March 2022 Business Meeting Minutes

Posted on March 15, 2022 By

Coronet’s Report – Baron Muin maqq Minain

Hello, the Blessèd Barony of Bhakail, and Our Neighbors, Friends, and Allies!

The year has turned, and while we real from such treachery, onward We must forge regardless. Plans for new events are sprinkled throughout this fair Kingdom, like the warm droplets of New Spring Rain, looking to raise the flowers of Forest and Field, as well as the crops, to which we will come to reap, harvest, and finely grind! And let none say that any can grind as finely as those known as Bhakailis!!

Let us take heart in the waning of this cold season from the wise words of those Njørd scholars who came before:

Niðri á enskri messu var ég þar eitt kvöldið
Þegar ég heyrði sýningarmann hrópa undir hæfileikanum
Ég á yndislegt búnt af kókoshnetum
Þarna standa þeir allir í röð
Stórir, litlir, sumir eins stórir og höfuðið á þér
Gefðu þeim snúning á úlnliðnum
Þetta sagði sýningarmaðurinn

Ég á yndislegt búnt af kókoshnetum
Hver bolti sem þú kastar mun gera mig ríkan
Þar stendur konan mín, átrúnaðargoð lífs míns
Syngjandi rúlla skál bolta eyri á velli

Rúllaðu skál, bolta, eyri, velli
Rúllaðu skál, bolta, eyri, velli
Rúllaðu skál, kúlu, rúllaðu skál, kúlu
Syngjandi rúlla skál bolta eyri á velli

With love and regards;
– Muin, Baron of Bhakail

Editor’s note – Google Translate from Icelandic to English gives the following:

Down at the English Mass I was there one night
When I heard the exhibitor shouting under the talent
I have a wonderful bunch of coconuts
There they all stand in line
Big, small, some as big as your head
Give them a twist on the wrist
This is what the exhibitor said

I have a wonderful bunch of coconuts
Every ball you throw will make me rich
There stands my wife, the idol of my life
Singing roll a bowl of ball penny on the field

Roll bowl, ball, penny, field
Roll bowl, ball, penny, field
Roll bowl, ball, roll bowl, ball
Singing roll a bowl of ball penny on the field

Additional note – That was a “My hovercraft is filled with eels” translation. A better translation (with sheet music) is:

Down at an English fair, one evening I was there,
When I heard a showman shouting, underneath the flare.
“I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts,
There they are, a-standin’ in a row!
Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head!
Give them a twist, a flick of the wrist!”
That’s what the showman said.
“I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts,
Ev’ry ball you throw will make me rich!”
There stands my wife, the idol of me life,
Singin’, “Roll-a-bowl-a-ball-a-penny-a-pitch!
Roll-a-bowl-a-ball, roll-a-bowl-a-ball.”
Singin’, “Roll-a-bowl-a-ball-a-penny-a-pitch!”

Seneschal’s Report – Honorable Lady Alesia de Maris of Ravenstar

On March 1st, the Kingdom lifted the mask requirement for outdoor gatherings including martial activities. If people gather within a pavilion, tent or pop-up that has three or four walls, they must wear a mask. Masks are still required for indoor events, and you must provide proof of vaccination or a negative Covid test taken within 72 hours of the event. If local requirements are more restrictive than the Kingdom requirements, we must follow the local restrictions. There are currently no restrictions on the size of gatherings and food may be served (with the least amount of contact). We will continue to collect contact tracing information. The restrictions will be revisited at the beginning of April. Please continue to take all the necessary precautions. Everything was done correctly at Aisles of Marche on March 5th and a message was sent this morning that there was a potential exposure at the event.

I know it seems like we are going around in circles with Covid, but things are getting better. With the warmer weather coming there will be more outdoor events, the calendar is already starting to fill up. Soon we should be able to gather without masks and once again be part of our society.

In service to the Barony,
– Alesia de Maris

Social Media Deputy – Magister Rowen Cloteworthy

Hail, Bhakail! –

Slow month in new requests to join the FB page. Three new members, including a transplant from Artemisia who’s just moved to the Barony. Information continues to move between the Kingdom’s page and the Barony’s FB and email lists. Have gotten a few fake account requests.

In service,
– Rowen

Exchequer Report – Mistress Philadelphia Brown

The Barony raised $177.58 from Yule. Many thanks to the cooks and the event staff for being careful with expenses, while still producing a safe, fun, and lovely event under very difficult circumstances.

The Council of the Exchequer recommends the budget for Waking of the Salamander.

The Barony is currently penciled in at the German Society for Yule on Saturday, Dec. 10, 2022 and for Tavern on Saturday, Jan. 28, 2023. The German Society’s calendar is filling up, so if we want to hold Yule there in December 2022, we need to make the decision sooner rather than later. With the city no longer offering free street parking on December Saturdays, the site is less attractive than in past years and the Yule event steward would need to investigate the local parking options, if we’re holding Yule there in nine months. I don’t know of a better site which is available for that day, though.

The German Society has penciled in the last Saturday of January 2023 for Tavern. Tavern is a smaller event than Yule, so the parking is not an issue.


– Philly

Chamberlain’s Report – Honorable Lord Bryan Mac Dhunghaill an Boghadair

Nothing to report.

Herald’s Report – Lady Ragna Grímólfsdóttir

No report.

Note: Alesia will follow up with the Herald about filing the court report from Yule.

Chronicler’s Report – Vacant

See “New Business”.

Historian’s Report – Honorable Lord Bryan Mac Dhunghaill an Boghadair

Bryan is looking for stories and photos from past events and practices. He will be attending events and asking for stories.

Knight Marshal’s Report – Lord Egill Illugasson

Both the Knight Marshal and Deputy Knight Marshal, the Honorable Lord Bari of Anglesea, are unable to run practices at this time. Practice continues at the Royer-Greaves School and is currently being run by Hartshorn-dale. Check out the Bhakail heavy weapons Facebook page for details.

Rapier Marshal’s Report – Don Melchior Kriebel

Rapier practice continues, the number of participants is rising. The church where practice takes place is being sold to the daycare that uses the site during the day. The sale is going slowly and it isn’t clear what will happen to rapier practice.

Archery Marshal – Lady Maryna Borowska

No report.

Thrown Weapons Marshal – The Honorable Lord Mikael melrakki

There will be a site prep day on Sunday April 3rd. There won’t be as much clean up to do as there was last year. Archery and Thrown Weapons practices will begin soon after the site is cleaned up and repairs are made to the targets.

Minister of the Lists’ Report – The Honorable Lord Mikael melrakki

Nothing to report.

Chataleine’s Report – Lady Chana Freidl the Maker

There are lots of newcomers who found us during lock down and they are going to their first events. If you see someone looking lost or confused, stop and introduce yourself. Answer questions. And above all please be nice to new people, we want them to want to come back.

Minister of Arts & Sciences’ Report – Lady Maryna Borowska

No report.

Chancellor Minor’s Report – Lady Honorable Lady Roseia Poseia

I have nothing new to report.

In Service to the Barony and the Dream,
– Lady Roseia Posey

Webminister’s Report – Máistir Mael Eoin mac Echuidh


Updates to the website continue as they are needed, and building a refreshed website is still ongoing and should be open soon for review.

If anyone wants to learn about the Webminister role – whether for the Barony or in general for the Kingdom and SCA as a whole – feel free to let me know and I’ll be happy to show the ropes 🙂

In Service,
– Mael Eoin

Bailiwick of Ivyeinrust – Honorable Lady Livia Petralia

Theleme has moved to March 2023.

New business

    • Chronicler – We have two candidates for chronicler, Brandr Stillingr and Ellyn Grene. After some discussion they agreed to be co-chroniclers. A vote of confidence confirmed them to the office. We look forward to this new partnership.


    • Boy Scout demo – Hartshorn-dale received a request to run a demo for a Boy Scout troop in June and they asked Bhakail for help. The request was during the week, and we were unable to get enough people, between Hartshorn-dale and Bhakail, who could attend.


    • Marple Library demo – Alesia was contacted by the library for help with their summer program, Oceans of Possibilities. This is about historical seafaring, so they are looking for assistance with Norse seafarers and pirates. They would also like to do another demo at the end of the summer with an emphasis on seafaring. Alesia has offered to run the demo. A suggestion was made to provide research and to contact Captain Elias Gedney who has a laurel for his research in seafaring.


    • 4H Center Demo in Hartshorn-dale – Hello the Barony! Our neighbors in the fine Shire of Hartshorn-Dale seek help for a multi-day demo during Pennsic! Located at the Montgomery County 4H Center in Collegeville, PA, where Nova Schola was held this past weekend, the Shire is holding demos on August 11th-13th (Thursday through Saturday) as part of the 4H Center’s yearly fair, and is a very popular event! If you are interested in participating, or in hearing more information as it becomes available, please email HHD’s Chatelaine, Lord Jakob Agnarsson, at


  • Commons – After some discussion it was decided to move Commons from August to September 18th. Lady Angela has agreed to be the event steward. We will hold another plague sale at Commons.

Old business


    • Tavern – There are only a few spaces left. Plans are going well.


    • Waking of the Salamander– A vote was held and the proposal for this event was approved. Caer Adamant is considering moving their event from Saturday May 28th to Sunday May 29th so they can attend our event on Saturday.


    • Pennsic – Things are looking good that Pennsic will be happening this year. Now is a good time to take out your tents and set them up. Make repairs and refresh your waterproofing now before camping season begins.


    • Yule – The German Society is holding a reservation for December, but their calendar is filling up fast. As Philadelphia no longer has free parking on Saturday’s parking has become an issue when using the site for Yule. We have started to look for a new site but many of them are already booked through next winter due to so many weddings having been postponed during the pandemic.


  • Exchequer – We are still looking for a new Exchequer, as Mistress Philadelphia’s turn ends in June. This position is not as difficult as you may think. There are spreadsheets and other tools available to make the job go smoothly.

Meeting ended.

Business Meeting

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