November 2022 Business Meeting Minutes and Officer Reports

Posted on November 15, 2022 By

Barony of Bhakail Meeting: November 15, 2022

Old Business

PAX Unplugged

Report from Lady Chana Freidl the Maker: coming so soon!  You must purchase tickets to attend on the PAX website ( and if you are going and would like to help at our booth, please reach out to me!  I will be taking names of volunteers but would ask that you come to the table at PAX to sign up for a time to play games with us – I don’t want anyone to commit to a time before the panel schedule comes out in case there’s something they can’t miss!

Shire Wars

Shire Wars happened, and planning is beginning for next year. Mael Eoin, as Seneschal, is currently involved in the discussion, and let him know if anyone else in the Barony is interested as serving as a Bhakail representative.


Report from event steward Lady Chana Freidl the Maker: We are just over a month away!  Please pre-register for both Yule and Feast when you can, we are not accepting registrations at the Gate.  This will be a Royal Progress, and we are thrilled to host Their Majesties at our event!  Exciting things to look forward to include the A&S Championship, Brewing Championship, sock exchange, dancing, and fun times.  Our mask variance was denied, so masks will not be required at Yule. There will be medical-grade masks provided at Gate, and I strongly recommend masking indoors whenever possible as cold and flu season kicks in.

New Business

Officer Positions

  • Minister of Lists: Mikael’s current term ended in October. No one else submitted a letter of intent and Mikael is willing to serve another term. A vote was held and Mikael was reelected.
  • Chatelaine: Term ends in December. Chana has indicated her willingness to continue.
  • Webminister: Webminister position is vacant. Finn is willing to take on the roll, collaborating with the Chronicler to get information out on a timely manner. Vote will be held in December.
  • Emergency Seneschal: Currently no one has expressed an interest in the position. If you are interested please contact Mael Eoin. This is a required position that must be filled.


A bid had recently been submitted and is currently under review.

Waking of the Salamander

A bid has been submitted with tentative dates of April 21-23, 2023. Bid is currently under review.

Yule 2023

Mael Eoin reached out to Hartshorn-Dale, who have agreed we can use LuLu Temple as a venue for Yule 2023. Mael Eoin and Philly will be going on a site visit on November 23 to check out the site, and invite any potential event stewards or event staff to join them. There was discussion about moving forward and signing a contract to secure the site in advance of submission of an event bid if the visit goes well, and no concerns were expressed.

Officer Reports

Coronet’s Report – Baron Muin maqq Minain

Hello the Peoples of the Barony, Our neighbors and Our Allies;

We of Bhakail must rejoice, for Our Yule event is trundling ever closer, that Joyous Garland of Holiday CHeers that sets boldly upon Our Barony’s Hearth; We will need Our People ready for the A&S and Brewing Championships to choose Our newest Champions who would represent Bhakail in the coming year. 

Also are called for those who would hear the call to Service, and aid in producing these festivities, please be aware we will be hosting the Royals this Yule, and we will need All Salamandry Hands on the metaphorical Deck.

DEMOS! We have a possible demo coming down the pike, in the form of PAX-Unplugged, and if you want to show off for the public, and possibly recruit new members from amongst the public, please let the Seneschal know of your wish to participate. Get Paxxinated against the Winter doldrums, and join Us at this Wonderful, and Game-filled event!

We look forward to the Post New Year Revels that are “TAVERN!” And the contests inherent in that day, as well. 

The Baronry is also currently in need of more scroll holders, if anyone either has spares lying about, or is willing to construct them. 

As we approach the beginning of what could be Our Final Year as Baron of Bhakail, I would like to take this time to ask if the Baron would hold a vote, and ascertain whether it would like this to BE my final year. Or if it will allow me to Serve the Barony for one more year. As is Our Custom, We leave this weighty matter up to the People of Bhakail, and Its Officers.

In closing: Let us harken now to the Wise, and Winsome Poetry of Ancient Galacianii Peoples, with words by their most honored and noteworthy of wordynessmen, Gascargana the Adle-Eared, sometimes known as the Connie, to his Roman buddies! Let these words whisk you away to a time e’er now long gone. Let its inspiration give your soul wings!

Na rúa, podes escoitala berrar: “Es unha vergoña”
Mentres ela pecha a porta na súa cara de borracho
E agora está fóra
E todos os veciños comezan a cotillear e babear

El grita: “Oh nena, debes estar tola
Que pasou co doce amor que ti e mais eu tiñamos?”
Contra a porta inclínase e comeza unha escena
E as súas bágoas caen e arden no verde do xardín

E así castelos feitos de area
Caer no mar

Be well,
And Peace be upon you in these Dark Times; 

Baron of Bhakail

Seneschal’s Report – Máistir Mael Eoin mac Echuidh 

We’re still tracking to have a good Yule event, and have noticed TRH are intending to attend as well.  How this will play out with the Baronial/Royal Room is being worked on, but it means the day will be all the more epic having Their Majesties and Their Highnesses in attendance 🙂

Tavern is being planned and we should see some more about that coming soon.

For Yule 2023, we have some exciting news, though we’ll still need a bid for anything to go forward.  After discussing with the impending Barony of Hartshorn-dale, we’re looking forward to returning to the Lulu Temple site that they and we have both used in the past.  All of the parking woes we deal with at the German Society will be no more, and the kitchen is significantly better in numerous ways.  Consider this the official solicitation for bids for Yule 2023…and the sooner we can start planning, the better 🙂  We will have some additional requirements if anyone is interested, so please get in touch with His Excellency and myself if you are considering putting in a bid so that we can discuss specifics.

Finally, we have some updates around COVID policies:

This change is in effect until March 1st, 2023.

What this means for Yule or any other event, we have to see closer to the event for specifics, but the thing to note about the CDC metric being used is it is specifically using the “Community levels” map/metric, not “Community transmission” or any of the other metrics.

If we were to hold Yule this weekend, we would be at a “Medium” level for “Community levels” and could not require masking:

“Transmission levels” at the moment for Philadelphia County, however, are “Substantial”:

We’ll keep monitoring the situation as we get closer and will act as the variance allows, but this is what Society has approved for our use at this time.

Stay warm and safe, and hopefully we’ll see one another soon, as and how we can.

Social Media Deputy – Magister Rowen Cloteworthy

A slow month in the world of new subscribers to the page. Just one person, though a newcomer to the SCA and the Barony. She’s been put in touch with Lady Chana as Chatelaine. Activity-wise, lots of posts with important info. The Heirs to the Tyger thrones, the trip to the Met, announcements about Yule, an A&S course the Honorable Lady Scolastica was teaching, and much more! Until next time…

Salamander Pursuivant’s Report – Lady Ragna Grímólfsdóttir

Anyone interested in producing scrolls for future Baronial Courts is welcome to contact me or our Baronial Signet, The Honorable Lady Mairi Crawford. 

Heraldic Submissions:

From the Eastern Internal Letter of Intent (ILoI) – This letter includes all new names and devices that have been submitted to the Eastern College of Heralds in the last month. It takes about two months for items to reach the next stage, the Eastern Letter of Decision.

October 2022:

—  Martyn de Haliwell has submitted a new device (Per pale azure and gules, an orle of marlets Or). 

November 2022:

—  Margarette La Gantière has submitted a new name (Margarette La Gantière), new device (Argent, a winged cat rampant regardant sable and on a chief dovetailed sable three plates) and new badge (Argent, a winged domestic cat couchant sable and a bordure parted bordurewise sable and argent). 

From the Eastern Letter of Intent (LoI) – This letter reports what items will be forwarded to Laurel to be decided on and what will be returned to the submitter for more work. It takes about six more months for submissions to reach the next stage, the Laurel Letter of Acceptances and Returns.

October 2022:

—  I did not see any submissions which I immediately recognized as belonging to members of the Barony. 

From the Laurel Letter of Acceptances and Returns (LoAR) – This letter says what items have been accepted by SCA’s College of Arms and what has been returned to the submitter unregistered.

August 2022:

—  Finnólfr Hrafnsson’s name (Finnólfr Hrafnsson) and device (Or, a raven rising wings displayed regardant sable within a bordure parted bordurewise wavy sable and Or) have been accepted by Laurel.

—   Meadhbh inghean Eoin name (Meadhbh inghean Eoin) and device (Sable, two wolves sejant addorsed and in base a crescent pendant argent) have been accepted by Laurel.

If you are currently unsure of the status of your name or device, please contact me at and I will provide you with an update.

Knight Marshal – Lady Motte Nachtfalter

No incidents to report, practice continues intermittently at various sites under 95. Marshals in Charge vary between Sir Bari of Angelssey and Sir Elglin the Eagle.

Rapier Marshal – Don Melchior Kriebel

Bhakail Rapier practice continued to be held at the Mayfair Presbyterian Church in Northeast Philadelphia. There were no incidents and attendance was moderate.

We have emailed the new owners of the site to see about how we can continue using the site going forwards. As of today there has been no reply.

Archery Marshal – Lady Maryna Borowska & Thrown Weapons Marshal – The Honorable Lord Mikael melrakki 

Report submitted by Mikael melrakki

Thrown Weapons and Archery practices:

No practice on 11/20/22 due to 100MW.

Probably no practice on 11/27/22 due to Thanksgiving.

Practices in December may occur if the weather stays warm.

Check with Mikael or Maryna to verify if practices are occuring.  If not, see you in the spring.

Minister of the List – The Honorable Lord Mikael melrakki

Nothing to report.

Exchequer – Mistress Philadelphia Brown

Slooowwwly showing my wonderful new Deputy the ropes. I haven’t scared her off yet, AND she’s been very patient with how long it’s taking me to work on this transition.

Hard to believe that Pax demo, Yule Revel, and year-end report are all just around the corner! If anyone needs reimbursements, please let me know.

For Yule Revel, the additional insurance and the outside cleaning company (for cleaning the floors, primarily) have been set up, just like last year.

Chamberlain – Honorable Lord Bryan Mac Dhunghaill an Boghadair

Nothing to report.

Chronicler – Lady Ellyn Grene 

Currently working to gather content for the November issue of the Salamander. Please contact me by Nov 21 if you have something you would like to contribute!

Historian – Honorable Lord Bryan Mac Dhunghaill an Boghadair

Nothing to report.

Minister of Arts & Sciences – Lady Scolastica Capellaria

This past month I taught a class over zoom examining strategies to navigate Museum Databases. I give a huge thanks to Margarette la Gantière for leading the trip to the Met in my stead.

There are A&S opportunities at several local upcoming events including 100 Minutes War/EK Novice day (November 19th in Sparta NJ). Bhakail’s Yule (Dec 10 in Philadelphia) will have our brewing competition, A&S competition and Athena’s Thimble Panel/Solar as well as singing and dancing. Owlsherst’s Twelfth Night event (January 7 in York PA) will boast games, bardic and dancing. Please see the east kingdom event announcements for details.

If you are interested in teaching classes on just about anything, there is a call for classes for Nova Schola in Hartshorn Dale on March 4, 2023 in Collegeville PA. Please contact Alison Wodehalle

March 4, 2023 is also the date of the Kingdom A&S competition! This year in Laval Quebec! Registration opens December 1. This year’s competition will again be a hybrid format of online displays and in person competition. For more information please read about it on the Kingdom MOAS website:

If you have any A&S interests that you would like to explore, need help researching something, or are looking for resources feel free to email me at I also would love to see what you are working on! Please send me pictures of your projects!

As a reminder here are the prompts for our Yule A&S competitions!

Baronial A&S Competition Theme chosen by our current Champion Svana Vefari:

This year’s competition will focus around “Growth”. As artists, we find ourselves on an ever-changing and challenging journey while pursuing our particular area of A&S study. We would love to see how artisans have grown from where they began to where they are now. What have you learned? What “Ah-HAH!” moments did you experience? What explorations helped you refine your art and overcome trials? For those of you who are just starting out in your A&S journey, no worries. Please explain what you have learned so far and what goals you are working towards. Actual documentation for entries is highly encouraged and needs only be brief with a few sources. We look forward to seeing your entries and learning more about your Arts and Science journey. Please feel free to PM me or email me ( with any questions or concerns!

Baronial Brewing Competition Theme chosen by our current Champion Siobhan the Harper:

This year’s Theme is Something to Keep Us Warm:

Any category beverage (beer, wine, mead, cordial, other) that will keep us all warm and cozy. Points awarded for taste and historical inspiration. So bring your best spiced mead or hyppocras, mulled wine, good hearty beer to enjoy by the fire, Wassail (using the brewer’s product), cordials, etc. As always, a full ingredient list is mandatory. Documentation is encouraged, but not required. Questions may be directed to Siobhan the Harper.

Chatelaine – Lady Chana Freidl the Maker

Our newcomers continue participating online, at weekly socials, and are looking forward to future events like Yule and Tavern!

Chancellor Minor’s – vacant

Webminister – Máistir Mael Eoin mac Echuidh

Three of us gathered online, recently, to discuss the office of Webminister and my intent to hand it off.  We had a good time with ideas and enthusiasm flowing, and I am announcing that as of this meeting, the position is open for candidates, with Finn offering to step up. He and Ellyn will be collaborating on content in general between their offices, which was a great outcome to see.

If no other candidates are forthcoming between now and December, we’ll hold an operational vote next month, otherwise we’ll plan a formal polling.

Looking forward to new perspectives and energy being brought to the website, and I’ll stick around to support and train as needed 🙂

Bailiwick of Ivyeinrust – Honorable Lady Livia Petralia

No report.


Minute notes recorded by Ellyn Grene 

Business MeetingOfficer Reports

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