just generally made us look like we were put together. This can be a challenge on a day as busy at Yule, and we greatly appreciate the efforts.

In Service,

Ysmay and Mael Eoin

Baroness and Baron of Bhakail


Next week is the Canton meeting, and they need a seneschal and an exchequer. Please submit letters of intent by the end of this next meeting. Also calling for bids for holding a service schola. There is already a $50 deposit to run that event at Stage One.


Please see the included spreadsheets.


Salamander Pursuivant’s Report, 2017-01


Their Excellencies held a Baronial Court on December 10th at Bhakail Yule. Many awards were given out.


There will be a brief Court at “At the Sign of the Bear and Phoenix” tavern event on January 28th, 2017.


There will be a brief Court at “Winter Nights South” bardic event on February 18th, 2017.


Anyone interested in producing scrolls for Baronial Court should contact me.


__Heraldic Submissions__


From the Eastern Internal Letter of Intent (ILoI) – This letter includes all new names and devices that have been submitted to the Eastern College of Heralds in the last month. It takes about two months for items to reach the next stage, the Eastern Letter of Decision.

__January 2017__

  • No letter has been issued yet.


From the Eastern Letter of Decision (LoD) – This letter reports what items will be forwarded to Laurel to be decided on and what will be returned to the submitter for more work. It takes about six more months for submissions to reach the next stage, the Laurel Letter of Acceptances and Returns.
__December 2016__

  • I didn’t see any Bhakail-related submissions on this letter.


From the Laurel Letter of Acceptances and Returns (LoAR) – This letter says what items have been accepted by SCA’s College of Arms and what has been returned to the submitter unregistered.

__October 2016 Acceptances__

  • Lillia de Vaux was named a Herald Extraordinary by Andrewe, Laurel King of Arms.
  • Badge for the East Kingdom’s Southern Army. “(Fieldless) Five mullets of six points conjoined in cross Or.”
  • Badge for the East Kingdom’s Southern Army. “Azure, five mullets of six points in cross Or.”


__October 2016 Returns__

  • I didn’t see any Bhakail-related returns on this letter.


For Barony, Bailiwick, and Canton,

Pray know I remain,


– Rowen Cloteworthy, Salamander Pursuivant


I have received an article for use on our website. Be watching for a notice in the Yahoo! group and other social media for when it gets posted. I will be trying other ways to remind people for reports.

Knight Marshal

Going up to Birka. Practice on Tuesdays.


We have A&S out the wazoo! Xanthippe has asked to be deputy of sciences. Congrats to old and new A&S and Brewing Champions. K&Q A&S and Bardic is coming up. If anyone would like help with documentation, please ask.


Greetings unto the Barony

Winter is upon us and now is the time to sharpen your weapons, your skills and check your authorization cards.


Mistress Judith the Confused


Greetings from the Baronial Chatelaine for the December Report!  (I incorrectly thought last report was December’s but it was actually for November, oops!)

Newcomer Update:  We’ve received 3 new contacts of interest for the local Barony!  I am following up with them and hope they will join us for local activities and / or events very soon.

Gold Key:  Starting in February we will be relocating the Gold Key to our Chamberlain’s storage location and sorting through the loaner garb that we have.  Once I’ve taken stock of the inventory I will update further.  I anticipate this to be a fairly long and involved task as I understand we have quite a bit in Gold Key that needs to be sorted, mended, or donated.  I’ll be reaching out to the local members for anyone who is interested to assist with this task!  This will be a much easier task if not done alone.

In the next few days I will be submitting my Chatelaine’s Q4 report.  I will include details of that report in my January update.

Captain of Combat Archers

First workshop was going on during the meeting. It will be every other week alongside regional practice, and when the weather is warmer they will be shooting at the fighters. People in New Jersey would like to be shot at as well. When the weather is warmer we are resolved to shoot Digger.


Barony has stuff. We may have lost a stock pot to wear. All the stuff is currently in Martyn’s shop. The garage is now sealed off. Project to build the shelves has been delayed due to illness, but will go forward shortly.

Chancellor Minor

If you have an upcoming event that you would like youth activities at please let her know.


Happy New Year!  Greetings from the Baronial Webminister for her December Report!

Social Media:  My wonderful Deputy Ayleth Le Frye has been doing a fantastic job of getting communications out about local events and activities on multiple social media channels.  I’m happy to say that we now have activity on Twitter, Facebook, and G+.

Website:  Last month I updated and cleaned up some content on the Calendar page.  I’ll also be announcing at the meeting this evening that I am making available the option for Officers that want to or already have an East Kingdom Wiki page can now make it available on the Officers page.  They simply need to contact me and I will make sure the link is available once they’ve confirmed that is what they want.

Old Business

Baronial Polling

Muin has been trying to get in touch with the rapier marshal to set up a meet and greet at a rapier practice. The ballot has been approved, and we should be moving forward with printing, and mailing the ballots.

Winter Nights

Feb. 18th at Stage One, lots of bardic. There will be dayboard but no feast. It was suggested that dinner get ordered in, so that people don’t get stuck in Media on a Saturday and not come back. There is not yet a contract. They did confirm that the deposit is $50 as usual.

Investiture and Rattan Champs 2017

Lianor presented this plan. The finances will be forwarded to the finance committee this week. Things were discussed. It was suggested to have the feast fee be $12 rather than $10. They would like to see the kids fee lowered to $5 pre-registered, $8 at the door. Muin proposed to vote to accept, Brian seconded. 13 voted yes, so the event is going forward pending financial committee approval.


Planning is moving along. Food plan looks great. 19 reservations so far, but more came in tonight.

New Business

Yule 2017 Report

Yule Revel in Renaissance Germany” will be held on Saturday, December 9, 2017, at the German Society. The food, music, dance, gaming, and other activities will feature the cultures of German-speaking peoples from the 15th and 16th centuries. Plenty of openings for event staff, so if you are interested in learning how to run an event, or to help in any capacity, please let me know.

Part of the arrangement with the German Society for discounted Yule rentals involves the Barony helping with a demo-type activity for the German Society. This year, they’re possibly going to ask us to help put on a 16th century German lunch for their members. This would probably be on a Sunday afternoon in September, with Mistress Juliana von Altenfeld cooking. We would be reimbursed for food costs, but wouldn’t receive any proceeds – this would be a German Society event where we would be the cooks and servers (and possibly entertainers), but they would take care of the registrations and Door/Gate. Ideally, some of us would be wearing 16th century German garb during this lunch (you know that the lunch attendees are going to want to take photos!), so a Renaissance German costuming workshop or two would be planned for this spring/summer. If you are interested in helping in any capacity with this demo-type activity for the German Society, please let me know.

East Kingdom 50 Year Event

Iron Bog, Baron Larry, is making a bid for this event in 2018 at the Tall Pines Day Camp. Labor Day weekend, 3 day event. They are looking for help, specifically for food, one slot for the weekend.

Officer Reports to Kingdom

Due to kingdom by the 15th of this month.

Survey about their official email. Trying to figure out if people are using it and if it really serves.

Pennsic registration is open! Checking to see who the land master is, and if they have gotten Bhakail registered.


Martyn is going to submit a bid to run Pennsic 48, in 2019. If you would like to get involved with Pennsic staff, let him know. Hopeful that there will be multiple bids submitted.

Mael Eoin and Ysmay are travelling to foreign wars, and they would like to bring largesse with them. Please include your information if you make a thing. Things that are easily given out and can travel on an airplane.

On behalf of Marta, they will be going through gold key during A&S on Mondays.

Motion to end, ended at 9:10pm

Business Meeting

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