June 2024 Officer Reports

Posted on June 10, 2024 By

Following are the monthly officer reports that have been submitted prior to the Bhakail monthly business meeting of June 11, 2024.

Rapier Marshal – Don Melchior Kriebel

Practice continued to be held at the Reform Lutheran Church in Media, PA. Attendance  has been moderate at around 10-15 fencers per practice. There were no incidents.

Archery Marshal – Lady Ellyn Grene

Practices continue to be held on Sunday afternoons at Mikael’s house, weather permitting. Please contact me at 212045@members.eastkingdom.org if you have any questions or need directions.

Congratulations to Margarette la Gantiere for achieving her first East Kingdom Royal Round ranking (Archer) as of May 2024, and to Dragmall Vidnir for rejoining the RR ranking list!

Chronicler – Lady Ellyn Grene 

I’m running a bit behind schedule for the next issue of the Salamander, and hope to have it published later this week. Please contact me if you have any last minute submissions for the issue.

Minister of Arts & Sciences – Honorable Lady Scolastica Capellaria

Bhakailis are hard at work cooking, practicing music, shearing sheep, felting, weaving, sewing and making hats! Reminder: Margarite is doing a class on making a Bicocket on June 15!

There are A&S opportunities at the following local events:

  •       June 22, Novice Day (Rusted Woodlands (NJ), day of competitions geared toward novices and newcomers.
  •       June 29-30, Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium (Philadelphia PA).
  •       July 6, Black Rose Schola and Tournament (Carlisle, PA). Classes and a heavy weapons tournament.
  •       July 13, SCA: C is for Creative, Eisental (Nazareth, PA). A day of classes and workshops!
  •       July 26 to August 11, Pennsic, Aethelmarc (Slippery Rock PA). Pennsic university hosts a wealth of classes!

Several Known World events are occurring within a relatively close distance this year!

Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium, June 29-30 in Philadelphia. Currently calling for classes: https://www.kwhss2024.org/2024/02/19/a-call-for-classes/

Known World Cooks and Bards, August 29-2 in Deposit, New York (currently looking for event staff! https://kwcooksbards24.aethelmearc.org/)

Known World dance and Music Symposium, July 4-7th in Danville Indiana (a 11 ish hour drive away). https://www.kwds.org/

If you are interested in teaching or hosting arts and science classes locally, please let me know! I would like to schedule additional classes for the barony and friends.

The Kingdom MOAs office now has a calendar for arts and science events across the kingdom! https://moas.eastkingdom.org/event-calendar/

If you have any A&S interests that you would like to explore, need help researching something, or are looking for resources feel free to email me at MOAS@bhakail.eastkingdom.org. I also would love to see what you are working on! Please send me pictures of your projects!

Chatelaine – Lady Chana Freidl the Maker

We have had a couple active newcomers recently!  Social and archery/thrown weapons practice have shown to be excellent places for new people to learn about the SCA in a relatively low-stress environment, and I’m very grateful to everyone who has made them feel so welcome.  We will also welcome some newcomers at Pennsic this year!  I plan on holding a Rummage Sale (“Plague sale” started sounding a little too on-the-nose after Covid brought an actual plague) at Commons again this year.  As always, if anyone has Gold Key to donate, let me know!

Pennsic – Online paid pre-registration ends on June 14th, please get your pre-regs in before then so your camp masters don’t have to track you down!

AnnouncementsOfficer Reports

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