April 2023 Officer Reports
Following are the monthly officer reports that have been submitted prior to the Bhakail monthly business meeting of April 11, 2023.
Coronet’s Report – Baron Muin maqq Minain
Hellooooooooooo the Peoples of the Barony, Our neighbors and Our Allies;
We of Bhakail must rejoice, for Our WotS2 event is JUST around the corner, that Joyous Joyous Blaze of Springtime Cheer that sets boldly upon Our Barony’s Hearth; We are set to witness Our People Camp, Cook, engaging in emBardiculations, and randomly Gaming with one another, bringing great joy to the Lands of Bhakail in this new year.
And the classes… let us not forget the classes!
As mentioned before, the Baronry is still currently in need of more scroll holders, if anyone either has spares lying about, or is willing to construct them, We would appreciate these efforts greatly.
I would also like to note the various Largess Projects that are on Our Horizons this year, anyone interested in participating, please see Lady Scolastica!
Regardless of all else, We are hoping to see as many of you all at this Lovely event!
In closing: Let us think now upon the Poetry of those Ancient Hiberno-Sino-Franquish-Persian Poets WafflemakingChefs, with words by their most honored and noteworthy of Chickensmiths, Floerpdoeddle MacExtrafromaggio, sometimes known simply as The Mighty Monarch. Let these words whisk you away to a time e’er now long gone. Let its inspiration give your soul wings, and add extra dimensions to thine own setupons!
An toir thu dhachaigh mi a-nochd?
Aah, sìos ri taobh an t-solais teine dearg sin
Am bi thu a ‘leigeil leis a h-uile càil a bhith a’ crochadh a-mach?
Clann-nighean le bonn reamhar
Bheir thu air an t-saoghal creagach a dhol timcheall
Cha robh annam ach gille caol
Cha robh fios a-riamh air math bho olc
Ach bha eòlas agam air beatha mus do dh’ fhàg mi an sgoil-àraich agam
Air fhàgail leis fhèin le mòr reamhar Fanny
Bha i na nighean cho gòrach
Heap boireannach mòr, rinn thu balach dona a-mach orm
Hey, hey!
Tha mi air a bhith a’ seinn leis a’ chòmhlan agam
Tarsainn an t-sreang, across the land
Chunnaic mi a h-uile gorm-shùilean fliuch air an t-slighe, hey
Ach am bòidhchead agus an stoidhle
Chaidh mi car rèidh às deidh greiseag
Togaibh mi riu uaislean salach gach uair
O, nach toir thu dhachaigh mi a-nochd?
O, sìos ri taobh do sholas teine dearg
O, agus bheir thu dha na fhuair thu
Clann-nighean le bonn reamhar
Bheir thu air an t-saoghal creagach a dhol timcheall
Clann-nighean le bonn reamhar
Bheir thu air an t-saoghal creagach a dhol timcheall
Hey, èist an seo
A-nis fhuair mi morgaids air dachaighean
Fhuair mi stiffness na mo chnàmhan
Chan eil banrighrean bòidhchead anns an sgìre seo, tha mi ag innse dhut
O, ach tha mi fhathast a ‘faighinn mo thlachd
Fhuair mi an ulaidh as motha agam fhathast
Heap boireannach mòr, rinn thu duine mòr a-mach orm
Faigh seo a-nis
A bheil (tha fios agam) gun toir thu dhachaigh mi a-nochd? (Mas e do thoil e)
O, sìos ri taobh an t-solais teine dearg sin
Am bi thu a ‘leigeil leis a h-uile càil a bhith a’ crochadh a-mach?
Clann-nighean le bonn reamhar
Bheir thu air an t-saoghal rocaid a dhol timcheall (seadh)
Clann-nighean le bonn reamhar
Bheir thu air an t-saoghal creagach a dhol timcheall
Gabh air do bhaidhsagalan agus rothaireachd
O seadh, oh seadh, iad nigheanan le bonn reamhar
Clann-nighean le bonn reamhar
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Ceart gu leòr, marcaich air am buachailleClann-nighean le bonn reamhar
Tha, tha
Be well,
And Peace be upon you in these Slowly Enlightening Times;
Baron of Bhakail
Rapier Marshal – Don Melchior Kriebel
Bhakail rapier practice continues to be suspended until a new location can be secured.
Thrown Weapons Marshal – The Honorable Lord Mikael melrakki
Practices start April 9th and will be Sundays 11-1 with archery following at 1:30-3:30.
For more information contact me or join the FB group Bhakail Projectiles Practices.
Minister of the List – The Honorable Lord Mikael melrakki
Nothing to report.
Chamberlain – Honorable Lord Bryan Mac Dhunghaill an Boghadair
Martyn said he would send out a survey to find a date to collect and store the Barony’s stuff.
Chronicler – Lady Ellyn Grene
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the March edition of the Salamander. The next issue will be published in May, and will be focused on the Arts & Sciences in the Barony. Please send me photos or articles about your projects and passions! Folks of all experience and skill levels are encouraged to participate, especially if you are trying something new and want to share about your A&S journey.
Historian – Honorable Lord Bryan Mac Dhunghaill an Boghadair
I am working on recovering the work that I have done and getting on a hard drive that I have. I want to come up with a 5 to 10 minute presentation about the Barony. The problems I have is I need pictures, stories and videos. I need people to send me stuff. I want this to be everyone’s stories and not just mine.
Minister of Arts & Sciences – Lady Scolastica Capellaria
March was a busy month for our artisans Dillena O’r Gwyrddol entered the Arts and Science competition at Mudthaw with her beautiful tablet weaving. Many members of the barony including Chana the Maker, Ysmay de Lynn, Rosie Posey, and Eleanora Tylemaker taught classes at the Nova Schola in Hartshorn dale!
If you are interested in teaching or hosting arts and science classes, please let me know! I would like to schedule additional classes for the barony and friends.
Largess! There is a call for Largess for various gift giving opportunities. Please inquire if you are interested donating your time to make things for the Barony to give as Largess in the near future. If you have any questions, please send them my way!
There are A&S opportunities at the following local events:
- April 15-16, East Kingdom Brewers’ Collegium, Crown Province of Ostgardr (Peekskill, NY);
- April 16, 2023: Service Schola in the Barony of Carillion (South River, NJ) with classes on various volunteer positions in society;
- April 22, 2023: Waking of the Salamander (Media, PA) camping and outdoor cooking and other arts and science activities!
- May 13, 2023: Sign of the Dancing Fox, Shire of Nordenhalle (Kingston, NY) Music, Song, Dance, and Arts and science challenges to mark the day.
- May 20, 2023: Al-Hafla, Buckland Cross, (Bucks County PA TBD), Music, Dancing, Game, and food.
- May 26-29th, 2023: Quest for Wit and Wisdom, Settmour Swamp (Pittstown, NJ). Baronial A&S Competition, display and artisan’s row.
- The Kingdom MOAs office now has a calendar for arts and science events across the kingdom! https://moas.eastkingdom.org/event-calendar/
If you have any A&S interests that you would like to explore, need help researching something, or are looking for resources feel free to email me at MOAS@bhakail.eastkingdom.org. I also would love to see what you are working on! Please send me pictures of your projects!
Chatelaine – Lady Chana Freidl the Maker
A few newcomers have been in contact about coming to Waking of the Salamander, so I will be bringing Gold Key to lend to them. Please contact me if you need any loaner garb!
Pennsic Report – it is now after April 1st, which means those on the waiting list to camp with us at Pennsic have been given permission to prereg. We currently have 74 preregs out of a possible 96. If you have not yet pre-regged, please do so as soon as possible to secure your spot in camp.
Webminister – Finnolfr Hrafnsson
I have begun working in revamping the website. I’m open to ideas, suggestions, etc. I’d also like to include a section of ‘Bhakaili’s in the wild’, so please submit any photos you may have of members at events, getting awards, or generally having fun to me.
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