April 2022 Business Meeting Minutes

Posted on April 15, 2022 By

Barony of Bhakail Meeting April 12, 2022

Old Business

Tavern wrap up

Event Steward Tighernán órdha reported that Tavern “At the Sign of the Squirrel and Hound” had a great turn out, tickets sold out and most ticket holders came to the event. There was food, games, bardic, and games and bardic championships. Many people at Coronation mentioned how great the event was. The Exchequer thinks the event will make the expected amount once the cleaning fee is returned. All in all, a great success and the organizers feel good about it. Baron Muin heard from three different peers that they enjoyed Tavern immensely and look forward to attending the event next year. Competitive guitar tuning and the “Shakepeare off” were the highlights of the event.

For 2023, Tavern is currently penciled in for the typical date of the final Saturday in January.


Pennsic is happening. No changes in plans. Check your tents and talk to your camp masters.

Letters of intent for Exchequer

The Senechal has not yet received any letters of intent, and will continue advertising.

Waking of the Salamander

Will be held Memorial Day weekend at Ridley Creek State Park. Alesia will be filling out paperwork for the insurance certificates and submitting the $25 fee for the park.


New Business

River War update

Roseia Posey reported that the brainstorming team for River Wars had their first meeting. Nothing is yet set in stone, but ideas were discussed for the Olympic River Wars with Barony competing against Barony, ideas for A&S, kids events, Chess and an arm wrestling tournament. The next meeting is later this month, and Roseia will continue giving updates. If you have any ideas, forward them to Roseia. The brainstorming group wants to make sure all Baronies have input so it is a successful event.

Site for a possible future camping event

Alesia has been looking for a camping site in the confines of the Barony. She has found there are several girl scout campgrounds and has been in contact with them. Among the several campgrounds is Shelly Ridge in Lafayette Hill and another one in Gilbertsville (not in the Barony, but close in Hartshorn-dale). This one (presumably Gilbertsville) has a dining hall that seats 260, a large open space, cabins, and would allow tents to be put up. This site could hold up to 500 participants. Their contact will be getting back to Alesia with pricing, etc. These sites are not available to rent June-August due to conflicts with girl scout events.


Alesia reported that Barry has volunteered to run the event.


Alesia reported we will likely be using the German Society as the site for the event again, and need to find someone to run the event and volunteers to help. Alesia will be putting out a call for volunteers. Muin suggested that people thinking about running it, should think about the last few Yules you have been to and what you would like to add to it, do differently, or keep the same. Martyn, Bryan, and Philadelphia offered to mentor anyone who wants to put in a bid.

Call for letters of intent for Minister of Arts and Sciences

The MOAS (Minister of Arts and Sciences) for Bhakail is stepping down as her term of office is up. Alesia is accepting letters of Intent for this position until the May Barony meeting. She has received one letter at this time, and if more letters are submitted for the position it will go to a formal vote per the Baronial by-laws. Please send an email to seneschal@bhakail.eastkingdom.org if you want to submit a letter of intent.

Call for letters of intent for Seneschal

Alesia’s term as Seneschal is done at the June Barony meeting. After careful consideration she has decided not to ask for a second term. She announced at tonight’s meeting that she will be accepting letters of Intent for the position of Seneschal. If you want to submit a letter of intent please email seneschal@bhakail.eastkingdom.org.

Other Business

  • Bryan has been calling for memories of Bhakail. He will be scanning photos and blurring faces if unable to get consent to post. Will be taking permission forms to events for collecting photos and stories. He has been reaching out through Facebook, and asking organizers to publicize it at events. Will be posting it on the Bhakail email list.
  • Martyn reported that the royal pavilion was damaged in Gulf Wars. He worked on repairing it for Coronation, and will be organizing a work group to do some further work on it before May Crown.
  • Mael raised the issue that the technical site (website, email) make it difficult to have co-officers such as the Co-Chroniclers that were confirmed at the March meeting. Due to this, Ellyn will be initially serving as Chronicler with Brandr as Deputy Chronicler, and they will swap positions next year.
  • Discussion was held about when and where to resume in-person social events and meetings. Possible locations might include a restaurant, Ridley Creek State Park, Mael’s or Mikael’s back yards. The thought is to start slow and give people time to ease into it in-person socials and see how it goes. Plan is to continue virtual business meetings going forward


Officer Reports

Coronet’s Report – Baron Muin maqq Minain

To Those who would read Our Words;

Greeting and good tidings from the Coronet of Bhakail.

Recently we held our annual January Tavern event, and I have heard from many good Peera and Gentles after the event that they appreciated and loved being there.

Out heartfelt thanks to the Event Steward and Feast-Board-Officiant.

Several wonderful libations were donated, and Muin thanks everyone for their participation.

As Spring has come, let us turn our hearts now to preparing for te Awaking of te Salamander, and think on the traditions of art, poetry, culinaria, and martial chicanery that we May engage therein.

A poem to get us Started! (In the original Kingo…Welsh. it’s in Welsh..!)

Nid ydym yn mynd i’w gymryd
O na, nid ydym yn mynd i’w gymryd
Nid ydym yn mynd i’w gymryd mwyach

Mae gennym ni’r hawl i’w ddewis
Nid oes unrhyw ffordd y byddwn yn ei golli
Dyma ein bywyd, dyma ein cân

Byddwn yn brwydro yn erbyn y pwerau a fydd yn gyfiawn
Peidiwch â dewis achos ein tynged
Dydych chi ddim yn ein hadnabod ni, dydych chi ddim yn perthyn

Nid ydym yn mynd i’w gymryd
O na, nid ydym yn mynd i’w gymryd
Nid ydym yn mynd i’w gymryd mwyach

With Hipe for a gentle year ahead;


Baron of Bhakail

Seneschal’s Report – Honorable Lady Alesia de Maris of Ravenstar

Coronation was this past weekend; there are a lot of pictures on Facebook and it looked very impressive. The crowns are awesome.  Tavern happened and it was a lot of fun. The bardic competition became an audience participation event.

There are a number of events coming up including the Waking of the Salamander on Memorial Day weekend and Hunter’s Picnic in Caer Adamant on June 12th. The summer is looking good.

Salamander Pursuivant’s Report – Lady Ragna Grímólfsdóttir

Anyone interested in producing scrolls for future Baronial Courts is welcome to contact me.

Heraldic Submissions:

From the Eastern Internal Letter of Intent (ILoI) – This letter includes all new names and devices that have been submitted to the Eastern College of Heralds in the last month. It takes about two months for items to reach the next stage, the Eastern Letter of Decision.

April 2022:

—  I did not see any submissions which I recognized as belonging to members or friends of the Barony.

March 2022:

—  Jacqueline Cross has resubmitted a new badge ((Fieldless) A raven displayed purpure).

From the Eastern Letter of Decision (LoD) – This letter reports what items will be forwarded to Laurel to be decided on and what will be returned to the submitter for more work. It takes about six more months for submissions to reach the next stage, the Laurel Letter of Acceptances and Returns.

March 2022:

—  I did not see any submissions which I recognized as belonging to members or friends of the Barony.

February 2022:

—  Muin maqq Minain’s new badge ((Fieldless) On a hand sable an annulet Or) has been forwarded on to Laurel.

From the Laurel Letter of Acceptances and Returns (LoAR) – This letter says what items have been accepted by SCA’s College of Arms and what has been returned to the submitter unregistered.

February 2022:

— Mael Eoin mac Echuid’s alternate name (Æskæll inn svarti) has been approved by Laurel.

January 2022:

— I did not see any submissions which I recognized as belonging to members or friends of the Barony.

If you are currently unsure of the status of your name or device, please contact me at herald@bhakail.eastkingdom.org and I will provide you with an update.

In service, Ragna Grímólfsdóttir

Knight Marshal – Lord Egill Illugasson

On hiatus

Rapier Marshal – Don Melchior Kriebel

Practice is still being held.

Archery & Thrown Weapons Marshals – The Honorable Lord Mikael melrakki reporting

Practice site clean up was held last Saturday. Did the clean up on Saturday. Didn’t yet get the materials needed to repair archery targets, but this will happen soon.

This year practices will be Sundays, and practices will start on Sunday April 17. Thrown Weapons will be 11am – 1pm, Archery will be from 1:30pm-3:30pm. More information will be on the Bhakail baronial calendar and can be found on the Bhakail Projectiles Practices FB Group.

Minister of the List – The Honorable Lord Mikael melrakki

Annual report has been submitted. If MOL services are needed for Waking of the Salamander, please get in touch with Mikael.

Exchequer – Mistress Philadelphia Brown

Report is in process, nothing concrete to talk about.

Chamberlain – Honorable Lord Bryan Mac Dhunghaill an Boghadair

Nothing to report. He does have plans to organize and inventory Barony materials in the near future. The plan is to have a master list of what the Barony owns and where it lives.  He will be reaching out on the list for help with inventory

Minister of Arts & Sciences – Lady Maryna Borowska

No report

Chatelaine – Lady Chana Freidl the Maker

There were three newcomers at Tavern, including one who entered the bardic championship. One was introduced to SCA through PAX. There are plans to do a plague sale (SCA adjacent) at Commons and use proceeds to purchase more/new gold key. Chana sas confirmed that baronies can trade gold key items between them to balance out inventories.

Chancellor Minor’s – Lady Honorable Lady Roseia Poseia

Nothing to report, other than that Roseia supported the youth activities at Crown.

Webminister – Máistir Mael Eoin mac Echuidh

I’m continuing to work on a refresh of the Bhakail website.  We’ve had new people joining the mailing list and some turnover in officers and Champions happening this month, so I’ll be confirming details and doing updates as needed.

I raised an issue with “Co-Chroniclers” not being easy in the officer model on the technical side; we’ll need to indicate a Chronicler and a Deputy, however the work is expected to be split but have not yet heard what the decision was to make the necessary changes.

In Service, Mael Eoin

Social Media Deputy – Magister Rowen Cloteworthy

Well met, Bhakail! –

Seven new subscribers to the Barony’s FB page. A few of the new folks to join the page are new to the Barony. They’re been given electronic introductions to Lady Chana as Chatelaine. Folks are still sharing information and memes and anything significant is passed back and forth between email and social media.

Until next time,

– Rowen

Bailiwick of Ivyeinrust – Honorable Lady Livia Petralia

No report.


Meeting notes recorded by Ellyn Grene and Brandr Stillingr

Business MeetingOfficer ReportsSalamander

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