September 2022 Business Meeting Minutes

Posted on September 13, 2022 By

Barony of Bhakail Meeting: September 13, 2022


Old Business


Bhakail Champions and Commons is happening this Sunday. Gretchen reported that a full schedule of events is being finalized. The event is in good shape for potluck and troll. Settmour Swamp Ducal Challenge is the day before, at which friends of Bhakail are being elevated, so there is a full weekend of nearby events to enjoy.


After three years away, Pennsic 49 was a homecoming for all who attended.  A million thanks go out to everyone who was able to join us in Bhakail’s camp who helped make it a success. There will be a virtual post-Pennsic camp meeting scheduled soon, so please come with your constructive ideas and suggestions for how to make next year even better. 

River Wars 

The event is scheduled for Sept 23-25, with local competitions where all the local baronies will compete. Bhakail Baronial Champions for archery and thrown weapons will be happening during this event. Friends of Bhakail, Don Lorenzo and John Marshall will be elevated at the event, so plan on stopping by their vigils. Note that there will be no day board, but food trucks are being planned.

PAX Unplugged

Chana reports that once again, we are thrilled to be hosting a medieval gaming demo booth at PAX Unplugged this year!  It will be held at the Philadelphia Convention Center on December 2, 3, and 4.  Please reach out to Chana if you might be able to help staff the table.  You are welcome to wear garb if you’d like, but it is not mandatory.  Last year we were able to reach a good amount of people and some even made an effort to join their local baronies and come to Bhakail events!

Shire Wars

Shire Wars is scheduled for October 14-16. The event organizers have confirmed that participation for each barony will have an expense of $431. 


Chana has a bid prepared for the event, and will be getting it sent in to the Seneschal and Exchequer soon. Mistress Juliana will be the feast chef, and does not anticipate any significant cost increases compared to past events. Currently considering an attendance cap of 250-300, feast cap of 120. An invitation has gone out to the Royals. The event will include the baronial brewing and A&S championships, and Chana also plans to extend an invitation to Athena’s Thimble to host a panel. 

New Business

Knight Marshal

Voted unanimously via show of hands to accept the Letter of Intent from Lady Motte Nachtfalter for Knight Marshal 

Salamander Pursuivant & Minister of the Lists

The current terms for each of these officer positions ends in October 2022, and a call for letters of intent will be forthcoming. See the attached letter of intent that has been submitted from Lady Maryna Borowska for Salamander Pursuivant.

Facilitating Transportation to Events

A discussion was held on how the Barony can help newcomers and others navigate transportation issues they may have that limit their attendance at events. Ideas generated are to are to construct and distribute a survey (on a rolling basis) to local members and newcomers so that information is available for the Chatelaine to share and connect people who need rides with those willing to offer car pooling. Information to gather would include:

  • The individual’s general location (eg zipcode, neighborhood, train lines they are near)
  • If they are willing/able to offer rides to others
  • If they need transportation to events 

Officer Reports

Coronet’s Report – Baron Muin maqq Minain

Hello, Peoples of Bhakail!

This coming Sunday we celebrate Our annual Commons and Champions’ event.
We will also be holding two Order Meetings:
10:30 am, Order of the Horse
11:00 am, Order of the Salamander
Hope to see you all there!

Enjoy now these inspiring words:

Cuid de ridirean, bidh iad a ‘fuireach suas a’ sabaid ann an droch thogail
Cuid de ridirean, canar tarraing ris
Tha cuid de ridirean a’ miannachadh gun togadh an gàirdeanan caisteal dhaibh fhèin
Cuid de ridirean, tha iad ag iarraidh gun tuiteadh iad
Ach bidh iad fhathast a ‘dùsgadh, tha iad fhathast a’ faicinn an aoigh agad
Mo Thighearnan, chan eil iad fhathast cinnteach dè a tha iad a’ seasamh, oh-oh
Dè tha iad a’ seasamh airson?
(Waily ooh Waily, o) carson a tha iad a’ seasamh?
A’ mhòr-chuid de dh’ oidhcheannan, chan eil fios aca tuilleadh
O, oh, gu bràth, oh
O ooh gu bràth, oh-oh
Oh, oh, gu math, oh
O ooh gu bràth, oh-oh
Mar sin is e seo e, squires, is e seo cogadh
Dè tha sinn a’ feitheamh?
Carson nach bris sinn na riaghailtean mu thràth?
Cha robh iad riamh mar aon a chreideadh an hype
Sàbhail sin airson an dubh is geal
Feuch dà uair cho cruaidh, agus tha iad leth mar as toil leat
Ach an seo thig iad a-rithist a sheac an snaidhm sin
Tha sin ceart gu leòr (tha sin ceart gu leòr)
Tha martarach na do leabaidh a-nochd
Tha i a’ cur stad air do chnàmhan bho bhith a’ faighneachd cò thu, cò thu, cò thu
O, cò thusa? Mmh-mhm
Uill, ridirean, tha iad a’ miannachadh gun tigeadh an t-òran seo gu crìch
‘Adhbhar b’ urrainn dhaibh cuid de charaidean a chleachdadh airson atharrachadh
Agus cuid de ridirean, tha eagal orra gun tuit iad a-rithist
Ach cuid de ridirean, bidh iad an-còmhnaidh a’ buannachadh (Bidh iad an-còmhnaidh a’ buannachadh)
Ach bidh iad fhathast a ‘dùsgadh, tha iad fhathast a’ faicinn an aoigh agad
Mo Thighearnan, chan eil iad fhathast cinnteach dè a tha iad a’ seasamh, oh-oh
Dè tha iad a’ seasamh airson?
(Waily ooh waily, o) dè a tha iad a’ seasamh?
A’ mhòr-chuid de ridirean, chan eil fios aca
Mar sin an e seo e?
Am bi crios geal orm airson seo?
An crochadh slabhraidh dleastanais airson seo?
Tha iad ag ionndrainn am Baran agus a’ Bhan-bharan airson seo?
Chan e, nuair a chì iad na rionnagan, nuair a chì iad –
Nuair a chì iad na reultan, bidh an clogaid a ‘fàgail
Nuair a chluinneas iad òran a
Tha iad coltach ri eala, mar sin thig air adhart
O thig air adhart, o thig air adhart, o thig air adhart (Waily, whaily, whaily!)
Uill, seo e sguireasach, tha sin uile
Còig mionaidean a-steach, agus tha iad sgìth a-rithist
Deich bliadhna de seo, chan eil iad cinnteach a bheil duine a ‘tuigsinn
Chan eil seo airson na trolls agus gnomes
Tha mi duilich a dhol às, a Dhòmhnaill, ach b’ fheudar dhaibh falbh
Cò air an raon a tha airson bàsachadh leis fhèin uile air an tiormachadh ann an grian an fhàsaich?
Tha mo chridhe briste airson mo Phearsa
Agus a’ bhreug ris an canadh iad “dleasdanas”
Agus an uairsin bidh mi a’ coimhead a-steach do shùilean mo phreantas
A dhuine uasail, cha chreideadh tu
Na rudan as iongantach
Faodaidh sin tighinn bho
Cuid de bhreugan uamhasach
O, oh, gu bràth, oh
O ooh gu bràth, oh-oh
O, oh, gu bràth, oh
O ooh gu bràth, oh-oh
An ridire sin eile, cha chreideadh tu
An aisling a bh ‘aca dìreach mu do dheidhinn fhèin agus dhomhsa
Mhol iad thu a-nis, ach tha sinn le chèile ag aontachadh
Is ann airson na b’ fheàrr nach do dh’èist thu
‘S ann airson na ‘s fearr a gheibh sinn ar n-astar, och
Is ann airson na b’ fheàrr nach do dh’èist thu
‘S ann airson na ‘s fearr a gheibh sinn ar n-astar, oh-oh, oh-o whaily, whaily, OOOOH!

Best Wishes;

Muin, Baron of Bhakail

Seneschal’s Report – Máistir Mael Eoin mac Echuidh 

Having come out of the summer more or less unscathed, we find ourselves in a strange mix of the usual post-Pennsic crush of events compounded with the post-lockdown restriction on many things.  Our calendars may seem more packed, or we may just be out of practice with the pace of how things used to be.  Please keep all of this in mind when dealing with others and even more so, please be kind to yourselves if you don’t feel up to doing everything that’s appearing on the calendar.

That said, it’s time for events!  Champions and Commons is this weekend (!) with many other local events hot on its heels.  Well, and Ducal Challenge right before it.  Please look to our neighboring groups and consider attending their events coming up to reconnect with friends and support one another’s efforts.  Even more so if you could find time to volunteer!

Speaking of neighbors, there’s some exciting news coming for one of the local Shires and other news coming from the BoD, maybe as early as tonight.  I don’t know the details on the latter, or what Kingdom will add to it, but keep your eyes open.

We have a lot to look forward to, and a lot to celebrate.  Here’s hoping we all continue to do so safely and at whatever paces we each might like.

Social Media Deputy – Magister Rowen Cloteworthy

What more can be said by the Social Media office except, “OMG, so many new people in the FB group!” We had 17 new joins to the Baronial FB page between today and when we would have had an August meeting, most of them newcomers who have been introduced virtually to Baron Muin and Lady Chana. And we had an additional 6 subscribers, most newcomers, between the July and what would have been the August meeting. Announcements and information continue to be shared around between social media and email, including announcements of Baronial Order meetings at Commons along with lots of other information, descriptions of Orders and Awards, announcements for the upcoming HHD event, and the criteria for the upcoming Baronial A&S Champion Tourney at Yule.

Salamander Pursuivant’s Report – Lady Ragna Grímólfsdóttir

No report.

Knight Marshal – Position open at time of the meeting


Rapier Marshal – Don Melchior Kriebel

Practice continued to be held in the Mayfair Presbyterian Church in NE Philadelphia. Attendance has been moderate. We took two weeks off for Pennsic.

Pennsic happened. I was unable to attend this year and have little knowledge beyond Bhakail having a decent representation on the field.

Commons will happen in September. As the Bhakail Rapier Champion, Diego, is not a fencing marshal I will be likely running the tournament with his input regarding the format. 

The autocrat of Shire Wars and D’Oryen have requested that I take the mantle of Rapier Marshal in Charge (MiC) for Shire Wars this year. D’Oryen has been the MiC of this event  the past 2 times, and both feel that the MiC should rotate between the various shire’s MiCs. I have accepted the role of MiC.

Archery Marshal – Lady Maryna Borowska

Practices continue to be held on Sundays. In previous years we have continued to hold practice until Thanksgiving or so, depending on the weather.

His Excellency will be selecting His Baronial Champion at River Wars, so if you are attending River Wars and want to compete, be prepared!

I would like to approach the Exchequer/Financial Committee soon to request some funds to upgrade our practice equipment. I still have some research to do in order to provide estimates of what things might cost, so stay tuned.

Thrown Weapons Marshal – The Honorable Lord Mikael melrakki 

Practices are continuing on Sunday Afternoons. There have been discussions regarding adding Combat Archery to the practices on an occasional basis.  

No Practice on Sunday September 18th due to Bhakail Commons.

Bhakail Thrown Weapons and Archery Champions are scheduled to occur at River Wars.

Minister of the List – The Honorable Lord Mikael melrakki

I will be running tournaments at Champions and Commons.  FYI…the Kingdom MoL is stepping down and is starting to collect letters of intent for a replacement (I will not be submitting a LoI).

Exchequer – Mistress Philadelphia Brown

Beck of Copeland is the new Deputy Exchequer. Progress is being made on getting the banking information updated with the new officers.

Chamberlain – Honorable Lord Bryan Mac Dhunghaill an Boghadair

As Yule approaches I will get with the Event Steward to make sure they have everything needed.

Chronicler – Lady Ellyn Grene

Thank you for the service from Brandr Stillingr, who has relocated out of Bhakail and stepped down as Deputy Chronicler. If you (yes you, the person reading this), is interested in learning more about the Chronicler and Deputy Chronicler positions, please reach out to me at

The last issue of The Salamander was published on July 26 and is available on the Bhakail website if you haven’t read it. We are currently working on the next issue with a planned publication date in late September. Content should be submitted to the Chronicler by Tuesday, September 20.  

Historian – Honorable Lord Bryan Mac Dhunghaill an Boghadair

As Historian I will be attending Commons, River Wars, Harts and Horn, Shire Wars, Buckland Cross Championship and of course Yule.

Minister of Arts & Sciences – Lady Scolastica Capellaria

Members of the barony are quite busy with arts and sciences and have shown interest in all manner of things from song and dance to embroidery and scribal activities.

At Bhakail Commons I will host a MOAS solar in the afternoon. All are welcome to bring their current projects, questions and ideas.

There are several opportunities for competitions and displays upcoming at local events. September 23-25 at Olympic River War in Iron Bog (Mullica Hill, NJ) there will be a display, baronial A&S competition, and classes in an artisan village.

October 8 at Harts and Horns in Hartshorn-dale (Douglassville, PA) there will be an A&S display and garbed plushy competition.

October 14-16 Shire Wars X in Shire of Montevale (Jonestown, PA) there will be classes, A&S displays/competitions and more To be Announced.

November 19th in the Shire of the Rusted Woodlands (Sparta, NJ) 100 Mins War and East Kingdom Novice Day will host an A&S competition.

December 10th Bhakail Yule (Philadelphia, PA) will host our Baronial A&S Competition and Baronial Brewing Competition.

Baronial A&S Competition Theme chosen by our current Champion Svana Vefari:

This year’s competition will focus around “Growth”. As artists, we find ourselves on an ever-changing and challenging journey while pursuing our particular area of A&S study. We would love to see how artisans have grown from where they began to where they are now. What have you learned? What “Ah-HAH!” moments did you experience? What explorations helped you refine your art and overcome trials? For those of you who are just starting out in your A&S journey, no worries. Please explain what you have learned so far and what goals you are working towards. Actual documentation for entries is highly encouraged and needs only be brief with a few sources. We look forward to seeing your entries and learning more about your Arts and Science journey. Please feel free to PM me or email me ( with any questions or concerns!

Baronial Brewing Competition Theme chosen by our current Champion Siobhan the Harper:

This year’s Theme is Something to Keep Us Warm:

Any category beverage (beer, wine, mead, cordial, other) that will keep us all warm and cozy. Points awarded for taste and historical inspiration. So bring your best spiced mead or hyppocras, mulled wine, good hearty beer to enjoy by the fire, Wassail (using the brewer’s product), cordials, etc. As always, a full ingredient list is mandatory. Documentation is encouraged, but not required. Questions may be directed via Messenger to me.

As always, please check event announcements for details and let me know if you have any questions about entering competitions/displays and other activities. If you are interested in learning a new craft or need assistance with researching a particular area, please contact me at

Chatelaine – Lady Chana Freidl the Maker

Our newcomers can hardly be called “new” with the amount of involvement I see from them!  From baronial thrown weapons champions to scribal practices, I’m thrilled with the amount of people I see finding their path in the SCA from our Barony.  To support our newcomers, I will be holding a Plague Sale of old Gold Key garb during Commons – please remember to bring cash!  Everything will be $10 or under, and all the money from the sale will go towards new garb that will fill in some gaps in our Gold Key.

Chancellor Minor’s – Lady Honorable Lady Roseia Poseia

Youth Activities are available on request.  Please email  all requests to

I will be working with Lady Widow Kate with Youth Activities for Shires Wars.

Webminister – Máistir Mael Eoin mac Echuidh

I haven’t made progress on the new look and feel for our site, and I am torn on whether I should at this point as I feel I need to divulge myself of this office.  Being Seneschal for a very active Barony coming out of the past couple of years while also hosting weekly and occasional gatherings at our house on top of some big life changes has proven a bit much for my personal schedule.  As such, I think if anyone were to pick up the office, it should not be immediately after a refresh of the website, in case they wanted to take on that project themselves.

If anyone is interested in the position, please let me know; I will gladly show you around and support in any technical sense (I am no designer, though) 😉

Bailiwick of Ivyeinrust – Honorable Lady Livia Petralia

Mistress Philadelphia reported that a newcomer is interested in restarting the Penn student group. 

Letter of Intent for Salamander Pursuivant – Lady Maryna Borowska

Please consider this my Letter of Intent for the office of Salamander Pursuivant, Bhakail Baronial Herald. I know Lady Ragna’s term ends in October so I wanted to put my name in now.

I was Ivy Pursuivant for the Bailiwick from late 2018 to mid-2022. I have experience as both a book and voice herald, having assisted in a number of Baronial and Royal Courts, as well as with heraldic submissions and commentary. Heraldry is one of my SCA passions and I would be thrilled to serve the Barony in this position. 




– Minute notes recorded by Lady Ellyn Grene


Business MeetingOfficer Reports

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