Artisans’ Village Thank Yous

Posted on June 22, 2017 By

On the 17th of June, A.S. LII, we traveled to Artisans’ Village and Brewers’ University in the Shire of Buckland Cross. Despite the overcast day and occasional rain, it was a fun event and We enjoyed ourselves. While We were only there for the day, several people in the Barony camped for the weekend.

A number of arts were displayed and taught. We apologise that we didn’t get the names of all the teachers. Thank you to Mistress Elysabeth Underhill for coordinating the A&S Consulting Table. There were a quite a few people weaving with inkle loom and card-weaving, and a few making cord with a lucet. Lampworked beads were created, overseen by Lady Lady Aibhilin inghean Ui Phaidin. Lord Declan Gobha brought a portable forge and he and Lord Muin maqq Minain demonstrated knife-making and working metal rod into tent stakes. Several people were decorated with henna by Amelia.

Congratulations to Lady Cassandra Arques de Northmannia, Our Brewing Champion, for reaching the status of Journeyman in her panelling with the EK Brewer’s Guild. Congratulations also to Lord Edgar refskegg for his panelling to Brewer. And thank you to Thane Alexander Makcristyne for coordinating the Brewing Village.

Thank you to Our retainers, Lady Roseia Poseia and Lucia, for taking such good care of Us. Also thank you to everyone who helped Us unpack, set up, and take down the Baronial shade pavilions, tables, and hospitality. Thanks also to Master Mael Eoin mac Echuid and Baroness Ysmay de Lynn for sharing their very large shade pavilion with the event. It hosted a fiber arts maker space during the day and did double duty as the feast hall in the evening.

The dayboard and feast, overseen by His Highness Prince Ivan, was filling and delicious. So much meat! Thank you to Master Mael Eoin and Mistress Juliana von Altenfeld for assisting with the cooking.

Thank you to the Shire for hosting Us and to Baroness Christina Jenevra de Carvalhal for stewarding the day.

For Barony, Bailiwick, and Canton,

Pray know We remain,

Rowen and Suba, Baron and Baroness of Bhakail

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