January 2024 Business Meeting Notes

Posted on January 9, 2024 By



Tavern is coming up on January 27, 2024. Certificate of insurance has been received. Pre-registration is currently open and there is an attendance cap of 60. If you know of any newcomers coming who need garb, contact Chana in advance.

Waking of the Salamander Bid

A bid has been received and will be reviewed by the Council of the Exchequer. 

Old Business

Open and Opening Offices

  • Chamberlain: Is currently open and a call was made for letters of intent last month. A letter of intent was submitted by Ysmay de Lynn. Vote was held and she was appointed to the position.
  • Seneschal: Position is open as of June. Mael Eoin encourages anyone interested in the position to contact him to learn more or shadow him. This is one of the two required positions for the barony per SCA law.
  • Coronet: Letters of intent must be submitted by the March business meeting. There have currently been no letters of intent submitted.

New Business

Deputy Herald

Lady Ragna Grímólfsdóttir, Salamander Pursuivant (Baronial Herald) seeks a Deputy Herald. If you want to learn more, please contact Ragna at herald@bhakail.eastkingdom.org

New Event Site List

Ragna has been actively researching potential event sites located in Bhakail and nearby. She is happy to do the legwork in researching sites, so if you are a potential event autocrat or know of sites that might be possibilities, please reach out to Ragna at herald@bhakail.eastkingdom.org. The goal is to have one person be the initial contact reaching out to sites so that the same information is gathered from each. 

Additional Officer Reports 

Knight Marshal – Aaron the Swift

Winter practices are currently being held at the Lonnie Young Recreation Center until the weather turns warmer. This site does have easily accessible bathrooms, unlike our normal site! Please see below for details for the site and altered practice time.

1100 E Chelten Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19138
Tuesdays, 6:00-9PM ET.

Minister of Arts & Sciences – Honorable Lady Scolastica Capellaria

Bhakalis will have a fantastic yule of arts and sciences and brewing! Your new Bhakail Arts and Science Champion is none other than your intrepid MOAS, Scolastica, and your Brewing Champion is Lui Wing-Ken. The competition this year was fierce and the documentation some of the best I have ever seen! Entrants of the A&S competition included embroidery, tablet weaving, medicinal salve, a jester, basket weaving and beautiful Harp Music. And the brews were all drunk before I could spy on them, and therefore must have been very tasty indeed!

I look forward to period games and bardic competitions this coming Tavern!

There are A&S opportunities at the following local events:

  •       January 13, Twelfth Night, Barony of Buckland Cross, (Jamison PA). A selection of period games in addition to other activities. Also A&S rubric training and a meeting of the brewers guild.
  •       January 20, An Owlsherst Country Twelfth Night, (York, PA). Games, music and dancing.
  •       January 27, At the Sign of the Fir and Bear, Barony of Bhakail, (Philadelphia, PA). Period games and the baronial bardic competitions.
  •       February 17, Bellringers 40th: Beauty, Bells and Brawn, Barony of Carillion (Manalapan, NJ). Period games and arts and science activities.
  •       February 25, Black Gryphon Inn (Edison, NJ). Canton Bardic Competition, brewers competition, A&S tournament, and dancing!
  •       March 2, East Kingdom Arts and Science Competition, (Worcester, MA).
  •       March 16, Nova Schola (Collegeville, PA). A Day of learning and classes.
  •       March 23, Mudthaw (Washington, NJ). Baronial A&S competition.

East Kingdom Arts and Science Competition March 2, 2024

  •       December 1, 2023, registration opens.
  •       February 3, 2024 Research Paper submission deadline
  •       February 10, 2024, Competition and judging registration deadline
  •       February 17, 2024, Documentation submission deadline
  •       February 24, 2024, Display registration deadline
  •       March 2, 2024, East Kingdom Arts and Sciences Competition, Shire of Quintavia, (Worcester, MA).

For any questions, please check out moas.eastkingdom.org. For those going to Birka, there will be additional rubric classes, consultations and a display to prepare all for the kingdom wide competition.

Virtual A&S Opportunities abound:

Virtual Known World Heralds and Scribes Symposium is happening online from January 26-28, 2024.

Atlantia University’s next online session is February 3-4, 2024

Several Known World events are occurring within a relatively close distance this year!

Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium, June 29-30 in Philadelphia

Known World Cooks and Bards, August 29-2 in Deposit, New York (currently looking for event staff! https://kwcooksbards24.aethelmearc.org/)

If you are interested in teaching or hosting arts and science classes locally, please let me know! I would like to schedule additional classes for the barony and friends.

The Kingdom MOAs office now has a calendar for arts and science events across the kingdom! https://moas.eastkingdom.org/event-calendar/

If you have any A&S interests that you would like to explore, need help researching something, or are looking for resources feel free to email me at MOAS@bhakail.eastkingdom.org. I also would love to see what you are working on! Please send me pictures of your projects!


Minute notes recorded by Ellyn Grene 

Business Meeting

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