September 2021 Business Meeting Minutes

Posted on October 6, 2021 By

Coronet’s Report – Baron Muin maqq Minain

To the People of Bhakail –

The last dregs of a hot, pulpy, moist summer are slowly loosening its grip upon these lands. May it never return with such force ever again. As we look toward cooler months, Yule is on the far horizon. Get your vaccinations. Get your friends and family to do the same. Beyond Yule, is the possibility of Tavern. For the coming spring, We would like to look into the possibility a new Bhakail event, A fencing/camping event, with an new Bhakail Iron-Age Chef competition! Bring your ideas, and be ready to shine!

– Muin, Baron of Bhakail

Seneschal’s Report – Honorable Lady Alesia de Maris of Ravenstar


Bhakail Commons happened. It was a small event but fun and we have new Champions of Heavy Weapons and Fencing.

The Barony will be hosting a demo on Saturday September 25th at Veteran’s Park on Lawrence Road in Broomall. The Marple Library in Broomall has asked us to do this demo. We are looking for volunteers to show up and demonstrate their artwork and crafts. We are also looking for fighters and fencers to demonstrate their skills. Set up will be at Noon, open to the public at 1 pm and close at 5 pm. The library is looking at catering options for providing a lunch to the participants, so we need a head count. If you are interested in attending, please let me know. I can be reached at

Yule is now a Royal Progress event. We are capping participants to 175, feast to 100, no exceptions. Get your reservation in early.

In service to the Barony,
– Alesia de Maris

Social Media Deputy – Magister Rowen Cloteworthy

Another busy month with over 15 new subscribers to the Barony’s FB page.

Exchequer Report – Mistress Philadelphia Brown

Still Seeking a deputy. Nothing new to report.

– Philly

Chamberlain’s Report – Honorable Lord Bryan Mac Dhunghaill an Boghadair

No report.

Herald’s Report – Lady Ragna Grímólfsdóttir

No report.

Chronicler’s Report – Lady Triona MacCasky

Nothing to report.

Historian’s Report – Honorable Lord Bryan Mac Dhunghaill an Boghadair

I am bringing what I have done already and some contact slips so hopefully I can get some information from some information from people.

In service to the East and the Barony of Bhakail
– THL Bryan Mac Dhunghaill an Boghadair

Knight Marshal’s Report – Lord Egill Illugasson


Practice continues to be held 7pm Thursdays at the Riverview Plaza parking lot. 48 Reed St, Philadelphia, PA 19147. Area is under an overpass so weather is not an issue.

– Egil

Rapier Marshal’s Report – Don Melchior Kriebel

Practices have resumed at the church on Wednesdays.

Archery Marshal – Lady Maryna Borowska

No report.

Thrown Weapons Marshal – The Honorable Lord Mikael melrakki

No report.

Minister of the Lists’ Report – The Honorable Lord Mikael melrakki

There was a Rapier and Heavy Weapons tournament at Commons to determine the Baronial champion.  Diego de Valle was the winner of the Rapier tournament and Baron Elglin of House Eagle was the winner of the Heavy Weapons tourney.

– Mikael melrakki.

Chataleine’s Report – Lady Chana Freidl the Maker

We have had a flurry of newcomer conversation online since Mael Eoin started a Discord server for our Chatelaine, Barony of Bhakail Black Boot Household.  Some of our newcomers are not on Facebook, so we have been trying to figure out other methods of communication.  While I have only been able to communicate with people online, our fabulous Deputy, Scolastica, sent the following report from her time at Commons:

“This past weekend I had the opportunity to attend Bhakail Commons in your stead and I am happy to report we had not one, not two, but eight newcomers who we attended their first or second or third (in person) event! (Ben, John, Wolfie and Chris, and the Deemer family of 4).

I did my best to introduce all newcomers to persons who could best explain what was going on, including Ian Douglas, who introduced the newcomers to the rules of Fencing and Authorizations, to our Night Marshall who looked at all of our newcomers open toed shoes with sadness, but let them hold weapons, armor, and swords and instructed them in rules and let them know about our local practices.

After the fighting was over we gathered in the pavilion and chatted and discussed court and all manner of things. I showed some of the newcomers lucet and told them about different ways to make cords including finger loop braids. Maister Mael Eoin assisted me in answering the Newcomers questions, and we discussed bigger events, events with venders, and what royal court at Yule will be like.

Overall a wonderful time was had by all, despite our inability to share in food and beverage. It was wonderful to introduce the newcomers to the magic of our game.  – Scolastica”

אני לשירותך
– Lady Chana Freidl the Maker

Minister of Arts & Sciences’ Report – Lady Maryna Borowska

The Barony will be selecting a new A&S champion at Yule.  Here is the information regarding the format of the competition from our current champion Lady Chana:

Greetings, fair Bhakail!  I come to you as your current Baronial Arts and Sciences Champion, as I look for my successor!  The Baronial A&S Competition will be held at Yule this year, and the theme will be as follows…

“I’ve never done this before…”

We’ve all been away from our friends for so long, I’m sure some of you have branched out from your usual SCAdian hobbies…  Show me what you’ve learned since we were all last together!  Did you make garb entirely from scratch, from that sheep down the block?  Did you create a meal only using the plants growing in your backyard and not ostracize your family?  Did you make enough sourdough starter to feed the whole neighborhood?

Your challenge this year is to share a completed work or collection of works in a skill, craft, or area you started learning about since our last Yule celebration.  Finished projects may be displayed, or you may present a record of your progress in both picture and text.  Discuss your inspiration for starting this particular art and/or science.  What challenges did you face?  Were you limited in your supplies due to the pandemic?  How would someone in the Middle Ages have created this project similarly or differently than you did?

By no means do you need to present your best work; oftentimes our new crafts seem to be less technically perfect than we think they should.  And that’s exactly why we do what we do – to better ourselves and our hobby through research and practice.  Judgement will be based on your ability to share your experience, not necessarily the polish of the finished product.  If you taught yourself embroidery but your flower looks more like a pile of mud – submit it!  You embroidered!  If that was new for you, it can be entered into the competition.

Please direct any questions to me, Chana Freidl the Maker, at

We will also be choosing our new brewing champion at Yule, though no information on the format has been announced yet.

– Maryna

Chancellor Minor’s Report – Lady Honorable Lady Roseia Poseia

My report is as follows – I will be assisting Carillion with Children’s Activities at Ghosts, Ghouls & Goblins. I will also be helping the Shire of Blak Rose with their event in October doing Shire Wars.

Respectfully submitted,
– Lady Roseia Posey

Webminister’s Report – Máistir Mael Eoin mac Echuidh

Updates have been made to the website covering “Term end” dates, inactive officers being removed, etc.  I also moved the Captain of Combat Archers and Captain of Archers appointments to the Appointments page.

I received a number of photos that have been released for use on a website redesign, so that work is continuing, with the idea of focusing more on showing what we’re doing and highlighting that we’re actively doing it.

In Service,
– Mael Eoin

Bailiwick of Ivyeinrust – Honorable Lady Livia Petralia

No report.

New business

  • No new business.

Old business

  • Marple Library Demo – We are doing a demo for the Marple Library on September 25th at Veteran’s Park in Broomall.  Feel free to come out a demonstration a craft, fence or fight.
  • Yule – Yule is scheduled for December 11th at the German Society in Philadelphia.  There is a hard cap of 175 people for this event, due to COVID restrictions. There will be a simple feast, served buffet-style, for 100 people.  Then event has also now become an RP, so seats will go fast.  Pre-registration will be via Paypal only and will open up the end of September.
  • PAX Unplugged – PAX Unplugged is also the same weekend as Yule, and Chana is looking for volunteers to help man our gaming tables.  This is a good exposure event, so if you’re into gaming, think about helping out one of the days.
  • Deputy Exchequer – The Exchequer is looking for a successor or a deputy interested in learning the position. Mistress Philadelphia’s term as Exchequer is not due to expire until 2022 but she is looking for someone interested in learning the position with the intent to take over when her term ends. If you have any questions regarding the duties of the Exchequer please contact Mistress Philadelphia at
  • Deputy Herald – Our herald is looking for a deputy. It was then suggested that all officers who currently do not have a deputy, should consider seeking one. Currently the only position with a deputy is the MOAS. If anyone is interested in becoming a deputy for any of the other offices, please let the officer and the seneschal know.

Meeting ended.


AnnouncementsBaronial BusinessBusiness MeetingOfficer ReportsSalamander

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