May 2023 Officer Reports

Posted on May 8, 2023 By

Following are the monthly officer reports that have been submitted prior to the Bhakail monthly business meeting of  May 9, 2023.

Seneschal’s Report – Máistir Mael Eoin mac Echuidh 

Greetings to the Barony,

The big news, I believe, is that we had a very successful second run of Waking of the Salamander!  Yes, we were rained out on Saturday, and about 30 minutes earlier than anyone expected, but people stuck around to help pack most everything out, and for that we’re extremely grateful.  Friday night around the fire was well worth making it out for and the pottery demos were very well attended, as was the foraging walk!  Thank you, too, to those cooks who did make it out and everyone who contributed food throughout the event.  We’re looking forward to the next one and discussions are already underway…always a good sign 🙂

Insurance rates have gone up at the Society level; not by much, though something for event stewards to consider when planning event bids.

Keep an eye on the East Kingdom Calendar for upcoming events, consider visiting some neighboring events for great activities and hopefully some camping as things warm up (and dry out!) more 🙂

Knight Marshal – Lady Motte Nachtfalter

From the midst of the local fighting populace of Bhakail, I have received inquiry as to the availability of my current office. I have gladly served the role in spirit, as promised, but have found my flesh too absent from the practices held for my liking. Fear not, for now one of your own wishes to take upon the mantle of your Knight Marshal!!

I cannot in good conscience stand in the way of one who resides within thine borders, present and active at the practices we hold, and is well thought of both locally and abroad. Please consider this my recommendation of Aaron the Swift (modernly known as Quinn White), current Beast of the East and Champion of Iron Bog as the future Knight Marshal of Bhakail.

Aaron’s prowess has earned him the respect of both our peers and our Peers. The warranted marshals who maintain our practice in my physical absence know him well and will maintain their duties while Aaron himself finishes his training to join the registered marshallate. For this and his unprompted interest in taking up the role, I do gladly step aside to allow one better suited to the responsibilities to step forward.

It is with a fondness that I thank both you and the populace for enlisting my aid this past year. The Barony of Bhakail is my sweet neighbor and I am glad for our friendship. If ever you have a need, please do not hesitate to call upon me and I shall do my utmost to lend aid.

Thank you for the honor and I shall abide as the decision is discussed and elections are made in accordance with your laws. Once the way is clear, I will ensure the Iron Key entrusted to me and increased during my term is passed safely to the next hands that will guard it.

Rapier Marshal – Don Melchior Kriebel

Bhakail Rapier Practice continues to be suspended as we search for a proper practice location.

In addition, I have named Ysmay as the baronial deputy marshal as she has now been made a proper SCA rapier marshal.

Thrown Weapons Marshal – The Honorable Lord Mikael melrakki 

Practices continue on Sundays

Minister of the List – The Honorable Lord Mikael melrakki

Nothing to report

Exchequer – Beck of Copeland

I’m working with Philly to learn my new job. I haven’t been added to the bank account so Philly is doing the reimbursement checks for WofS. I have the check from the PayPal registration ($909.xx) and need to get it deposited.

Chronicler – Lady Ellyn Grene 

I’m currently working on the next issue of the newsletter, which is scheduled for publication in late May. Please send me anything you would like to contribute to the issue by May 21.

Minister of Arts & Sciences – Lady Scolastica Capellaria

April was another busy month for Artisans, teachers and cooks who displayed all their wonderful skills at the Waking of the Salamander. A big thanks goes out to Lord Aiden, Mistress Lissa, Baroness Ysmay, Dame Elizabet, Lady Alexandra, and Lady An Hua for their teaching. We also were graced by amazing cooks and fantastic chickensmithery from Master Jabril, Master john Marshall, Margarette La Gantiere and David Bonar.

If you are interested in teaching or hosting arts and science classes, please let me know! I would like to schedule additional classes for the barony and friends.

Largess! There is a call for Largess for various gift giving opportunities. Please inquire if you are interested donating your time to make things for the Barony to give as Largess in the near future. If you have any questions, please send them my way!

There are A&S opportunities at the following local events:

  •  May 13, 2023: Sign of the Dancing Fox, Shire of Nordenhalle (Kingston, NY) Music, Song, Dance, and Arts and science challenges to mark the day.
  •  May 20, 2023: Al-Hafla, Buckland Cross, (Bucks County PA TBD), Music, Dancing, Game, and food.
  •  May 26-29th, 2023: Quest for Wit and Wisdom, Settmour Swamp (Pittstown, NJ). Baronial A&S Competition, display and artisan’s row.

 Our neighbors in Buckland cross are putting on a series of garb related workshops to help all get ready for Pennsic. Check out their facebook page for more information.

The Kingdom MOAs office now has a calendar for arts and science events across the kingdom!

If you have any A&S interests that you would like to explore, need help researching something, or are looking for resources feel free to email me at I also would love to see what you are working on! Please send me pictures of your projects!

Chatelaine – Lady Chana Freidl the Maker 

Pennsic Report: Pennsic is coming!  Bhakail held a camp meeting on 4/30 and made some decisions.  Now is the time to set up your tents and check for leaks!  And measure them to make sure your camp forms are accurate!  Your camp masters ask a million questions for a reason – we want to have all the details so we can make your Pennsic go smoothly. 

Chatelaine Report: More and more newcomers have been joining us and I love seeing how Bhakailis and our neighbors are welcoming them.  At Waking of the Salamander we had 12 newcomers!  Please continue to help these fine people by answering their questions with patience and kindness.  You too were new once, remember that feeling of the first person that really helped you find your footing?  Give that to someone else!

Webminister –  Finnolfr Hrafnsson

I have made some minor alterations to the website and am working on trying to make the calendar a little easier to read.  I have updated the current champions as well.

I’m working with Ellyn to add some photographs to the website to make it more engaging and obvious as to what we do.  I would love photographs from the populace of Bhakail in action!  Whether it be Pennsic photos, Waking of the Salamander, or Bhakail at other events!  If you have any submissions please send them my way! 

Bailiwick of Ivyeinrust – Honorable Lady Livia Petralia

The Bailiwick’s May 8th meeting was run by the deputy Seneschal, Livia Petralia, as our new seneschal, Emery de Champagne, was present but under the weather and we have not yet received full acknowledgement of the change in officers from the Kingdom Seneschalate.

Officer email transfers are in progress, but not all are complete. We are still in transition.

Upcoming activities include:
next Lunch in the Bailiwick will be Wednesday, May 17th at noon at the outdoor tables of Sang Kee Noodle House (3549 Chestnut St)
next business meeting will be Monday, June 12 at 7pm over Zoom

Please feel free to join us.

We also discussed upcoming activities in the region:

Bhakail’s scriptorium
Hartshorn-dale’s Friday dance practices
Hartshorn-dale’s Virtual Newcomer Socials on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 7pm
Hartshorn-dale’s Virtual A&S discussions on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 7:30pm
UPenn’s Fine Arts Library’s workshops on printing and natural dyes (separate workshops, not together)

And carpool needs for various local events like:

Iron Bog Investiture
Bhakail Champions (which would be great to take students to, if we can recruit any over the summer)

And then we discussed cats. As one does.

Officer Reports

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