Closing the poll for Salamander Pursuivant

Posted on October 2, 2022 By


After discussing the upcoming run-off with Ragna and Maryna, Maryna is withdrawing her letter of intent as Ragna is intending to continue in the role and it isn’t an office with a hard term limit.

I want to thank Maryna for being on top of the office’s term ending and to offer her candidacy, and for Ragna’s service so far and their interest in continuing in the role.

I also appreciate the chance to fulfill the Barony’s policy of anonymous voting; I’ll be closing that poll as a result and will be looking for another solution, should we need one going forward.  (The service I tried was great, but it’s $10 per poll.)  I’m working with the Kingdom to use Lime Surveys, which the Kingdom already pays for (and which the Kingdom uses regularly for polling order polls and the like).

We have some more offices coming up for renewal, and remember that _all_ offices should encourage having deputies, and that being a deputy doesn’t mean you have to succeed the current officer.  If you want to learn about an office, reach out to the officer and ask; whether you just want to learn the ropes, or are interested in taking on one or more aspects of the role, please consider it!

Thank you, and see you in a little over a week for the monthly business meeting 🙂

In Service,

Mael Eoin

AnnouncementsBaronial BusinessBusiness Meeting

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