October 2022 Business Meeting Minutes

Posted on October 12, 2022 By

Barony of Bhakail Meeting: October 11, 2022

Old Business

Champion and Commons 

Event Autocrat Maryna Borowska reports: A great time was had by all! Lots of great food, a thriving plague sale, and there was some fencing. We had 63 gentles in attendance in total, and took in $72 in donations. Thank you everyone who helped out, particularly my deputy Margarette who did a LOT of the (metaphorical) heavy lifting, Chana for doing the plague sale, Scolastica for running the A&S Solar, and Angela for setting up the site rental.


Report from Camp Master Chana: We held a post-Pennsic meeting online at the end of September to go over things that went well or needed improvement for Pennsic 50.  I would like to step back from the role of sole Camp Master and either have a committee of deputies or turn over the position.  If you are interested in taking over some responsibilities, please contact me.

PAX Unplugged

No specific updates, but it is in the planning. There will be a signup sheet for people to volunteer shifts at the event.

Shire Wars

Is this weekend. 


Yule is happening. The Seneschal has submitted a masking variance, and is awaiting a response. The paypal link will be up shortly. The autocrat (Chana) needs an experienced volunteer to run gate.

Herald (Salamander Pursuivant)

Ragna had expressed her interest in another term as Herald, and Maryna subsequently withdrew her letter of intent that was published last month. During the October Meeting, Ragna was voted into a second term, which is for two years. The Seneschal thanked Maryna for her willingness to volunteer.

New Business

Officer Positions 

The current terms for several Bhakail officer positions will be ending over the next several months: 

  • The term for Minister of the Lists (MOL) ends October 2022. MIkael expressed interest in continuing in the office, and a call for additional letters of intent will be forthcoming.
  • The term for Chatelaine ends December 2022. Chana expressed interest in continuing  in the office. 
  • The term for Chancellor Minor ends in January 2023.
  • Mael Eoin had previously requested volunteers to replace him as Web Minister. Ellyn Grene and Finnolfr Hrafnson have expressed interest in helping with the website. 
  • The Barony is also in need of an emergency seneschal


Rickard and Margarette intend to submit a bid.

Waking of the Salamander

Scholastica and Taichleach are planning to submit a bid. April 21-23, 2023 are the tentative dates, based primarily  on availability at Ridley Creek State Park.

Iron Key

Lady Motte requested approval for purchase of Iron Key (loaner fighter gear). Purchase was approved up to $150.

Yule 2023

Philly has been exploring other venue options for Yule in 2023. Discussion was held about site requirements in terms of parking, public transit options, accessibility, kitchen facilities, and costs. A variety of potential venues were discussed. The possibility of collaborating with other neighboring groups for Yule was also raised as an option to possibly consider.

Officer Reports

Coronet’s Report – Baron Muin maqq Minain

Hello the Peoples of the Barony, Our neighbors and Our Allies;

We of Bhakail now have the honor of basking in the Autumnal Sun, as befits Salamanders, and for this you may be Thankful! The Pennsic War, that big-tent carnival draw so many look forward to, is right around the proverbial corner, and We all now must begin the arduous work, each in Our own various ways, in preparations for the big sweltering mishmash event. 

In the barely Post Pennsic times, 

Our Yule event is undulating ever closer, that chunky manta-ray in the rough waters off our metaphorical coast; We will need Our People ready for the A&S and Brewing Championships to choose Our newest Champions who would represent Bhakail in the coming year. 

DEMOS! We have a possible demo coming down the pike, in the form of PAX-Unplugged, and if you want to show off for the public, and possibly recruit new members from amongst the public, please let the Seneschal know of your wish to participate. 

(Remember, he’s Our Seneschal, not Our Seneschan’t!)

When you have time, send your fondest congratulations to Lady Motte Nachfalter for her amazing show of marshal weapons prowess! She has claimed, through her expansive use of arts most smashy, the mantle of Baronial Heavy Weapons Champion this last Sunday at the Harts and Horns Event!

And both Lady Motte and Lord Hopwel maqq Fosgan, the new Populace Champion, deserve Our fullest support and appreciation, for both of whom chose to Represent Bhakail, and made the fighting at the Harts and Horns Event a joy to witness.  

In unrelated news, Lord Dagfinn of the 404 received his AOA at this last River Wars event. 

In closing: Let us harken now to the Wise, and Winsome Poetry of Ancient Caledonii Peoples, with words by noted wordynessman, Eoghain the Long-wInded, sometimes known as the Least Grandson of the Revered Tjolk! Let these words whisk you away to a time e’er now long gone. Let its inspiration give your soul wings!

Delilah àlainn, milis mar apple pie
An-còmhnaidh a’ faighinn dàrna sealladh bho fellas passin’ by
Gach uair a chì thu i tha i còmhla ri fear eile
Delilah àlainn, sin an t-adhbhar carson

Be well; 


Baron of Bhakail

Seneschal’s Report – Máistir Mael Eoin mac Echuidh 

Greetings to the Barony!

Fall events are well underway, though we are still wondering what participation and comfort levels are as things start to move indoors with cooler weather starting to show.

To that end, I’ve asked for a masking variance for Yule, at the request of the event steward, but we’ve yet to hear from Society on that. This may mean there is no requirement for masks, or that there will be that restriction in place. Please keep that in mind when registering, as we don’t know when we’ll know anything for certain.

If any practice or event wants a masking requirement variance (requiring vaccination checks are no longer allowed), please let me know.

Lastly, we’ve had some pressure to find new event sites, especially for our annual Yule event, but we need help to do so. The Barony understands the difficulties around parking and the kitchen at Yule, for example, but unless another site is found, the relationship we have with them makes it easy to accept bids that often don’t come in until after Pennsic, which is really pushing deadlines. 

Sites often book solid many months in advance, so we need to improve our event bidding and acceptance practices. We don’t currently have a policy around deadlines for bidding on events, but going forward, I think we need to get that policy in place, in addition to having folks discover potential new event sites. If you are interested in doing so, please let me know. 

For now, we have local events for the next few months settling nicely, starting to reach into next year, but we can never be too prepared, so if anyone wants to run events in 2023, the singer we lock in dates, contracts and plans for events, the better! 

In Service, 

Mael Eoin

Social Media Deputy – Magister Rowen Cloteworthy

A slightly slower month in new social media subscriptions, with only three and two of them from current members. Still, one more newcomer directed to Lady Chana. Chana has created a FB event for Yule and has made sure it’s been shared among the surrounding group pages. Iron Bog has shared information about their upcoming GeekFest demo. Folks continue to share items of interest and information continues to flow between social media and email.

Salamander Pursuivant’s Report – Lady Ragna Grímólfsdóttir

Anyone interested in producing scrolls for future Baronial Courts is welcome to contact me or our Baronial Signet, The Honorable Lady Mairi Crawford.

Heraldic Submissions:

From the Eastern Internal Letter of Intent (ILoI) – This letter includes all new names and devices that have been submitted to the Eastern College of Heralds in the last month. It takes about two months for items to reach the next stage, the Eastern Letter of Decision.

September 2022:

—  Mael Eoin mac Echuid has submitted a new device (Per fess gules and argent, a lion rampant guardant counter-ermine, for augmentation its tail nowed and gorged of a baronial coronet Or and in base a chaine-shot azure). 

From the Eastern Letter of Intent (LoI) – This letter reports what items will be forwarded to Laurel to be decided on and what will be returned to the submitter for more work. It takes about six more months for submissions to reach the next stage, the Laurel Letter of Acceptances and Returns.

August & September 2022:

—  I did not see any submissions which I immediately recognized as belonging to members of the Barony.

From the Laurel Letter of Acceptances and Returns (LoAR) – This letter says what items have been accepted by SCA’s College of Arms and what has been returned to the submitter unregistered.

June & July 2022:

—  I did not see any submissions which I immediately recognized as belonging to members of the Barony. 

If you are currently unsure of the status of your name or device, please contact me at herald@bhakail.eastkingdom.org and I will provide you with an update.

Knight Marshal – Lady Motte Nachtfalter

Practices have been held this month without incident. There is a rumor that the Tuesday Bridge Goon practice is up to something. (please see artist rendition below):

Rapier Marshal – Don Melchior Kriebel

No report.

Archery Marshal – Lady Maryna Borowska

Practices still ongoing on Sundays. November 20 is likely to be the final practice unless the weather gets weird.

Thrown Weapons Marshal – The Honorable Lord Mikael melrakki 

Practices are continuing Sundays.

Minister of the List – The Honorable Lord Mikael melrakki

Ran Rapier Tournament at Commons.  Round Robin format.

Exchequer – Mistress Philadelphia Brown

Currently working on 3rd quarter financial report and Champions and Commons event report. The rental deposit checks for Yule 2022 and Tavern 2023 have been sent to the German Society.

Chamberlain – Honorable Lord Bryan Mac Dhunghaill an Boghadair

We still have stuff.

Chronicler – Ellyn Grene

The latest issue of the newsletter was published September 30th. Thank you to everyone to contributed to the issue! The next issue is scheduled for November, so I’ll need to finalize the content by November 15. Contact me at chronicler@bhakail.eastkingdom.org if you would like to contribute.

Historian – Honorable Lord Bryan Mac Dhunghaill an Boghadair

Due to Everything going on in my life right. I am not committing to go to anything but Yule. I am waiting to see if the hard drive that had copies of the History is still viable after the fire.

Minister of Arts & Sciences – Lady Scolastica Capellaria

Congratulations to Gisela Szabo and Taichleach Eoghanacht for winning A&S competitions at Harts and Horns last weekend!

I will be teaching a zoom class in conjunction with the Settmour Swamp MOAS on Wednesday October 26th, at 7:00 pm. The class is titled “The Wild Goose Chase: Navigating Digital Museum Databases”. More information will be posted when available.

I am planning a meetup/field trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC on November 5, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. to see the new exhibit on the Tudors. All are welcome to attend. Please email me at MOAS@bhakail.eastkingdom.org if you are interested in carpooling to the museum.

There are A&S opportunities at several local upcoming events including Shire Wars and 100 Minutes War/EK Novice day. Please see the east kingdom event announcements for details.

If you have any A&S interests that you would like to explore, need help researching something, or are looking for resources feel free to email me at MOAS@bhakail.eastkingdom.org.

As a reminder here are the prompts for our Yule A&S competitions!

Baronial A&S Competition Theme chosen by our current Champion Svana Vefari:

This year’s competition will focus around “Growth”. As artists, we find ourselves on an ever-changing and challenging journey while pursuing our particular area of A&S study. We would love to see how artisans have grown from where they began to where they are now. What have you learned? What “Ah-HAH!” moments did you experience? What explorations helped you refine your art and overcome trials? For those of you who are just starting out in your A&S journey, no worries. Please explain what you have learned so far and what goals you are working towards. Actual documentation for entries is highly encouraged and needs only be brief with a few sources. We look forward to seeing your entries and learning more about your Arts and Science journey. Please feel free to PM me or email me (Lindsay.nery@yahoo.com) with any questions or concerns!

Baronial Brewing Competition Theme chosen by our current Champion Siobhan the Harper:

This year’s Theme is Something to Keep Us Warm: Any category beverage (beer, wine, mead, cordial, other) that will keep us all warm and cozy. Points awarded for taste and historical inspiration. So bring your best spiced mead or hyppocras, mulled wine, good hearty beer to enjoy by the fire, Wassail (using the brewer’s product), cordials, etc. As always, a full ingredient list is mandatory. Documentation is encouraged, but not required. Questions may be directed via Messenger to me.

Chatelaine – Lady Chana Freidl the Maker

We had a bunch of newcomers join us at Commons, both taking on tasks as well as some joining us for their very first event!  They benefited greatly from the Plague Sale (we raised $277!!!) and have continued to come to social and getting to know the barony.  We’re so lucky to have such dedicated newcomers!  Many of them have plans to attend upcoming events, and we’ve even started talking them into camping with us at Waking of the Salamander next year!

Chancellor Minor’s – Honorable Lady Roseia Poseia

I helped the Barony of Carillion ‘s Chancellor Minor with Youth activity at G,G & G, and will be working with Lady Widow Kate with Youth Activities for Shires Wars.

Youth Activities are available on request.  Please email  all requests to 181843@menbers.eastkingdom.org

Webminister – Máistir Mael Eoin mac Echuidh

Not much movement on the new website, but we have two folks interested in the role – Ellyn and Finnolfr – so I’ll be introducing the system to them and see how they want to move forward.

Bailiwick of Ivyeinrust – Honorable Lady Livia Petralia

Nothing to report.


Minute notes recorded by Ellyn Grene 

Business MeetingOfficer Reports

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