January 2023 Business Meeting Notes

Posted on January 10, 2023 By

Barony of Bhakail Meeting Notes: January 10, 2023

Old Business

Yule 2022 

Financial reports are being finalized, and the event is showing a profit.

Exchequer Council Members

A call for volunteers to serve as new members on the Exchequer Council was put out last month. Four individuals have volunteered: Lady Motte Nachefalter, THL Bryan mac Dhughaill an Boghadair (aka Bryan the Archer), m’lord Guillaume de St. Ferriol, Doña Damiana Almodóvar de Sevilla. Mistress Philadelphia will be inviting them all to serve on the Council. Mikaeil has also volunteered, and a call will be made for a sixth volunteer. Mael Eoin suggested that the terms be staggered so turnover does not all occur at the same time. 

New Business

Shire Wars Charter

Have been invited to be a signatory to the Shire Wars charter. Bhakail already supports Shire Wars financially and by participating. If Bhakail signs, we would be responsible for staffing and running one Shire Wars in rotation with the other participating Shires/Baronies. The charter is in this months agenda, and everyone is urged to read it before the February business meeting.

Shire Wars 2023

Looking for a group to run Shire Wars 2023. If any individual in Bhakail is interested in volunteering to run the event, reach out to Mael Eion.

Baronial Events

Tavern At the Sign of the Wolf, Raven and Winged Cat

No major updates at this time. 

Waking of the Salamander

The event announcement is in progress and will be posted for pre-registration soon. There is no cap on the number of people who can be on the site.

Champions and Commons (pending)

No updates at this time.

Yule 2023 (pending)

Mael Eoin put out a survey to gauge the general opinions on the current site or moving to a new site. In general people enjoy the atmosphere of the German Society and parking was not viewed as a major issue for most respondents. Mael Eoin proposes that Yule 2023 continue at the German Society this year, and also urges people to continue investigating other potential sites for the future. Concern was expressed about accessibility and the kitchen facilities at the German Society; for feast possibilities including “bring your own feast” were mentioned. Taichleach proposed forming a search committee to look for alternative sites, and a request for volunteers will be advertised.

Minute notes recorded by Ellyn Grene 

Business Meeting

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